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Sony Remains Firm: “Definitely No PS3 Price Drop” Planned

We have to make this unfortunate clarification again, because we're already starting to see questions in our inbox based on recent news that a PlayStation 3 price drop may be closer than expected.

The most recent evidence comes from Janco Partners' analyst Mike Hickey, who said a $299 PS3 price tag could be included in a big Sony announcement a few days from now. In the note, shown by, Hickey writes-

"…recent channel checks indicate increased speculation for a PS3 price cut announcement from Sony in the next couple of days." Sony's been avoiding a price drop on its PS3 hardware, instead focusing on trying to turn the PS3 business into a profitable one. However, with hardware sales for the console floundering, most industry pundits believe Sony has little choice if it wishes to stay competitive with Microsoft and Nintendo."

However, a new update from SCE has confirmed that Sony "definitely has no plans" to issue a price drop for the machine any time soon. The representative repeated what many journalists have already heard; that the PS3 is on track to hit the company's goal of 10 million units sold for the fiscal year. Also, they like to say it's more about the "games, content and services (PSN)" than it is about the price, and one has to admit, they have a point. Furthermore, with the recession, it can be difficult to cut prices, especially when you're still losing money on a particular product at its current price point.

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15 years ago

It would be a good move for Sony… but I would say the price drop should come when they launch a big game title simultaneously… with 1 or 2 new PS3 bundles… that would probably have maximum impact!


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 2/24/2009 11:21:39 PM

15 years ago

There is probably going to be a price drop at the holiday season. Sony just won't admit it right now because it would just hurt current sales.

Sersiously though, they need a price cut. Too many of my xbox friends are holding off on getting a ps3 until their is a price drop.

15 years ago

Same here FeyeR, my cheap friends will go through multiple xboxs due to rod but are too stupid to see they would have saved money by simply buying the better hardware (ps3) to begin with. I think most of the United States falls into this trap.

15 years ago

more fool them.

15 years ago

And I remain fairly confident that they will, if not with U2 then with GOW3, or MAG. It would only make sense, else there sales are not going to be the same as last years.

King James
King James
15 years ago

The price drop will be no sooner than this fall. They were moving PS3's no problem last year, no problem.

Why drop the price now? Wait until u have no games to play like Wii or Xbox, then drop your price to stay competitive.

15 years ago

We have too many games lol, even 2010 looks great, so the price drop should be to promote new games and popular franchises. Unlike 360's price drop, which was in response to the weak sales they were having last year.

15 years ago

Who cares II got my 60gb lauch ps3 j/k II doubt they will drop the price if they do II think it will be a $50 price cut during the holidays.

15 years ago

LOL!….yea me too,only that my 60GB is dead now,am okay with my new 80GB,plus it's much quieter,but the chrome kinda sucks though.

Last edited by www on 2/25/2009 5:18:38 AM

15 years ago

what were the issues on the ps3 as it died? i bought mine couple months after launch but i would like to know what i should be aware of. as of now, my 60GB works just fine.

Last edited by kreate on 2/25/2009 6:59:13 AM

15 years ago

by the way, did sony replace the 60gb with an 80gb one. I had mine die on me also (60gb, purchased about a month after uk launch) it died just under a year from having it and they replaced it with a 60gb one (next day, was quite impressive really). But i think at the time, they had stopped selling the 60gb unit in the shops, which made me think they had a load stocked up somewhere for this situation (or they still made them, but only for replacements). Now i have often wondered since what will happen if i manage to bust it again. I.E would i be able to get it replaced with an original 60gb version (as i dont want to loose bc, usb's, super audio etc) …..By the way, I think the reason mine died is cause someone tripped over the lead and smacked it out of the cabinate it was in (it was heart wrenching, panic moment to say the least, was not impressed at all ;-). then about a week later, it just woudnt boot up properly….. But i didnt tell sony that obviously ;-)……So yeah, was just wondering if you went out and bought a 80gb version to replace the 60. or if sony replaced it with an 80 cause there wernt any 60gb versions left. If you get my meaning?

Last edited by wano on 2/25/2009 8:20:28 AM

15 years ago

www. by the way, mines a 60 and its got the chrome bar etc. Or was it just the european 60 version that had chrome.

Last edited by wano on 2/25/2009 8:26:02 AM

15 years ago

WANO,actually the thing is,i have 2 ps3's,60GB n 80GB.The 60GB was bought 2 months after launch,and at that time, most of my peeps who were still stuck with ps2's were eager to have a feel of the beast.In order not to look greedy/selfish,i allowed them to come over to play, but the house was gettin' messy.In the long run i decided to lend it to my cousins as well as peeps,cause i couldn't take the pressure anymore.

Seeing this, i knew the 60GB wouldn't last,so i bought the new 80GB in sep. 08 as a spare.I made the right guess cause 60GB died early Feb. 09.Besides iv'e opened up n messed with 60GB a whole lot n don't wanna bother sendin' it to Sony.
All ps3's have chrome except the 60GB's chrome is mirror-like whiles the 80GB is not.EU ps3's btw,dunno about US.

KREATE,don't worry as long as you treat her right,she wouldn't mess up.Remember,mine was sorta abused.It's good to note that some ppl who had the ylod,didn't even overuse or abuse their ps3's,so really,just hope ylod doesn't get you.

Last edited by www on 2/25/2009 10:33:17 AM

15 years ago

ah I see.

Iv been there with the whole lending stuff out and getting it back bust 😉 I was really bad with the ps2 games, Nout worse than puttin a disk in the machine 6 months after lending it someone and finding out it dont work. ;( its a bit late then to start acusing if u know what i mean.

infact thats the good thing about the br drive in the ps3, some of those games that were to scratched to work in my ps2 actually work in my ps3. dont know if anyone else has found this. Also applies to data dvd's that are to knackered for the pc to read, ps3 can read some of these also (but only files ps3 recognises of course)

often wondered what it be like in side a ps3 myself………no, must resist (brings back memories of my good old sega master system in bits on the bedroom floor, never to be put back together again. a bored 10 year old with a screw driver is never a good thing 😉

Last edited by wano on 2/25/2009 11:34:22 AM

15 years ago

lol…Wano,anyway inside the ps3 is really complicated unlike the 360 which is just simple.

15 years ago

thanks www and wano for your stories. it was interesting.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

Sony wants to ride out the end of their fiscal year with this price point. After March 31st, then you can expect to see something happen.

15 years ago

I agree after march I think we'll definitely see a price cut, it would be wicked if it dropped to $249

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

15 years ago


15 years ago

I certainly hope so because they need to help maintain and solidify mindshare and to appease the 3rd party developers in push content on the PS3. I can't help to think that 3rd parties will put more efforts into PS3 games by making it more and more as their lead platform while also making sure that the result is the best amongst all platform. The PS3 needs a pricedrop as soon as it can. It's just that simple.

15 years ago

good for u. i have 2 60GB ps3 and 2 xbox360 🙂

Last edited by kreate on 2/25/2009 7:02:07 AM

15 years ago

Well if you truly are a Sony fan, you should care a little bit. Wouldn't you want others to enjoy the best system available? It would sure help our company of choice. I really want Sony to succeed, followed by Microsoft.

Nintendo can crash and burn for all I care. I just see them as leeches who steal overall sales from the TRUE gaming platforms.

15 years ago

Im with sony this machine can do almost everything ppl just can]t buy it cheap or the same price as Nintendo or 360 lets face it… im with sony over 500USD was too high but the actual price its fair in consideration to what we got… if they drop the price its ok but if not its ok…

15 years ago

i concur, you don't see Stanford University using the "awesome power" of the wii or 360 for folding proteins. Plus ps3 is for the future(perhaps 10 years?) how long do you think the 360 will last on DVDs? don't consumers want their games to be a little bit longer and that needs space. wouldn't it be funny if the xbox added a blu-ray disc add-on?(like hd-dvd) then it will be more money for sony…(not like they need it)

15 years ago

I just cobought another ps3 with a friend so that there would be a ps3 at his house. The machine is worth $400 honestly.

15 years ago

All these stupid analysts should just shut up…why don't they go join a company and work for them and they'll see how hard it is to make money, rather than just sit there and make "legitimate statements professionally" on situations.

15 years ago

maybe most of those analysts are xbots? seriously… what fault does a ps3 have that these analyst give negative reports about? most of it is just propaganda.

Last edited by kreate on 2/25/2009 7:06:49 AM

15 years ago

Anyone who describes PS3 sales as "floundering" hasn't got an opinion worth hearing.

It has been selling well and steadily since its first price drop, despite its COMPARATIVELY lower sales over the holidays.

Would a price drop help? Of course.
Should Sony drop the price? Yes.
Is an immediate cut necessary for the PS3 to survive? Not even close.

15 years ago

Sony needs to drop the PS3 price to appeal to gamers who aren't going to spend $400-$500 for a game console. It'll make the PS3 more attractive and appealing to those who have been waiting for a price cut announcement.

15 years ago

no they dont.

15 years ago

As much as the internet might love fodder for the console wars, a PS3 price drop is dependent almost exclusively on the fiscal performance of Sony as a company. They lost something to the tune of 1.1 billion dollars last fiscal year, are going through a major company-wide cost-cutting restructuring, and still lose money on everyone PS3 console sold.

Keeping that in mind, I don't foresee a PS3 price cut anytime soon. They are still remaining competitive with the 360 due to their software line-up alone (Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, MAG, Infamous, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5 anyone?), so there is currently no need for a price drop. The only thing that would get them is bragging rights, and they should have other priorities as a company right now.

15 years ago

Well said, and think about the bigger picture. If Sony loses even more cash, they might be forced into making more job cuts. I know we all just think about OUR entertainment, but think about all of the employee's and their families that will suffer because of this!

Its harder to find jobs the world over these days. Like others have said, if they can avoid more layoffs then they should keep the price where it is at the moment. A price drop and cheap consumers can wait. The system's specs and media abilities are worth more than its selling at now.

All Sony needs to do is invest in easily understandable commercials.

15 years ago

Yeah I agree with some gamers about sony need a price cut, but some gamers need to understand from a business prospective that sony will take a hugh lost, if they lower the price now or later without selling enough ps3s sony would have to stop production ps3s because they don't have enough funds to produce cheaper ps3. Some gamers will agree from a business prospective some won't the reality of the matter is that Sony willn't jeopardise there company because of what gamers want. I may seem harsh like jeff reubstein at ps blog said in ign podcast sony can't make the whole world happy .

15 years ago

hit the nail on the head there…bang on

Last edited by wano on 2/25/2009 2:49:13 PM

15 years ago

"Furthermore, with the recession, it can be difficult to cut prices, especially when you're still losing money on a particular product at its current price point."

Furthermore, with the recession, consumers will be looking for less expensive means as forms of entertainment. I'm not a SONY apologist here. Yes, they are loosing money on each PS3 sold, but how much is it currently? Also whatever it might be, could that be offset by software sales (games, content and services) which is what it's about in the first place?

15 years ago

Watch Sony introduce another SKU bundle at E3, instead of giving a price drop.

15 years ago

It's been plainly stated by Sony – no price drop.

So why are a load of posters saying there is GOING to be a price cut?

Can't you read?

15 years ago

…because that's precisely what Sony would say if they WERE planning a price drop.

…which is what happened just before E3 2007.

15 years ago

Without backwards compatibility I still don't see how Sony can justify the price.

15 years ago

seriously, they should drop the 160 gig bundle. It is not as good a deal as the 80 gig. Extra hd space is probably worth 20 buck and force u to buy the full price game for 60 and a dl game that you might not be interested in…. Less than the price of $100. It will repel the non techy customers that set the 160 gig as the "full" experience and the lesser 80 gig is not worth it.

15 years ago

I think they'll just come up with some more bundles rather then drop the price of the actual console. The hard drive space is not really a cost effector, you can buy a 300GB hard drive very cheap these days if you want to upgrade the amount of drive space. I'd argue that the console is still a good deal at $400 mainly due to the included bluray player (and the fact it's a good one). One thing Sony MUST do though is work on the PoSN, at least here in the States. It's awful and getting worse as more people start using it; half the time I can't connect to LBP Community, I tried to download the Killzone 2 demo for three days before finally giving up on it as it would either stop of just be terminally slow, etc, etc. I really think Sony holds off on alot of demos for the States because they know the PoSN here can't handle any more users (i wouldn't find it strange if the PoSN in europe was alot better just do to the light years ahead of the states infrastructure they have there) and if they ever want to be a serious contender in online multiplayer offerings they gotta do something with the PoSN. I'd gladly pay for it if it allowed me to complain and they'd spend some money making it usable. I have FIOS internet connection at home and ALWAYS get a steady 1700KBs from any other wireless connection in my small apt but PoSN is worse then the old dial up days. There's the rare day where it'll be very quick for a download which just tells me my intranet/router configuration is fine and it's the PoSN, not to mention the tons of forum posts from people with similiar experience.

15 years ago

If I know Sony they'll probably drop the160gb down to $299 and introduce a new sku 250gb PS3 at $399 and discontinue the 80gb, just guessing

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

15 years ago

You clearly don't know Sony, then.

15 years ago

I don't see why they need to drop the price, the console is worth Every penny. If they start dropping the price we are going to loose alot of things that the console has right now and they may make the customer pay for the online instead or not build with the wireless capability anymore. So would you want a console price drop in return you pay for online and pay for a wireless adapter or keep the price where it's at and not pay for online and have the wireless built in because right there i just explained some of what the 360 does and you pay more for that console in the long run than a PS3. I think people need to stop seeing the negativity of the price and be thankful that we get all these great things with the console. I have a ps3 cause i can play online for free, i can't justify paying 60 bucks a year plus having to pay for internet.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Just as a side note, has everyone noticed how NICE it is in here now that we've cleaned out the trash from the Killzone 2 fiasco?

Back to decent, intelligent posters. Yay. 🙂

15 years ago

Yeah ben

15 years ago

It cost money to make money, which sony don't want to lose another billion dollars.

15 years ago

Does anyone notice that PS3 price drop rumors always seem to pop up when they have a big release coming up? I smell something funny… and it's coming from <sniff sniff> … my feet?!

15 years ago

*tear* :*(
Bring the price down dammit!

15 years ago

I guess Sony would rather sell 10 ps3s at 400 than 20 at 300, I really would love to know which clown is running their economics department.

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