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Killzone 2: 4th-Fastest Selling Sony Title In The UK

There was little doubt that Killzone 2 would become a huge success, but as most of us will agree that Sony's marketing campaign could've been stronger, a few people have wondered if KZ2 would fall shy of expectations.

Well, it certainly seems unlikely if one considers the early sales numbers from the UK. According to MCVUK, Killzone 2 has not only claimed the top spot in the ELSPA GfK-ChartTrack All Formats Top 40 this week, but it has also become the 4th-fastest selling Sony-published title in the UK. No, they're not limiting that to the PlayStation 3; they're talking about all Sony-published video games. It's the second-fastest in the PS3 library, as KZ2 didn't quite manage to catch the record set by Gran Turismo 5: Prologue …but does anyone else find it totally bizarre that a demo is the fastest-selling Sony-published title for the PS3? Sure, we don't really even consider it a "demo" 'cuz it's actually bigger than some full games, but even so…can you imagine what's going to happen when the final product – Gran Turismo 5 – releases? The UK is going to explode! As for Guerilla's awesome FPS, it's the first All Formats #1 in the UK in nearly two years; the last was the stellar God of War II in April 2007.

So anyway, those are the early numbers for our friends across the pond; now, we eagerly anticipate the NPD numbers. Sony really needed KZ2 to be gigantic and it most likely will be exactly that. We'd still like to see the results, though.

Related Game(s): Killzone 2

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15 years ago

who cares about sales, its a great game and if you dont have it you are missing out. That is all that matters.

15 years ago

The commercials were good but seriously, they didn't air untill a few days before release. I mean Resistance 2 had some of the worst commercials I had seen for a game but they still were on all the time.

Why doesn't Sony get a better advertising division. We need comercials that make you wan't to buy a system. Like the original gears trailer did for xbox

15 years ago

Well put, these aren't just games, they need to be system sellers. Sony doesn't know this for some reason.

15 years ago

Have any of you considered a career in marketing? Maybe Sony needs creative minds like you. And I'm not being sarcastic.

The Stig
The Stig
15 years ago

Sony do know this. But they are still a bit arrogant when it comes to marketing, not as bad as they use to be tho.

15 years ago

Ummmm… Sony was really great at marketing the PS1 and PS2.

But for some reason, Sony just doesn't get it this gen.

15 years ago

Agreed. Sony has said several times that one of their current goals is trying to cut losses in their Playstation division, so Im assuming the marketing dept was one of the first to go. Apparently someone there doesnt think that advertising helps sell things.

15 years ago

I just saw one last night and i'm thinking they might air them over the next week or so just so then the people who seem them will actually be able to rush to the store and buy it 🙂

Can't wait to see the sales numbers…

15 years ago

With all the hype and reviews I'm suprised it wasn't the fastest selling ps3 game of all times.

15 years ago

I've been reading all the news and posts on this site for a little over a year now (ever since I got my ps3) and just now i'm finally making an account, cuz I need some fellow gamers to make me feel better lol Ummm …first off, I haven't seen any KZ2 commercials over here in Canada yet, although I don't watch much tv, I did see way too many GeoW2 commercials, as well as R2 when those games came out. Umm …now for my problem, I ordered KZ2 from this weekend (I was going to wait a few weeks, but after seeing my entire friendslist playing it I gave in) and today I checked up on my order to see if it's shipped yet, and noticed that for some stupid reason, the billing address was different than the shipping address. The shipping address is my old apartment! I've ordered a few blu-rays from since and had no issues. I called them up, and all they told me was that I would have to go to my old apartment, find out who's living there, and get them to give me the game o.O I'm just so stressed out right now that I won't get to play this game for awhile, if at all 😛 cuz i ain't buying it again ….ok maybe, but i'll hafta wait until next month cuz that's all the spending cash i'll have for awhile D: I mean, to be honest, i'm a good person, but if KZ2 showed up in my mailbox, and the next day someone asked if anything showed up, i might say no >.> at least i'd think about it, so i'm hoping an old couple live there and they'll be nice about it, i just don't know what to say since i want to go there before it shows up. Anyways, nice to be a part of psxe (finally) and I'll try to keep my posts a heck of a lot shorter from now on >< I just had to vent a bit …

15 years ago

Yeah Zemus, that sucks. I am a big fan of getting stuff from amazon, and I have noticed a couple of time during the checkout process that the shipping address is different than the billing address. I think it might have to do with what addresses you have on file, and which ones are tied to the card(s) you have on file as well. I sure hope you find that package!!! On the KZ2 commercial note…I don't really remember seeing any commercials either. But then again, most of the shows I watch are done with the DVR, so I'll skip most commercials. Plus, I don't think they'd play video game commercials during shows like LOST or Survivor, you know?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Vent all you wish, but don't forget about the forums!

And welcome. 🙂

The Stig
The Stig
15 years ago

Isnt it illegal to open someone elses mail. I know it is in the UK and there is SERIOUS penalties for doing so.

15 years ago

I've seen one commercial that they play over and over for KZ2 in Canada. It's the one that follows the slow-mo path of a bullet. But even then they don't do anything to get me hyped for the game. They don't show any gameplay at all. I did see a KZ2 poster on the side of a bus the other day though. But except for a few friends that I know that check the web for new games, I've talked to a lot of people that don't know much about the game. I'm thinking of holding education seminars…

15 years ago

It might be that you ave more than one delivery address in your amazon account?
Only seen the KZ2 TV Ads twice so far, but I am also someone who doesn't watch much TV. I've seen more MotorStorm 2 TV ads this past week or so than KZ2.

Not sure if its the same ad in the UK but it shows a slow-mo of a bullet. The ad doesn't really show gameplay in a someone playing it sort of sense but it does state at the bottom of the screen 'Actual gameplay'

15 years ago

i didnt get killzone 2 yet… and i dont plan to… a bit disappointed at Resistance 2. Killzone demo plays the same exactly as resistance except with better graphics and better physics when the enemy get shot.

15 years ago

I think you're crazy buddy, but I'll respect your opinion. I don't think KZ plays anything like R2, and I love them both though.

Last edited by JasperLoons on 3/2/2009 11:04:21 PM

15 years ago

i dont play too much first person shooters, but it feels like theres too much resembelance between the two. Till now, i have not finished Resistance 2 story mode yet. Although I think R2 is only worth 40 bucks experience, KZ2 is worth the full 60 bucks. I bought R2 because i thought i give sony a bit support and give shooter a try.

another thing i dont like about these shooters, is that its main attraction is multi-players. the game loses value as time goes on when less players play the game.

15 years ago

I'm not too into first person shooters but I always, at least, try to give them a chance. And I can say without a doubt Killzone 2 is worth every penny. My second favorite PS3 game only beat out by MGS4.

15 years ago

Yeah, I, too, am not particularly a fan of the fps genre, but I'm a fanatic when it comes to quality. Even after owning R2, I can honestly say that KZ2 belongs in every PS3 owner's library.

15 years ago

I fourth that,i luv fps,but there's just too many of'em.

Killzone 2 is miles better than Resistance 2,though i haven't played any of the 2,i can tell by the K2 demo n sales..HA!

Meantime,am waiting for third-person games like Resident Evil 5,Uncharted 2,Heavy Rain and GoWIII.

Last edited by www on 3/3/2009 5:42:45 AM

15 years ago

wow, because you didnt like resistance 2 you wont like this game? so be it, these 2 games have almost nothing in common besides the fps view. They also play nothing alike.

Please, show me some resemblance between the 2 games, better yet don't worry about it, your search would be futile since they don't resemble each other. The game that its compared to the most would be CoD4, which plays nothing like resistance 2 neither

15 years ago

I see the commercials all the time when i'm watching mtv

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I just saw my 1st ad when watching a tape and it was awesome.

I thought they were going to show that Bullet Time one but what I saw was totally different and it was showing soldiers in 3rd person having scraps (LOL).


15 years ago

Since today, I've only seen the KZ2 "Bullet Dance" commercial 4 times in the Philadelphia/New York region.

Sony needs to kick everyone in their ad department right between the buttcheeks for doing such a piss-poor job with the PS3.

They need to re-hire the old PS2 avertising crew, at least I saw commericials for it & it's games ALL THE TIME!!

15 years ago

I must say this is one of the most INTENSE game I've played in a while lol, I played the game on veteran difficulty and this destroys Call of Duty 4's veteran difficulty i mean on the last level i was killed more than 40 times probably lmao hahaha

15 years ago

I think it's funny how some people are bashing this game just because it isn't ever going to Xbox. Go figure.

15 years ago

I know I'm going to hate this game just because of how much I see it's bloody name on this site.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

You might try smiling.

15 years ago

I tried the demo and it seems really awesome! The only problem is that I don't really wanna pay 60 bucks for another game… the price for games these days are are way too high.

15 years ago

Have to agree, game prices are simply too high! I am enjoying Killzone 2 nonetheless 🙂


"i am home"

15 years ago

Seeing how Uncharted is still $60 don't expect KZ2's price to go down anytime soon.

Plus the game has a wicked campain and an even better online experience

15 years ago

uncharted is still 60 dollars wow in the uk its been like 15 quid for ages

15 years ago

yea am surprised,in the UK K2 is like 30GBP and Uncharted is about 15GBP.

You're certainly forgetting the platinum edition of Uncharted,it's cheap,duh!

The Stig
The Stig
15 years ago

Think about how much time and MONEY goes into making a game. Thats why games are more expensive nowadays.

The average price of KZ2 in the UK is about £35 which is about US$50. I was quite surprised to find this out as usually we get charged more for stuff in the UK.

15 years ago

The Price for games has been largely unaffected by inflation, and have actuallly deflated in the past 10 years (at least here in Canada).

Snes games were regularly breaking the 60 dollar price point, with some RPGS like Secret of Mana go for as much as 80-90 bucks.

PS1 and PS2 games all came here at the 60-70 price point, but at least they fell to the cheap pricing in short order (within 6 months it seemed, your favourite new title would be a 30 dollar classic title)

Taking inflation into account, games SHOULD be closer to $100. We should be thankful they are not.

15 years ago

I agree with Jofa.. In fact they have gone down, there cost has deflated (cartridges were expensive!).

15 years ago

That's why I try to wait for the games to show up used.

Buy the game with my 10% Edge Card and a 20% off coupon (Or wait for a B2G1 free sale) and suddenly that game you want is sub $40.

That said, there are some games I won't wait a week or two or three to show up used, e.g. LPB, K2, SFIV, RE5, etc…

15 years ago

Thanks! um.. holy crap, there are forums? Cool

15 years ago

killzone 2 is awesome! R2 is nothing compared to this masterpiece.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

You got that right. R2 was a big disapointment for me in the graphics department. Killzone 2 defintely looks more gritty and realistic like COD4 MW did.

L7 372T

15 years ago

Why do we always have info on UK sales,figures and charts but nothing on the US?
Don't you Americans like the game?

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Yes..we like the game. We don't like the economy though. This could be holding some people off from spending $60.00

15 years ago

@ BTNwarrior, r u in the States cos i remember when us Brits were getting severely ripped off with the price of games, ps3 games started between 40 & 50 quid ($70/$85), however now i paid £29.99 for Killzone2, Uncharted costs £14.99 & R&C TOD, aswell as the other Platinums, and u can also get LBP for £12.99 which is about $20. It seems now that roles have reversed

The Stig
The Stig
15 years ago

Yeah I remember games were always more expensive in the UK, then they were about the same and now we seem to get them cheaper. Saying that, up until a few weeks ago CoD:MW (GotY Edition) was still £50 approx US$70

15 years ago

Yeah I'm in the US and we have a really strange videogame market going on here. Uncharted is still $60 MGS4 is $40 and you can get games that came out two months ago for as low as $20 when best buy needs to make room for new games

15 years ago

kz2 is badass

15 years ago

Ok, I'm gonna have to admit… I actually wasn't deeply impressed with the Demo. I couldn't get used to the new control system (having played endless hours of COD4 and Resistance 2), and for some odd reason the demo gave me Motion Sickness(!). So, even though I pre-ordered, I wasn't exactly counting the days for its release. But then…

…my buddy drops it off for me on the morning of Feb. 27, and I give it a real go. By the time I fought the 'Heavy', I totally got used to the controls. After that, it was pure FPS gaming glory!! Killzone 2 has such an intense musical score, when the action is on, it really adds to the thrill of the moment. Not since the first Halo, had I encountered this level of excitement in a FPS! Having said that, Killzone 2 is still leaps and bounds above that.

I mean, the way the cement pillars fall apart in chunks, when shooting at it, is reminiscent of a scene straight out of The Matrix! And wooden boards that act as a wall, can be blow off by a spray of bullets! Enemy AI that is profoundly intelligent, surpassing anything I'd had seen previously on any FPS (or any game, for that matter). I reckon the above-mentioned points will soon become FPS standards, in future games.

Oh, and I also like that even the bad guys speak English (British accent, with a hint of mean), instead of the usual growl or snarl from similar games (*cough* Halo *cough* Resistance *cough*).


Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

That's what I like to hear.

15 years ago

Will the GT5 prologue demo sales include that off the PSN store? That would help sales in a big way as people can get the game there and then in the comfort of their own room.

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