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Ubisoft Obtains Rights To The Wheelman From Midway?

Yesterday, we learned that Midway had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy , which tends to put a crimp in day-to-day business matters. Perhaps first on the agenda is the transferral of The Wheelman .

Selling off such an IP might put some cash in Midway's empty wallet, and that may be what has happened. According to Kotaku, Ubisoft has acquired the rights to The Wheelman , which is scheduled to release for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on March 20. At this point, orders for the game have been put on hold and the game would be delayed in order for it to "undergo a transformation into an Ubisoft production." Many have been anticipating this freedom-oriented blend between driving and action, primarily because Vin Diesel's Tigon Studios was behind its development. Responsible for the critically acclaimed Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay in 2004, we've been awaiting more from Tigon ever since. From what we've seen of The Wheelman so far, we do have high expectations; we think it'll be tons of fun to go screaming around the city as…well, a wheelman. But if Ubisoft has taken over, you can pretty much kiss that March 20 date goodbye.

Neither Ubisoft or Midway has commented on the situation just yet, but it probably makes a lot of sense. Midway needs the cash and Ubisoft has the cash to give. Let's just hope things turn out okay for both The Wheelman and Midway; veteran game publishers need to stick around, in our opinion.

Related Game(s): The Wheelman

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15 years ago

since it's ubisoft, i have no problem.

Last edited by jerocarson on 2/12/2009 10:22:59 PM

15 years ago

It should be alright, I will be interested to see what they do with this I.P.


"i aM hOMe"

15 years ago


15 years ago

For some reason, i hate this game already.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

I have a feeling that this is just going to be an awful game. Let's just say it's not on my list.

It's got a better chance under UBISOFT though.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

As you can see by the lack of comments on this game….Nobody cares for this title.

Flower is getting more attention on this site than The Wheelman. What's that tell Ya?

15 years ago

Ubisoft will make this game better no doubt.

15 years ago

Ubisoft should stick with Tom Clancy games.
They do a good job with those 🙂

15 years ago

except for endwar
that game turned out to be a turd wrapped in a shiney tom clancy label

15 years ago

GRAW and Splinter Cell are my favorite.

15 years ago

How come EA dominated PS2 days but Activision Codemasters and Ubisoft are now levelling it out.

15 years ago

I worry about games that get passed around like the overly drunk girl at the party.

Veritas Vincit
Veritas Vincit
15 years ago

Off Topic Just to let everyone in one something if you don't already know about Tom Clancy's Hawx. If you were hoping of a demo now your going to have to wait. M$ got exclusive rights to early demo on the Feb 10th and PSN was supposed to get it on the 26th along with PC. But the funny thing is europe PSN was supposed to get the demo on the 12th. Well when the 12th came Ubisoft issued a statement on their twitter page saying it didn't get released due to technical problems with the game….. Seems like M$ is in everybody's pocked these days. Head on over to the Hawx forums and check out the backlashing over this.

15 years ago

i dont know why some other people are looking bad at this but i personally think this game looks pretty siq, not like a beast or anything but at least worth renting

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