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MLB 09: The Show Steps To The Plate

New Englanders are digging out from yet another snowstorm and it remains very cold across much of North America, but spring training has already begun, and it's time again to give a nod to the country's national pastime.

MLB 09: The Show is now available in stores nationwide for the PS3, PS2, and PSP, and "with improved franchise and online modes, transitional lighting effects, and customizable fan chants and yells, the series promises to deliver yet another incredible baseball gaming experience to fans everywhere." Last year's installment was amazing and perhaps the best baseball simulator and we expect yet another leap with MLB 09 . Said Vice President of Product Marketing at SCEA, Scott Steinberg:

"As the industry leader, we continue to deliver features that consistently set the standard for next-gen sports gaming. With MLB 09 The Show, we are excited to deliver true-to-life gameplay, deeper franchise and season modes, and incredibly realistic detail. We look forward to fans reactions as they participate in this unparalleled baseball video game experience."

You've also got the great "Road to the Show" mode, which any baseball fan can completely lose themselves in for months and months and months . If you pick this one up, you will likely experience the most diverse, in-depth, and vividly realistic depiction of the sport that you've ever seen. In this generation, the technical advantages give developers all kinds of licenses to create and innovate, and we're starting to see that in the sports genre. Move over, Madden, MLB is the new leader!

Related Game(s): MLB 09: The Show

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15 years ago

Road to the Show is by far one of the best features in any sports game.

15 years ago

I have seen the commercials for this all over the TV and they look great. The red sox player complaining about not being able to hit a pitch in the game, and wanting Sony to change it. Great stuff!!

15 years ago

Yeah, that was a great commerical.

15 years ago

Sports games are fun nowadays but I still mis the days of Mutant leauge sports and that NES basketball game where you could slug other players to get the ball

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Mutant League Football!!!

GOD, I miss that game.

15 years ago

you referring to Arch Rivals?

15 years ago

Probably is Arch Rivals, but it has been so long that I forgot

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

Review will be up tonight

15 years ago

I'm going to pick this game up before II go to work. This is the best baseball game ever, road to the show is highly addicting.

15 years ago

I've never really enjoyed baseball or baseball games (used to play some on the nes a lot though, way back when) but i'm a huge fan of the NHL series of games. Umm… this "road to the show" mode, what is it exactly? is it like "Be a pro" mode in NHL09? where you make yourself (or choose a star) and go through their career?

Last edited by Zemus101 on 3/3/2009 12:11:10 PM

15 years ago

It is, but more in-depth, and just better overall imo =D MLB 09 FTW!

By the way everyone, what's the best way to buy MLB 09 when I live in the UK? Can I get it from Amazon US with my UK account?

15 years ago

you can probably get it off amazon US. but you might have to buy it from one of the third party vendors

15 years ago

Ok thanks man, is around $55 a good price for a new US game do you think?

15 years ago

hmm more in-depth you say? Then I certainly hope that NHL10 this year goes more in-depth with the BAP mode then, cuz I thought it already couldn't be improved upon.

15 years ago

I must admit I did only play it at my mates house for a couple of hours, so i'm probably wrong 😛

Either way, both of them are great, I just prefer baseball personally.

15 years ago

I still play Road to the Show mode from last year's game, I get lost in it for hours and hours! I just picked up 09 over lunch, can anyone make the remaining 4 hours in my work day finish in like oh I dunno, 10 minutes????

15 years ago

You could hit your boss and get fired, you'd be able to go straight home and play >.>

15 years ago

Thats the spirit!

15 years ago

Can't wait to play MLB 09. I've been an antsy all week because I'm dying to play baseball again. I put in 120 hours in MLB 08 and I plan to put in the same or more in 09. I haven't decided who I'll play as. Last year, I was the Detroit Tigers. I might play this year as the Baltimore Orioles, the Chicago White Sox, the Detroit Tigers again or I might play as an NL team like Los Angeles or Milwaukee and see how I compensate having a pitcher come to the plate in most games.

Hey, I just got the call! MLB 09 is here!!! I'm going to walk to EB and pick up my game!!!

15 years ago

I've decided to take the Chicago Cubs through a season. I'm very familiar with them; I have WGN here in Ottawa, Ontario. I'll go through Spring Training this year so I can get a feel for NL baseball.

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