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Acquiring Free Radical Gets Crytek Closer To Console Market

If you didn't already know, Crytek recently sprang to Free Radical's rescue, picking up the ailing developer who had been forced to close its doors and enter administration late last year. Free Radical's Rob Yescombe has already voiced his relief and now, it's Crytek's turn to talk about their acquisition.

According to what Crytek president and CEO Cevat Yerli told, this is a big step in the company's push to finally enter the console market. They had been planning on the move, of course, but to have a team like Free Radical under their umbrella ought to speed things along. Said Yerli:

"We always planned to enter the console market and it was part of our strategy even before the acquisition. This step will certainly bring us forward a bit faster to achieve our goal to develop high quality games on consoles."

At the time of Free Radical's demise, they were working on the next installment in the popular and critically acclaimed TimeSplitters franchise, so of course, everyone is wondering if Crytek will now allow that work to continue. Yerli said they were "looking into all possibilities" and they "haven't decided anything yet," but if the creators of Crysis want to team up with Free Radical to produce TimeSplitters 4 , we've got no problem with that. Let's hope such an announcement arrives soon…

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15 years ago

Crysis PS3. Then i'm happy

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

No , I think we now have our fair share of fps . A new ip on that engine will be more exciting .

15 years ago

I guess Crytek will probably try to out do Killzone 2 sometime in the future… just a hunch!


"i aM hOMe"

15 years ago

they should def make WoW for consoles. It would be sweet if Free Radical and Crytek both joined with Blizzard. I can't see why It can't be done.

15 years ago

WoW and Games like Crysis are the only ones keeping PC gamers from using consules. I could bet you money that if WoW was released on PS3 with the regular monthly fee and came with a WoW Keyboard and Mouse designed for your lap for "On the Couch WoW'ing" that PC gaming would have not a "Sharp" or "Spiked" but "Massive" decline in sales and lead to consules truly overtaking all gaming ways. Its not the question of weather it could be done but WHEN it will be done.(My guess is when EverQuest 3 is made for PS3 like they stated we will start to see the mass migration of MMO players

15 years ago

no monthly subscription games on my playstation!

theres only 2 things i use money for with my ps3. the console and the games.
with the exception of an accessory here and there.

games like WoW are why i stick to my free-to-play MMOs and PS3.

But yes, crysis on ps3 =]
or something just as good.
maybe a new IP

15 years ago

i just really want to see an open world fps that isn't an 18

15 years ago

MAG is apparently meant to be a subscription game.

15 years ago

They were working on Battlefront 3 as well correct?

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

thats right,and it looked awesome,being able to take off from the ground,fly up through the atmosphere into space and dock in a star destroyer made me sad this game will never be finished 🙁
And the 'what if kenobi turned to the darkside instead of anakin'storyline sounded sweet.

i'd love to see a console version of CRYSIS as well.

15 years ago

I dont think we need Crysis guys, cause if it dose happen all of GG's hard work could be put aside next to Crysis and they already have earned back my support by tapping into the PS3 like no other 😉

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

Don't knock it till you've tried it buddy.
Nothing will ever take away from GG & what they've done with KZ2 and the PS3.

15 years ago

I would LOVE a new TimeSplitters. If it keeps doing what it did so well on the PS2, I'll buy it day 1. TS2 sold itself when I had friends over to play splitscreen!

Frenchy – Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the rights to Battlefront III belong to Lucas Arts, who may have a different studio complete the title.

15 years ago

Yep, battlefront 3 has been moved to another UK studio: Rebellion.

15 years ago

UK's got some talent. Sony Liverpool, Media Molecule, and Evolution come to mind.

15 years ago

lionhead, criterion the list goes on…

Although UK still gets treated like crap

15 years ago

maybe with the watching eye of crytec free radical won't screw up their next game like they did with haze.

still looking forward to some timesplitters craziness. Oh how i loved sacraficing a friend by covering him with bombs and having him run into an enemy base for me to detonate him

Last edited by BTNwarrior on 2/11/2009 12:53:21 PM

15 years ago

Isn't Crysis coming to PS3 exclusively???

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

Crysis has been denied and denied that it would come to consoles at all.

15 years ago

never cared much for crytek, but i would love a Timesplitters 4.

15 years ago

Not a big FPSs fan so I don't care

15 years ago

hmmm i'm noticing when people talk about crytek and free radical, they don't really mention SWBF3. I really hope someone won't waste what was on that sweet video haha

15 years ago

Would be nice to play Crysis on PS3 at some point. The majority of Crytek's consumers are people with 9000$ rigs so I don't see why they can't expand to the less fortunate *points to himself*. 😉

15 years ago

So does this mean Timesplitters 4 is still on the way?

15 years ago

Cell + Crysis = 4D

King James
King James
15 years ago

Forget Crysis. I got Uncharted for that. Bring on the Stars Wars: Battlefront 3.

Here is an late alpha build of the game. It shows some pretty ground-breaking mechanics for 3rd person view gaming.

15 years ago

In regards to MirrorSoul's comment on if games like Crysis and WoW came to the PS3 we'd see a sharp decline in PC gamers, I have to say that is entirely not true.

First off everyone knows the best way to play an FPS in on a PC with a keyboard and mouse. If you pitted a team of PC users against a team of console users the PC users would win every single match.

Also laptops add the ability of gaming on the go, which you really can't get with a console. The main reason I bought a PS3 over Xbox360 is that nearly every Xbox exclusive is on the PC and I already have a laptop that is powerful enough to play any Xbox game with higher graphic settings. This way I do get the best of both worlds, plus the addition of mobility.

15 years ago

Jackyl: I'm also a pc user and you can play with keyboard and mouse on ps3.In some games anyway.
And I streamed crysis to my ps3 and it did run.
To all that would like to try it your pc must have the power to play crysis.

15 years ago

I am much more excited for Battlefront 3 but I do think Crysis would work very well on a console. With the suit changing mechanics and all could be accomplished so easily on the Dpad.

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