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Rock Band 2 Sells 2 Million, Still “Weaker Than Expected”

Although it seems clear that Guitar Hero continues to win the battle of the bands with Rock Band , Viacom is mostly satisfied with Rock Band 2 's performance thus far.

According to Gamasutra , Viacom has said during its fourth quarter earnings report that Rock Band 2 sales have passed 2 million since the game's launch last Septemeber. Now, they did say that's a lower-than-expected number, but they attribute this to the dropping economy during the latter part of 2008. Even so, the game's success helped the company to an increase in full-year revenues for its Media Networks segments; it rose 8% to $8.76 billion. This increase in revenue was one of the few highlights of this earnings call, though, as Viacom reported an overall 69% drop in profits for the fourth quarter "due to weak advertising sales from its cable channels and declining filmed-entertainment revenues." If Rock Band 2 had managed to snag more of the market away from the fully entrenched Guitar Hero , things might've been a little better, but there's no doubt that Rock Band is a success. Maybe it can whittle a little more away from Guitar Hero 's lead with the next entry.  Who doesn't want to see Rock Band 3 ?

Nobody is about to say that 2 million in sales is bad, but considering the explosion of the music genre in the industry, it's no surprise that Viacom was expecting more.

Related Game(s): Rock Band 2

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15 years ago

Im sorry RockBand is an awsome game but it cant hold a lighter to the lable that Guitar Hero has built for thenselves. I will buy it sooner or later though.

15 years ago


15 years ago

I prefer RockBand as well, and its creators created Guitar Hero I and II didn't they?

15 years ago

What part of those two basic sentences didnt you understand shoota?

15 years ago

I didn't understand: "Im sorry RockBand is an awsome game but it cant hold a lighter to the lable that Guitar Hero has built for thenselves."

It's a weird expression I've never heard, lighter to the lable. What does that mean?

Harmonix built Guitar Hero into what it is.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

Yeah, RB just has to deal with being second to the show. I, personally, prefer Rock Band. I think it's visual style is much better. But, the Guitar Hero name was here first. They were, what 4 games in when RB hit the scene?

15 years ago

Rock Band =/= Guitar Hero
Mac OSX=/= Windows

Better sales doesn't always mean the better product, but we all knew that already.

15 years ago

While that's true, Troy, key designers who later jumped ship to create RB were instrumental to the launch of the GH series of titles, so it's kind of a moot point.

15 years ago

Whatever, they should be happy selling 2 million copies. Rock band is the shizzle still.

15 years ago

i would have got rock band but they deserve sh** sales here in the UK for how they sell on 360 a year before ps3

they shot themselves in the foot, they're own fault

15 years ago

I have all of the GH's and both RB's. I play more RB2 than anything else, but playing Hot for teacher, Hotel California and some really fun Jimmy tracks in GHWT is just too tempting sometimes
so GHWT has seen alot of action lately. My graphic whore buddies refuse to play it though. The characters still look so lame and the mouth on the singers is just plain scary. but it fun…

I buy a lot more DLC for RB as well 'cause in my opinion the sound are just better, and the game play and look is alot cleaner.

15 years ago

Yeah, I have RB2 and GHWT. I barely play GHWT because I usually play it with friends and nobody ever wants to play GHWT. RB2 looks better, sounds better, has no fail mode and since I've been buying DLC for over a year I have way more songs.

15 years ago

Really the only reason why I didn't buy RB2 was because it didn't really add anything new besides songs and I had a limitid account and was faced with the decision resistance 2 or rockband expansion pack

Plus that rockband guitar is useless now that I can use the Guitar hero guitars

15 years ago

The RB1 guitars were kinda weak but the RB2 guitars are really good. I just bought the RB2 disc and use my RB1 drums and GH guitars.

15 years ago

I like rockband 2 i bought it for my husband for christmas, i have not played GHWT as of yet my husband has and he says he likes both equally they both have their strengths and weeknesses. I can't drum for the life of myself but i do love the rb2 guitar more than gh2 guitar.

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