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flOw, Flower Creator: “It’s The Renaissance Of Video Games”

If you haven't yet had the pleasure of experiencing Flower , you're missing out, but if you have played it, you probably got the distinct sensation that we may be poised on the brink of a gaming Renaissance of sorts…or maybe we're already in one.

According to a recent interview with MTV Multiplayer, co-founder and creative director of thatgamecompany, Jenova Chen, believes we are indeed part of a brilliant new age in the video game industry. Said Chen- "I think right now in the future, when people look back, I think it's the renaissance of video games." She also talked about how downloadable options in this new generation have given developers a chance to shine. And if you've taken the chance to download certain gems from the PSN and XBLA, you would probably agree. Ms. Chen also added this, in a response to PSX Extreme's review of Flower : "[The] game industry is changing, not just the developers but critics like you and many others. It's a wonderful feeling to live in this era." We certainly do live in an interesting time, and although we can't downplay the revolutionary leaps in the past (2D to 3D is a big one, for instance), we should definitely look around now. What we have is more diversity than ever before, and we should be grateful for that.

Artistry and creativity are cornerstones of most any entertainment industry, and if designers are willing to push the limits of both, the consumer is definitely going to benefit. Plain and simple.

Related Game(s): Flower

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15 years ago

One day I'll look at my kids watching The History chan. and they'll have a Modern Marvels episode on these times and I'll tell my kids how Kratos took down the gods, or how a soldier fought against a system known as THE PATRIOTS, or how a man survived alone in a space full of death, or how about the time when wind helped a flower grow. Man I can't wait to tell these stories. For the record I'm 18 >_<

15 years ago

lol flower is beautiful, its allureness I love it, I still aint beat it yet, I played a lvl everytime Im having a bad day.

15 years ago

Or you can go all retro and bust out your PS3 and pop in those old school BluRays, which will amaze your kids who are used to playing the PS9 through their neurojacks.

15 years ago

I think jenova is a dude

Im The Man
Im The Man
15 years ago

great catch havoc. I just googled and it is a dude! ben probably just made a typo

Last edited by Im The Man on 2/19/2009 11:26:40 PM

15 years ago

What about the boob with the eyeball?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/20/2009 3:04:24 AM

Im The Man
Im The Man
15 years ago

boob with eyeball?

15 years ago

Yea I was going to say the same thing because I watched the developers diary video on PSN and this person was definately a guy.

Im The Man
Im The Man
15 years ago

"Critics like you?" "You people!?!" What do you mean by "you" people!?! lol

15 years ago

what do YOU mean "you people"

sorry I love tropic thunder and everything else RDJ is in

Im The Man
Im The Man
15 years ago

hilarious movie

15 years ago

good one ITM

15 years ago

Noby Noby Boy was definitely a different experience lol but it made me smile

15 years ago

Just finished Flower. I couldn't bring myself to putting down the controller. Its just so full of emotion. I agree, Ben. This is the type of originality that some of us thrive on. Now if you excuse me, I have to go explore again..

15 years ago

I was almost brought to tears at one point, honest… it is and experience, and emotional ride…


"i Am hOMe"

Im The Man
Im The Man
15 years ago

whats the emotion involved? can someone tell me about this game please????

15 years ago

@Im The Man: The game is beautifully done, both audio and visually. Having a great pair of headphones or a surround system will enhance the experience. The game goes through stages where you feel happy, sad, rushed, and reborn again. I don't want to give too much away because you should really experience it. If you like artsy or unique interactive media, this is a sure buy.

Im The Man
Im The Man
15 years ago

thanks I think im gonna download it now

15 years ago

i would get this but sadly the PSN cards arent out in canada yet and i have no other means of getting this (i have no credit cards and such) but i kinda want this, it seems to be getting quite a bit of hype, is it worth the buy?

15 years ago

You could always get a pre-paid Mastercard. Load it up with $50 and go on a PSN spending spree.

As for the Renaissance of video gaming, I think it's about time game design houses started branching out and trying something other than the same old genres. PSN gives distributors a low-cost channel to try out more quirky titles and still get great exposure to their audience. And that's great for us gamers!

15 years ago

I have yet to get this have to pay off my credit card before i can get anything else, I am hoping and praying soon the PSN cards will come to Canada 🙂 I don't like using my credit card.

15 years ago

hey mustang thanks for ruining dead space on me,thanks alot!

15 years ago

@ tramp not really the ending is actually a cliff hanger that leaves you wondering WTF was that

15 years ago

Very true play through it and you will see he didn't really ruin anything.

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