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View Your PS3 Trophies On, More Features Coming

During the early days of the PlayStation 3, many users began to ask Sony for something similar to the Xbox 360's Achievement system. Sony's answer came last year in the form of Trophies, and they are now mandatory for any future PS3 title. But this is only the beginning…

We're certain you all know where to find your Trophy collection on the PS3, but did you know you can also view them over at starting today? If you sign in to the site, you'll be able to see your Trophy collection in its entirety, and that's not all: soon, Sony will provide us with more ways to compare and contrast our collections as "additional features that will further integrate the PSN and the PlayStation website" are on the way. If you want to see a corresponding screenshot and learn a bit more, head on over to the official PlayStation blog . That picture there is of SCEA Social Media Manager Jeff Rubenstein's Trophy collection, which is pretty damn admirable. This is one of those announcements that won't be fully appreciated until we get some of those aforementioned features to enhance the experience, but it's good enough for now. We know a lot of you out there are really into Trophies, and this is for all you hardcore fans that wouldn't mind comparing your collections against other PSN users in the near future.

We'll let you know when more updates come down the pike, so stay tuned. In the meantime, don't kill yourself trying to snag all the Killzone 2 Trophies, okay? Some of them seem downright impossible…

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15 years ago

That's interesting for some reason though runs real sloe on my computer but that's a cool feature

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I love Trophies. I hope they do integrate more features.
I just wished Trophies could buy stuff in Home, like the early rumours suggested.


Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

^ 1st technically processed post ^ 😉

Disclaimer: I am not a post troll.

15 years ago

I agree, I've looked at the KZ2 trophy list and it's kinda scary, some of it sounds quite fun (Knife kills and the ones requiring you to kill so many Helghast etc) but being one of the top players in the world for a week? (I think that's right) wow …no plat for me. I do love to collect trophies but I won't be going out of my way with this one just to end up with 70% or so in the end 😛

I don't think I'll have much use for checking up on my trophy list on my pc, since my ps3 is on most of the time anyways. But, "additional features"? Hmm …i'm intrigued a little bit.

15 years ago

yer i know. Get in the top 1% online in a week. wtf

15 years ago

The top online trophies will be easy, imo. Wait until COD Modern Warfare 2 hits, then play for a few weeks. The online will probably be scarce for a month or two. 😀

15 years ago

Sounds cool to me, even if it really doesn't have that much value in my opinion. If anything at least draw others, who don't post on blogs etc, to a common place to meet and chat.

15 years ago

Scratch that, since i'm in the land downunder and for some obscure reason we are part of the EU server, we'll probably see these changes come through some time in the next 20 yrs if you take into account how long it took us to get SSF2HD!

15 years ago

It's nice that you can do that now but Trophies are still kinda lame compared to achievements.

They're starting to show up in more games but I think I only have one Bluray game that even has them otherwise my list is all PSN games.

15 years ago

It ain't up yet, and I actually feel better getting a trophy than an ancheivment, because an achievement gives points, not a ranked object, like a trophy.

Last edited by Jizmack on 3/2/2009 11:22:20 PM

15 years ago

oh yea been my profile picture wont show up, Its 80x 80 and only 12kb, can you tell me wat i'm doing wrong, also format is excepted.

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

I have quite a few more gold and silver trophies than him. Bronze trophies not too much, but I guess I work harder at the games. I definitely seem to have less games on my trophy list than he appears to.

15 years ago

Never been into the Trophy thing, I'd like Sony to invest more time and money into filling the PSN with more PS1 classics and PSP games than anything to do with Trophies.

15 years ago

Sony doesnt make the trophies, they just made the trophy devkit addon and told the devs they need to use it. Now they just have to approve of them, which i assume doesnt take much effort.

15 years ago

Well So far I am level 4 with 85 trophies and still counting

15 years ago

This is embarrassing, I call myself an old school RockNRolla when it comes to games but my trophies aren't up to snuff.

15 years ago

I demand an API for this, that's when I'll be fully happy.

I have no doubts Sony will release a good gamer card, but having alternatives such as Playfire (for their social groups) is preferable, IMO.

15 years ago

I'm with you 100%

The Stig
The Stig
15 years ago

No trophy integration on the Euro Playstation site 🙁 Not really that surprising tho since SCEE doesn't care about us.

The Stig
The Stig
15 years ago

Ok so I can still use it on the US site, but thats not the point.

I've also just noticed the US sites friends list shows more info than its euro counterpart. ie. comment

Last edited by The Stig on 3/3/2009 6:34:00 AM

15 years ago

Who cares about comparing trophies on a damn PC. What SCEE are doing basically it's about the Gaimz

15 years ago

I'm battering my way throughth Street Fighter IV trophies at the moment. got 21/48 so far. Trophies are a fantastic idea and an interesting way to encourage determination. I'm on level 6 at the moment, though half of my games dont actually have trophy patches, which is a shame.

15 years ago

Can't wait to get home and take at my online trophy list. Sure hope they come up with a flash gamercard.

15 years ago

Great feature for web users imo. I think trophies are great b/c it adds lots of replay value to a game. I'll go back and replay a game to get trophies i'v missed. So far im on level 11 at 51%. 747 trophies total.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Wow =D

15 years ago

I'm very interested to see when they come out with a leaderboard for it. I'm registered on PS3trophies and Playfire being in the 50's and 30's respectfully. (Level 12, 944, 11 platinums) But, I'm sure there's a ton of people who don't bother registering on those sites.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I'm a little proud, I'm Lv 5 – 19% with 3 games.
But ffrulez's is better.


15 years ago

Playfire is a good site for this. It will automatically update your xbox live achievements but you have to manually enter your trophies for you PSN card. The guy with the #1 spot for trophies has every trophy you can possibly get.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Yeah but the top 10 guys just selected 99% of the Trophies to put in.


15 years ago

what i really want is being able to check your messages online

Last edited by faraga on 3/3/2009 2:14:34 PM

15 years ago


15 years ago

there is also an ipod touch/iphone app that u can view the trophies on

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