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MGO SCENE Information, MGS4 Trophies In The Works?

The legendary series continues to roll onwards, and we've got several big updates for you today concerning both Metal Gear Online and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots .

As posted over at the official PlayStation blog , Konami Online Brandon Laurino has provided MGO players with details for the upcoming SCENE expansion. If you pre-order the expansion one week before the launch date, you can even pick up the special "Cardboard Man" costume, which you see pictured at the blog. …silly, yes, but somewhat amusing. Keep reading at the blog for all the SCENE details (we already told you in an earlier news report that both Raiden and Vamp would become playable characters); other news continues during Laurino's update in a later post below. First, he clarifies that while you can use funds in your PSN Wallet, you cannot purchase the MGO SCENE expansion on the PlayStation Store. You can use your PSN money or a PayPal account to nab the expansion directly from the in-game/MGO store. Then, he mentions the oft-requested MGS4 and MGO Trophies:

"On the subject of MGS4/MGO trophies and Konami ID – we hear you. We have been circulating these issues internally, and we will report back as soon as we are able."

Remember, MGS4 came out in June of last year, when the concept of PlayStation 3 Trophies was still in its infancy stages. Therefore, the game didn't receive them, and fans have been clamoring for the addition ever since. Obviously, you'd have to play through the game again to get the Trophies once they become available, but…well, is that really a problem for anyone?

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Online , Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

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15 years ago

yay finally some trophies

15 years ago

ONce they are avaliable the addiction will start again *sigh*

15 years ago


15 years ago

That's cool but II don't feel like playing through the game anymore to many new games coming out they should try to make it retroactive but that prolly want happen welp that's still good news.

F everybody that has a problem with my double IIs get a life ppl lmao

15 years ago

You post double I and then have the cheek to tell people to get a life? LMFAO!!!!!

Last edited by shaydey77 on 3/3/2009 11:25:40 AM

15 years ago

Dammit…I'm starting to get into the whole trophy thing since my schedule opened up…

I finally see their appeal.

I just hate it when people base their purchases on trophy support.

15 years ago

II feel you on that one if the game is good and doesn't have trophy support id still get it.

15 years ago

I disagree. I've been buying games for years and have never needed achievement/trophies, but this gen demands that they be a part of the gaming experience. For a game to not have them is unforgivable and not worth the purchase. Sony knows this. Konami knows this.

You can't blame games like MGS4 that came out before Sony got their act together, but they should definitely add them as soon as they can.

Last edited by Alienange on 3/3/2009 5:52:37 AM

15 years ago

I'm still unsure about these trophies I just don't like them in games plus the thought of getting LittlebigPlanet just for trophies is frightening

15 years ago

i will one day actually get involved in mgo. played it twice. both left good tastes in my mouth, however, those who don't play it often get KOd.
as for games just for trophies, u rent them if ur desperate. but i don't see the point in that.
MGS4 trophies would be stellar.

15 years ago


15 years ago

I love trophies! (didn't expect to…to be honest)
But now, I can tell where my friends are at in a particular game. It's very cool to rub it in their face, when you're both playing a game, and you're ahead of them! Childish, I know…LOL! All in good fun!

15 years ago

I know… my friend is addicted to MGO, and I had made a bet with him that he wouldn't play Killzone 2 enough because he would be too into MGO. So two days passed after he got KZ2, and I checked his progress in the trophies and was able to call him on it.

But he rubbed it in my face that I didn't take out the Heavy in less than a minute.

15 years ago

Not for nothing, but after playing KZ2, GTAIV, R2, and every game since its release…MGS4 still trumps them all. I have more of an appreciation for that game now actually.

I haven't touched this game since trophies though. I look forward to it finally getting them so I can go back and get all the badges.

15 years ago

My dream is for them to make some sort of expansion that lets you play as Raiden…

Not in MGO, in the actual game…

That would seriously just make my lungs explode. The closest I get is playing as Raiden in LBP.

15 years ago

What a perfect excuse to play this magnificent game one more time!

15 years ago

yup i need a reason to play MGS4 again, it woudl be great, just dont put trophies on MGO aswell

15 years ago

i have beaten mgs4 like 10 times so hopefully i have mastered the game and will be able to get all the trophies, i have been waiting for so long, and finally they are here…

15 years ago

I only have one request..Keep the trophies on MGS4 only please.

15 years ago

Not that I need another reason to play through this great game again, but adding t would really enhance the fun of it. I always thought it would be real easy to attach trophies to this game by just converting the medals into the trophies to begin with.I also hope that they don't force us to have to play the online over and over to get some of them. The game was great but, I really didnt care to much for the multiplayer as much and would find it a total let down if 30% of the trophies are tied to it…

15 years ago

I haven't played the game yet, but I plan to get it during March Break. Hopefully they will have trophies, because that'd be a great time!

I hope it comes out.

15 years ago

trophies a year after release? OKAY
and they won't be retro-active, which means beating MGS4 and all that bs over again
it was a good game don't get me wrong. but come on

okay maybe i'm just bitter because my ex girlfriends ex boyfriend ninja'd my copy of MGS4 a while back

i got to beat it first though, thank gosh

15 years ago

ms4 trophies would be awesome… it would definitley give the game tremendous replay value not that it doesn't already have it…

15 years ago

Hell yeah, gives me a reason to play it again. I love this game, one of the best of this generation.

15 years ago

If there is a trophy support coming out for this game, I would play it 24/7 just to get all the trophies i swear, this game was amazing!

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