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Killzone 2 Director: PlayStation Home Support Is “Likely”

As time goes on, you will see more and more games that have a PlayStation Home presence. Of course, PlayStation 3 exclusives will top the list, and Killzone 2 is no exception; Sony has already revealed the KZ2 themes, images and extra content that will arrive for their expansive online social community.

But according to a recent PlayStationOnly interview with Guerilla, the support for Home is only just beginning. The big question everyone has is whether or not the game will fully support Home; in other words, if users milling about in their apartments can get together and launch a multiplayer match without ever leaving the Home space. So far, this has yet to be confirmed, but the interview showed that Development Director Arjan Brussee said the possibility is "likely." He wouldn't give a specific time frame, but the team may be working on it already. We're guessing that if the Home support does arrive, it'll come in the form of an update some time later this summer (but don't quote us on that). Although Home is still in the early stages, it's important to have blockbusters linked with the ever-expanding online service, because it will represent a major boost for Home. Being able to kick off KZ2 matches immediately after purchasing new threads for your avatar in Home makes the overall PS3 community experience seamless. Isn't that what Home was going for in the first place?

We'll let you know if Guerilla ever officially announces full support for PlayStation Home, but in the meantime, just be happy with what you have. Killzone 2 is scheduled to hit store shelves next week, and that should be enough for now, right?

Related Game(s): Killzone 2

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15 years ago

Hopefully it does II haven't used home in a while II need a reason to use it this is a start only if II can lauch K2 from home.

15 years ago


Your "I" key is sticking!

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Aye, I can't wait to play KZ2 too.

L7 345T

Last edited by Tim Speed24 on 2/17/2009 1:14:36 PM

15 years ago

The II thing is annoying, but the fact he doesn't use punctuation is really irking me.

15 years ago

Thats pretty cool cause honestly the only reason i go to home is to play the red bull game…. Wow one week away…

Odd Child
Odd Child
15 years ago

Haven't logged onto home in ages, Just not much to do there from last time I was on. But having games that are integrating themselves into home is a plus.

15 years ago

I haven't gone into home since before my 60 gig died on me! (curse you 2.60! lol)
It just takes for freakin ever to download all the different areas! I don't have that kind of time, I gotta finish R2 before K2 comes out!

15 years ago

My II key ain't sticking that's how II text lol

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

I understand I think.

L7 345T

Last edited by Tim Speed24 on 2/17/2009 1:15:34 PM

Im The Man
Im The Man
15 years ago

this isnt "texting" this is typing

15 years ago

So you type II twice as in like oi oi or aye aye lol ?

You sound like Eddie Murphy off the Golden Child movie "I I I want the kniiiffffffeeeeee" lol and then he spins the bit on the column thing lol funny film that sorry gone off topic just realised haha 🙂

Using Home to launch games should be a good idea. I Was in Home again Europe version, seen nothing special left after visiting all places. I even had 2 lights in my apartment last time I was there now they have disappeared on me lol.

15 years ago

Something like that

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

My brother Numsey 🙂

15 years ago

How much you want to bet that the day after KZ2 launches home will be filled mainly with people sporting their new Helghast outfits

15 years ago

a little off topic ..but ive just been playing the kz2 demo again..and was wondering how the ps3 works with these types of games with soo little ram?? i know how pc's work when it comes to games, if anyone could explain please tell!!

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago


Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago


15 years ago

The Cell is a powerful processor… it could stream data directly off BD if necessary… I think there is some sort of streaming going on. According to the devs, each KZ2 level is about 2GB in size, without loading times between levels… therefore it needs to be streaming something in order to continue the level build without a break… To be honest I will see if this is true when I get the commercial game… we can see then what was hyped and what was not 🙂 …as is the usual case.

But no doubt, ram constraints on the PS3 have definitely hurt its potential as an HD gaming platform… the greatest assets that suffer are the textures… textures are compressed and downgraded from their PC counterparts… and it is very telling in some games, especially multi-plats.

MGS4, GoWIII, Unchartered I / II, Big Planet , GT5, KZ2; make a better job at the texturing… optimised engines and code for the target platform helps… but the low memory is a huge problem… any developer will attest to this.


"i aM hOMe"

Last edited by Qubex on 2/17/2009 8:41:50 PM

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

I'm not a tech head but my best mate is in his 3rd year at a computer programming course & i asked him about this whole 512mb ram thing in ps3 and why sony did'nt put in more,like1gig ram,anyway he said that it does'nt need anymore because unlike PC's a ps3 is only running 2-3 programmes max at any one time while a PC is running 20-30 programmes,hence the big ram counts.
I suppose the combo of ram,bluray & HDD helps the ps3 do its thing.

15 years ago

I'm probably too late to post this, so no one will read this.

But isn't the "fact" that the PS3 has less RAM than the 360 a misnomer, i.e., incorrect?

The 360 has 512MB of overall RAM, yes?

The PS3 has 256MB dedicated to the CPU and 256MB for the GPU. This equals 512MB TOTAL. No?

Am I missing something when people keep stating the PS3 has less ram because I don't believe it does.

The PS3 has its RAM split between the CPU and GPU while the 360's RAM is left up to the developer to assign. Am I right?

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago


But I still want Ratchet ears or a Clank Thruster Pack.


Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

I hope they have thruster packs like they did in Killzone Liberation.

L7 345T

Last edited by Tim Speed24 on 2/17/2009 1:17:39 PM

15 years ago

If there's ever a lull in great games (May not be for a long time for PS3 owners) I'll check out Home again.

Just 10 days guys…

15 years ago

8 for me in sweden 😉

i really can't remember the last time i was in home. i don't think i'll be there soon…

15 years ago

Though I would want KZ2 to have in-home game launching upon it's release. But on the flip-side I can see where it would be a disaster.

Home is still in beta form and with alot of players jumping on KZ2, it might be too much of a load to handle all at once(Look at MGO) without proper load tests. I think alot of people will be pissed and add fuel to critics if a in-home game launch collapsed with such a high profile game. Alot of people still don't realize that home is still in beta form.

15 years ago

cool the more support the better. very positive news

15 years ago

Lmao at how me commenting is irking a certain someone dude get a life if it bothers you dont read my comment just skip them this dude like oh he dont use punctuations this aint a english class im at work typing from my g1 you at home reading comments that bother you it seems like you got to much time on your hand ps3 wizard.

Last edited by Cpt_Geez on 2/17/2009 6:37:24 PM

15 years ago

Yeah, because you know me that well, I won't say anything to that. I'll just let you THINK you're right.

But I will say this, I would take your sad comeback more seriously if I didn't have to read it 8 times to understand it.

And wouldn't it mean you have just as much time on your hands if you can spot my post out of all the others? Couple that with the fact that if you look back in the last few articles, I see your name pop up ALOT more than mine. So if I need to "get a life", I guess you should be joining me in that personal vendetta.

Last edited by PS3_Wizard on 2/19/2009 8:30:09 AM

15 years ago

No offense to Home lovers, but that thing doesn't DO anything. I can launch K2 multiplayer games from within K2. Why launch Home to launch K2? Oh I know, to stand in the town square asking if anyone wants to play K2 instead of just joining a server in progress.

15 years ago

This sounds awesome….

you can plan a time to meet in someone's Home crib, gather up some friends, figure out what modes to play with what rules and launch directly into KZ2…

Home is evolving…the vision is there and it looks promising…

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