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Resident Evil 5: The Last Of Its Kind?

Resident Evil 5 is guaranteed to turn plenty of heads, even if some say it doesn't offer a next-gen upgrade because Capcom decided to stick with the "tank controls." This opposing side thought the RE series would've received another huge renovation this generation, but RE5 is still gonna be great…and RE6 will actually gives us that "reboot."

During a recent 1Up interview with Resident Evil 5 producer Jun Takeuchi, he confirmed that RE5 will probably be the very last of its kind. In other words, as RE4 reinvented the long-running survival/horror series, RE6 will do the same thing. We have no idea what kind of overhaul we can expect, but we get the feeling that it's going to include something more action-oriented; the fans appear to have spoken, right? Capcom likely had this plan in place long before the uprising that said they didn't want to see the tank controls again, but as Capcom is well known for listening to their fans, you never know what kind of impact they can have… We'll be very interested to hear more details on the next RE project, especially after Takeuchi's mini-announcement here. The question is, what would you want to see in the next installment? Something as simple as moving when you shoot? Or a more drastic change, one that might implement elements of other action/adventure titles like Uncharted or Gears of War ? Or would you rather they just stick with the current formula?

We have little doubt that RE5 is a great game (we know it is), but it's always interesting to consider new possibilities for franchises, especially when we're talking about a total reinvention.

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 5

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15 years ago

Well whichever way Capcom goes, the outcome's going to be a successful one with RE5 and RE6.

15 years ago

it could be a total flop. RE6 that is.

15 years ago

i think first off if your gonna have co-op make it so u dont have to babysit. shiva or however u spell it is a pain giving ammo, help and herbs is a constant hassle yes it adds that survival to the game but what a pain it becomes just in the demo. imagine that for the length of the game no way! now playing with a buddy is great so its a good touch for RE5, second the tank controls are easy to get used to and yes its classic RE style but they gotta go, the repetitive motion of stopping shooting running away stopping shooting etc. etc. is very repetitive once again i couldnt do this for the length of the game! to sum it up the co-op with a buddy could almost solve both these problems as u can use tactics to your advantage being able to tell a buddy to cover u or what not! so i would like to see this implemented with RE6! I would advise not to change the game drastically though as far as what RE is horror even though im not to horrified about 5, but little changes in control and a good co-op or single player campaign should be made if there going to do anything IN MY OPINION i know alot of u like it and will miss it!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/23/2009 10:04:26 PM

15 years ago

RE5 should have reinvented the game they talking about part 6 lmao

15 years ago

Bring us back to the glory days, original RE controls and campy one liners all the way baby 🙂

15 years ago

What is this?!?! A Jill sandwich?!

15 years ago

BigTones is the master of lockpicking.

15 years ago

That's "master of unlocking". LOL!

15 years ago

crap. thanks.

15 years ago

Haha yea, master of lockpicking would just sound stupid…

15 years ago

oh, no…. it's probably going to end up a first-person shooter. I personally like the controls, i feel like the adds a bit of suspense. And i think it's a bit more realistic that those FPSs(have you ever seen anybody move their legs wildly while keeping their torso perfectly still?). But, it's a game not real life and a game needs a bit of difficulty. I just hope they keep it a survival horror.

15 years ago

In addition to a possible run and gun option in the future, it would be nice if they returned to what made these games so popular, survival horror. I felt abit of a shift to the action side of things with 4, and even more with the demo for this. And also, bring back umbrella. you cant tell me there completely finished.

15 years ago

Lets see:
-get rid of the daylight
-get rid of the forced co-op
-get rid of Chris' massive steroid arms
-relocate the franchise to a smaller setting with complex puzzles (we dont have to journey the length of a state to have an exciting game)
-Kill off Wesker, he's getting annoying
-Look at DeadSpace and realize where you've gone wrong with the RE series.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 2/23/2009 10:45:13 PM

15 years ago

If this series turns any more "shooter" they are going to lose the really hard-core fans. They need to go back to the series' roots and bring back true zombies and puzzles. And the horror factor. RE4 had little to none of that element. Look at Silent Hill, Fatal Frame and Dead Space. The previous have kept the dread factor through every incarnation. And the latter did really well it's first time out. RE5 won't be in my collection but I'm looking forward to news of RE6 with the hope that the Resident Evil we've grown to love in the past will make it's return.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Took the words right outta my mouth.

15 years ago

Control overhaul I bet, to be honest with you though, if I was running from zombies in real life with very few bullets, I would probably stop and aim before I fired, otherwise you would hit air every time. I just hope they come up with a unique system for RE6 and not just adapt something off of Gears, that would kill the surv/hor aspect altogether.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/23/2009 11:06:31 PM

15 years ago

Capcom is THE best dev at the moment, the WAY they listen to their fans is second to none.

And it's not that they blindly do whatever the fans want. They take the bests ideas/thoughts and try to understand why a different direction is important.

I agree, from here in RE needs to go in a different direction.

15 years ago

What we need is another outbreak, now that psn is more acessable

15 years ago

I echo that. I loved the hell out of those two games.

15 years ago

Play L4Dead on your pc, its better.

15 years ago

Yes it is!! 🙂

15 years ago

i dont understand… are the xbox fans the only ones complaining? Im sure the PS fans have played RE4 and wont complain about the controls.

15 years ago

I think I'll pick up Code Veronica for my Dreamcast 🙂

15 years ago

Or the PS2 version. Both are good either way lol

15 years ago

Word has it the PS2 port wasn't so grand, but I was into a whole nother thing at the time of it's release so I missed out.

15 years ago

I enjoyed it. Though I never played the Dreamcast version so I can't compare the two.

15 years ago

Not picking this up. I can't stand to be aiming at an enemy that has the ability to throw things without me having the ability to strafe or move whatsoever.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

Your supposed to shoot the axes ect. out of the air.

15 years ago

It's their baby; they'll do as they see fit. It's worked so far, right?

15 years ago

The only change I want is the ability to move while aiming. I don't mean run and gun, I mean at least let me takes some baby steps. I mean hell, people keep saying it's 'realistic' but there's nothing realistic about standing infront of zombies to shoot them, I'd turn aim and slowly walk backward while shooting, or to the left or right, hell even forward if I had a trusty hand-combat weapon on my side. I mean hell the machette was nearly useless in the demo, unless you got within inches of the zombies (where he would half the time hit you before you hit them) or they accidently run into you or something… 🙁

15 years ago

If they want to update the controls that's fine, just don't turn it into a FPS. What I would like them to do in RE6 is from an atmosphere standpoint return to the classic RE survival horror feel. Get rid of the semi human mutant freaks who don't scare anybody and bring back real zombies and zombie monsters. Also like someone else said get rid of daytime settings and bring RE back to the dark and spooky settings of the original RE games (pre-RE4). And can we please get some interesting puzzles back in the game?… I can't even remember if RE4 had any puzzles, if it did there was probably only a few and they weren't very memorable. So update the controls again if you must Capcom but bring everything else in the game back to it's roots and take Chris off the steroids.

15 years ago

I completely agree jdt1981, it doesnt have a scary atmosphere any more. the only part of RE4 which stoof out to me was the Lab, that was creepy and i loved it, though Regenerators were quite intimidating. it would be nice if RE could return to a city like Racoon City, you got a huge sense of lonely ness there.

15 years ago

Like I also mentioned before, it seems that most people that are suddenly complaining about the Controls seems to have only played RE4 and now 5. As far as I can remember all of the previous games RE1,2,3, Code Veronica, outbreak had the same controls or basically had the so called ''tank'' controls…. They never bothered us in the beginning so why should it bother us now…

Sure the run & gun mechanic might be cool but then they might as well change the name to Resident Action. the are no more T or G virus's,no more ZOMBIES,no more ''Lickers'' so they have already gone so far away from the Racoon City days that they might as well just use the same characters in a completely new ''crisis''. Might as well make it about war and nukes then.

I personally would love to see a remake of 1 (I know that will never happen) But mostly I would like to see a RE game that is between 1 and 2. Maybe where the city just gets over run by the virus. Make it REAL SURVIVAL HORROR….maybe even in an open end type of environment.

15 years ago

I have an RE 1 remake for the Gamecube.

15 years ago

People complained about the controls in the first 3 Resident Evil games. It was usually the main complaint. Either you loved it or hated it…

Those who loved it said so because it made the game scarier, and those who hated it said so because they were too clunky and slow.

It bothers people now because they "improved" everything in the game. RE4 felt completely different from the last 4 games(I'm including RE: CV), but they still hadn't gotten rid of the tank controls. RE5 comes along, and they're STILL there.

I played almost every RE game(save for the FPS ones), and after I played a couple hours of RE4 I never picked it up again, it just doesn't feel like RE anymore. And now, in RE5, they make you babysit.

Last edited by GuernicaReborn on 2/24/2009 9:39:24 AM

15 years ago

Well the difference with RE4/RE5, and the previous iterations, are that the environments are "free roaming" now. Whereas, before, the environments were all static, and you just maneuvered around it.
So yeah, the "tank controls" worked back then.

But now that we've moved into more powerful systems, they're able to make more dynamic environments and, thus, the controls should reflect that – whilst maintaining the same scary atmosphere and mood.

15 years ago

Resident Evil isn't scary, never has been. The atmosphere seems to have changed in the last one, but lets wait till we play the full game till we judge that, some daylight isn't so bad (especially since this happens in real life). If I wanted GeOW or Uncharted, I would play those. RE is special cause it's different. I love it how it is, but if the makers want to make some changes that's fine. It's a lot less tank-like than RE1, and I'm OK with that. Anyways, I would imagine 6 would change, it will be time by then. But I'm sure I still love 5.

15 years ago

I agree also. The main topic for RE6 is the atmosphere. And of course some controls adjustments. See Dead Space for example. I want that scary feeling that something is comming inevitable, which I have to face. I don´t need loads of ammo but the possibility to hide and run and (of course) slay :-). What I´m wondering about is – why is the aminee "Resident Evil Degeneration" in this freaking scary style but the came is not? RE6 vice versa – hopefully 🙂

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

Still complaining about the controls!wait here,i'll go get you a fu**ing lolly pop.
I trust capcom with whatever changes the see fit to make,and if it is as simple as changing the controls to run/walk 'n' gun,i'll deal with it but it will make the game retardedly simple.
I like my resi evil games to be a challenge.
Oh and RE4 & 5 have day and night periods just like reality.
I'd like RE6 to take place in tokyo with both zombies and parasites controlled enemies,with a fu**ed up entire city to explore.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

@ben please delete my comment thats awaiting approval as the wording is a little to aggressive,i cant delete it myself(keep getting error message)
I've reposted a less curse infested version already.
Thank you.

15 years ago

I can't judge the game as to whether it might be scary or not purely because I'm either gonna be playing it witrh a friend online(and nothing is ever very scary if you aren't alone-it just gets funny-or I'm too frustrated by ol' big boobs and her knack for foiling everything I do(don't start me on the inventory). I wouldn't change the controls too drastically as the game would than be a mere cakewalkl though.
But having the forced co-op is a big issue for me(and what about people with a crappy internet connection?The games almost worthless to them as it only looks like shining in online co-op-splitscreen is pretty poor in theb demo tbh)and has turned this from the game I looked forward to most over the last couple of years into something I'll prolly just rent and play through the co-op with.
I've loved RE for ages but it doesn't feel like RE this time round. The co-op will be a good laugh, mind, but there's no replay there for me.
Maybe I'm getting too fussy as I also think SF4 isn't up to it's hype(prefer SF2THDR if I'm honest)either and people are loving that while I think Capcom are a little off form-sad for my favouirite dev, and one that usually listens to fans AND gets it right.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

People are still complaining about the controls!!well wait here & i'll go get you a f**king lolly pop.
I trust capcom to make changes as they see fit,even if it is as simple as changing the controls to a run/walk'n'gun method,i'll deal with it instead of bitching about it,though if thats all they change it will make the game retartededly simple like Dead space or Cold fear before it(yes dead space is a complete rip off of cold fear with added dismemberment and a ship in space,not on the ocean)
As for the daytime setting in RE5,once a certain amount of time passes it will get dark(just like in RE4 & in the real world).
I would like to see a return to a modern city setting for RE6,maybe tokyo if they keep going with the current parasite plot.
A remake of RE2 with the RE5 engine would be sweet,play alone or co op but in different parts off the city/police station,could they make that work?

15 years ago

I agree lord carlos. if you could move away so easily then where is the "fear". The controls are probably meant as a method to make the game more difficult. Unlike RE Gun Survivor(waste of money).

15 years ago

Carlos it wont stop, its all the noobs that are only used to First Person Shooters! If I wanted another first person shooter, I would play one. Resident Evil has its own style, which includes its controls, if they change that, I would probably not be a fan of the series anymore.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

@xeele,frenchy & robochic
cheers guy's n gal?
My PSN is lord_carlos,add me if ya wanna kill some mofo's in the RE5 demo.

15 years ago

I disagree, in the former sequels of RE the enemies were moving like sltus giving you all the time to react properly even with those "tank" controls. So the controls are not, what I´m complaining about. It the gameplay in combination with the controls. I stated this before, controls and gameplay in RE5 are not adjusted to each other, which make the game lame and kicks off the fun/fear factor. And Dead Space isn´t retartededly simple apart from playing it on easy or normal difficulty. Soory but I think RE6 needs a better atmosphere and controls that are adjusted to gameplay or gameplay adjusted to controls…and I prefer my lollypop with a cherry taste 🙂

15 years ago

I disagree, in the former sequels of RE the enemies were moving like sluts giving you all the time to react properly even with those "tank" controls. The controls are not, what I´m complaining about. It is the gameplay in combination with the controls. I stated this before, controls and gameplay in RE5 are not adjusted to each other, which makes the game lame and kicks off the fun/fear factor. And Dead Space isn´t retartededly simple apart from playing it on easy or normal difficulty. Sorry but I think RE6 needs a better atmosphere and controls that are adjusted to gameplay or a gameplay adjusted to controls…and I prefer my lollypop with a cherry taste 🙂

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
15 years ago

Well their goes the wonderful RE franchise! What will it be called now? Probably Resident Gears of Evil 6! I hope they don't go over board with their renovation of the franchise.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 2/24/2009 8:53:25 AM

15 years ago

I hope re6 bring leon, claire, chris, rebecca, and billy, together in a mansion or a police station in raccoon town.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

That would be cool but i think it would have to be non canon,they could call it RE Gaiden 2 maybe!!!

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