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Warhawk Command Centre Opens Its Doors In PlayStation Home

Warhawk certainly isn't the same game it was when it first launched way back in 2007, and PlayStation Home certainly doesn't look the same now as it will a few years from now. See…both similarity and contrast there for ya.

Anyway, Sony has confirmed that the Warhawk Command Centre will come to Home very soon…as in, today. That's right, if you log in at some point during the day, you should be able to explore this new feature. According to Eurogamer, up to 8 players at once can use a "table replication" of a certain level where they can talk about battle tactics and strategy. This is for the hardcore, as you can even place markers on the map to demonstrate your ingenious plan for taking and holding a particular zone. Warhawk is one hell of a fantastic online multiplayer game; we were part of the beta testing, and at the time, all you could really do is fly around in a couple ships, and test out a few vehicles on the ground. There wasn't much more included when the game launched, but over time, it has become a whole new animal. Multiple expansions and additions have really enhanced the depth and longevity of the game, so if you haven't played it in a while, we suggest signing on to examine the new-look Warhawk .

You can also expect more Home spaces for exclusive PlayStation Home titles, which leads us to believe that it's only a matter of time before Killzone 2 makes a sizable impact on Home. Who doesn't want to be a part of that ?

Related Game(s): Warhawk

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15 years ago

Nice, I am hoping there aren't going to be monthly cycle of updates for a single space, were is the motorstorm space and others?

15 years ago

Awesome, however with the launch of Killzone 2 on friday I will probably not use this for a while

Maybe they will add a similar feature to Killzone

Last edited by BTNwarrior on 2/25/2009 10:16:07 PM

15 years ago

I can definitely see that one coming!

15 years ago

who here still plays warhawk???
at one time, i was addicted
but its like theres barely anyone playing anymore
so who here still plays warhawk?!?!?

15 years ago

man people are always playing warhawk whenever i come back. It's just rank up is too steep i got to Commander and i now i play for fun, i come back time to time cause it's just so addictive

15 years ago

I play every now and again..Its always class shooting people down..hell even being shot down has its perks too!!

15 years ago

i still play 61% done with Trophies I like it…

15 years ago

you serious a lot of people play

15 years ago

I may start again after I get a new PS3. Old one wont play discs anymore 🙁

but this almost seems overdue, don't ya think?

15 years ago

Should be fun/interesting

15 years ago

So we should get this in the UK in October if we're lucky //sarcasm.

15 years ago

I wish Sony would make a REAL warhawk game, I remember at E3 when they showed the video and mentioned there being "thousands" of ships in the sky I nearly pissed my pants out of joy. I still own the original and was looking forward to similar gameplay, instead they re did it all and now its just a crummy multiplayer game..bla

15 years ago

@ Vertigo:
Crummy multiplayer game.. You frickin' kidding me? Warhawk is awesome and the maps are HUGE. If it was a ground vehicle only game it would take several minutes to cross some of them.

@ Reccaman:
Bro, I had the exact same problem (in fact, mine was worse as I couldn't even play my DOWNLOADED games and even demos). What I did was reformat the whole thing (be sure to back up your save files- do not however do the complete system back-up as you will carry the corruption on when you put it back) and everything worked great after that! I was so glad as well because I had the original 60gig with all the extra bells and whistles and I didn't want sony to replace it with the newer ones.
Hope it works.

15 years ago

Yeah, Warhawk is still the best online multiplayer shooter I've ever played. Yes, I think it beats the crap out of Halo online…


15 years ago

warhawk space is up now on NA servers. also so is the SFIV ken,ryu,guile, and chun-li coustoms are up

15 years ago

Sweet, I'll be getting them in just a few hours. 🙂


15 years ago

If I want to play an online battle royal with multiple vehicles I will do it on my PC; Where there is more to do, more players, more maps, unlimited content: maps, models, ect. I play console games for single player and that's that. The FACT is Sony promised a remake to the original Warhawk and instead decided to pull a 180 and piss on my dreams.

15 years ago

<obvious>You are a huge supporter of the PC aren't ya? </obvious>

Look some people really like their consoles and they love the multiplayer aspect that the consoles are now bringing. I for one used to only play on the PC but I love the consoles now and I love that they can do online things and that the times they are a changin'. The console game developers are just trying to reach out to a broader audience and they are doing a damn fine job with these types of multiplayer outings that most gamers are embracing. It seems like a stubborn thing to only use the console for single player when they are now just as good if not better that a PC at doing gaming in general

15 years ago

Actually I think I'm more of a huge supporter of single player experiences on Consoles (diehard rpg fan dating back to nes). I understand your point and it does reach out to a broader target area. However lately I've noticed companies spending too much time on multiplayer and having the single player suffer or games like Warhawk having the single player completely stripped.

15 years ago

There's not much to do in there

15 years ago

I played L4dead with 2 other friends for 3hrs earlier, it was intense.

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