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PS3 Price Drop To Coincide With Uncharted 2: Among Thieves?

Now that we've laid eyes on Uncharted 2 , and have concluded that yes, it's the prettiest console game we've ever seen, we're wondering if the game's super anticipated launch later this year might coincide with a PlayStation 3 price reduction.

Think about it: it always makes perfect sense to issue a price cut at about the same time a major exclusive hits store shelves. This obviously isn't happening with Killzone 2 , and the next big one is either Uncharted 2: Among Thieves or God of War III . There's always the possibility of Infamous or Heavy Rain prompting a price drop, but as good as those games may be, they're not highly visible titles. Besides, Uncharted 2 looks so damn amazing and it's no longer an unknown IP; it's the sequel to an IP that did extremely well, and a lot of people know the name, Nathan Drake. It will be hyped all year long, and although we don't have an exact release date, most are expecting it to drop some time during the third or fourth quarter this year. If this is true, the situation would look like this:

You've got one of the most anticipated PS3 exclusives of the generation. There's the fact that Sony has said, again and again, that they have no plans to issue a price drop any time soon (which is why you see the press releases telling gamers about how the PS3 is worth the current price). There's the possibility that the country will be starting to emerge from the current recession at the end of the year. There's the holiday season. Last but not least, we have to remind you that a huge 160GB PS3 bundle came packaged with Uncharted: Drake's Fortune . It all seems to point towards one thing: a $100 PS3 price drop to go along with the launch of Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2: Among Thieves . How's that for a prediction?

Related Game(s): Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

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15 years ago

II don't think the price drop will be $100 I'm thinking more like a $50 reduction sometime this year but like II said II already got mine lol it doesn't matter to me.

Last edited by Cpt_Geez on 2/27/2009 11:15:09 AM

15 years ago

That would be nice, I would prefere GOW3 price cut though. GOW3 has established itself outside the ps3 and there will be more ppl that don't own ps3 that will be interested in GOW3. If only gt5 could come sooner, lol it beats any other game at least in consel when it comes to audience, it is right up there with SC2.

Last edited by ps92117 on 2/27/2009 11:31:38 AM

15 years ago

Think Id be more interested in a game price cut that $65 (post tax) tag hurts and makes me more picky to what games I get. I had to save for 6 weeks putting aside $20 a paycheck so I could get KILLZONE 2 today. Never had to stash for games before and not every game makes the greatist hits list still waiting R&CF:ToD to make the list.

15 years ago

@ deadman

Ya it takes awhile for the games to hit the greatest hits list. Waiting for R&CF:TOD as well.
I really don't think and i've said this multiple times that sony will not drop the price, i feel it's a perfect price, i would hate them to get rid of cool things associated with the console just to get a few bucks off the price and then charge the consumer more for the features that were on the console to begin with. Sony's smart and i really don't think they will do a price cut.

15 years ago

They wont need to take stuff out, accessories get cheaper with time, for example the new 45nm cell BE cost less than the current 65nm cell BE. The gpu also looses value rapidly overtime.

15 years ago

I wanna get Uncharted, but it's still full price! I've already played it, but I wanna own it cause I loved it so much.

If the PS3 got a price cut, I think it would outsell the 360 for the rest of it's life. No matter how low the 360's price got. $400 is just too much for some people, $300 is much more reasonable.

15 years ago

Try getting the game used, I saw it at my GameStop for $30.

15 years ago

hmm, i still think it should of coincided with Killzone 2. Other than gamers, most people havent heard of Uncharted. Dont get me wrong, i love uncharted, i just think they should've done with killzone 2, or even LBP because thats accessible to everyone

15 years ago

Not everyone played Killzone 1 on ps2 and besides it wasn't that good.Lbp on the other hand is the first of it's kind,nobody dreamt about such an innovative game coming out.

Now Uncharted has made a NAME for itself already,so it'll make sense to cut the price of ps3 with it's release.Matter of fact Uncharted 2 is my MOST WANTED game this year.I also think Sony love Uncharted better than Killzone 2,trust me.

15 years ago

Comptons_Finest your double I is annoying as hell.

15 years ago

Not to mention it is obtrusive as hell.

15 years ago

I went to the Killzone 2 midnight launch last night. I had 3 employees and the Gamestop Manager (all 4 I consider good friends) tell me that the PS3 will drop $100 in March.

Gamestop has been wrong many, many times before..but when four employees tell you so, you start to think it might just be true.

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

The fact that a gamestop employee told you something about the ps3 should put the doubt factor at 96% (if he/she does'nt play the console).

15 years ago

Ben you keep saying KZ2 is the best looking, now this. What is it?

15 years ago

i was also wondering ?????
cause i thought you said K2 was the best looking,or was it Arnold.

Anyway TO ME i think Uncharted 2 will be the best looking game ever across all platforms(exception of MgsIV,FFXIII/versusXIII or GowIII).Heck,Uncharted:Drake's Fortune was enough evidence.Already seen Killzone 2's graphics but i think Uncharted still has it.

15 years ago

stop with this price drop stuff, we sound like cheap bastards….hell my graphics card alone cost me $400, i ain't complainin' about a blu-ray player, linux computer, and game console consting me $600!

15 years ago

I feel the same way you do, but there are a lot of people out there who aren't willing to spend the money. My gtx 260 core 216 was $296 but is now $230.

15 years ago

Wow $600, that's too much. I do think there are some places the PS3 is overpriced. But I don't think it is overpriced in North America ($399), or Asia (I'm living in Korea, my bro got a PS3 plus a bunch of games, all new for about $350).

15 years ago

my bad, $500, i bought the Metal Gear Solid 4 pack with an extra DualShock controller.

15 years ago

I totally agree, except for the fact that I have a lot of console gamer friends that wouldn't consider dropping a grand on Video cards, or 3 grand on a rig, heh. To them, a price drop is significant, and I won't hold my willingness to spend on my computer (very small % of the population will do the same) as the standard for gamers.

I wouldn't care about the price, but I would love to see more of my friends on the PSN. KZ2, Uncharted and GT5p go a long way in showing them the value, but for some 4 bills before tax is just too much.

15 years ago

Wow,where is everybody???????
Now i see those who have been held hostage by Killzone 2.
They'll come running, posting up their own reviews on psx.

15 years ago

I hope it does, but I doubt it will. I hope it does, because then I'll be able to get one, but I'm not sure Sony is willing to lose even more money per unit than they are right now (they are still losing money, right?) A PS3 fanboy was telling me that by selling more, they'd stop losing money, but if Sony is losing money per console, making and selling more means that they will lose money even faster. They won't lower the price of the PS3 unless they also lower the production costs, or the costs of materials.

15 years ago

The $100 price cut won't come until GoWIII does. That is all 🙂

15 years ago

Hmm. Don't care.
The 60 gb dropped $100 and I snatched it up since I heard that B/C was going out the window.
Now, I can't wait to play Uncharted 2 (uncharted 1 was great), Infamous, and GOW III. Every time I hear those names I twitch. I wish articles would stop bringing them up so offhandedly.

15 years ago

Why does everyone care so much about backward computability. What PS2 games do people want to play. OK, I can see JRPG's, but everything else has been 1 uped on the PS3. Why play old GTA when you have the new one. Anyways, what they should do is just put some great PS2 games on the store. That would stop everyone from complaining about this issue (I would think, but someone will probably complain there is no Mortal combat or something).

15 years ago

the only game i play on ps3 that is ps2 is marvel vs capcom 2 seriously that game is awesome

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

DigitalStorm: Get out, go whine in SW2, and don't come back.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/27/2009 9:33:06 PM

15 years ago

@ migabyte
I can't speak for the rest who also want B/C, but for me there's 2 serious reasons that I "NEED" B/C.

I have all my audio/visual units, along with 9 gaming consoles, hooked into my A/V unit's 10 jacks(with another 5-jack splitter box too).

Since I'm now out of jacks, I want to be able to replace my PS2 with a B/C compatible PS3 so I can continue to play all my PS2 games(just like when I swapped out my PS1's place on the shelf with my PS2).

Also, I'm a gamimg console/games collector usually buying anywhere for 8 to 15 "Used" PS2 & original Xbox games at a time & since I also run a motorcycle club, I don't always have any free time to play those purchaces.

And since I have 532 PS1 & 112 PS2 games so far(& I'm not even counting the games I'm still picking up for my 6 older systems too), I'm extremely backed-up on playing most of those games(just played & finished Killzone-1 about 2 weeks ago).

At the time of the 60 20 GB PS3's, my money was tied up in other bills & I couldn't buy one, so if Sony doesn't bring back a B/C machine, that means all my money will wind up going to a re-seller instead of Sony where I'd much rather it goes.

So long story short, I can't buy a non-B/C PS3, because I don't have 1 more extra empty jack available(or even shelf space for that matter), & besides, I've still got over 450 PS1 & PS2 games to play.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/27/2009 11:01:58 PM

15 years ago

I have a one for sale if interested. PS3 60GB Console, (1) Dualshock3 controller, all original equipment, cables, and all the manuals that come with it in the original box. Includes (5) Blu-ray movies-American Psycho, The Prestige, Species, Full Metal Jacket, The Patriot and your choice of (1) game. Contact me and I will give you a list of games. I will even throw in a PS2 memory card. The console was adult owned in a non-smoking house and only used on weekends because of very busy work schedule. The first person with $400 takes it all.

Last edited by pyrobomber70 on 3/1/2009 1:30:05 AM

15 years ago

I still think there wont be a price cut till the PS3 slim comes out. The US gamers (xbox fans) gave PS3 a bad name and image. Keep saying it'll be dead. The only way to revive the PS3 is through complete revision. There has always been a extreme boost with the "slim" sales. If Sony manages to cut down the PS3 size, it'll be huge…. Laptops manage to be 1" thick, i dont see how the PS3 cant.

15 years ago

hu r u? a fanboy?
as for price cuts, what the hell. i want software price drops

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