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PlayStation 3: Most Discussed Console In Video Game History?

Now, I'm old enough to remember all the way back to the earliest video game consoles, but for the life of me, I can't recall a system that has received so much enduring discussion and debate as the PlayStation 3.

At first, it was relatively normal. Despite the early gloom and doom – and I will refer you to my earlier article if you think any of it still applies in 2009 – the amount of discussion articles dedicated to Sony's new machine didn't seem abnormally high. It really only reminded me of the PS2, and maybe the original Xbox. In all honesty, I do vividly remember the amount of excitement generated by the Super Nintendo after the original NES took the blossoming gaming world by storm, but that was well before the time when the media had become…well, the media for this industry. So perhaps the last generation had the most amount of long-running hype and argument, but that may have all changed: well over two years after the system's launch, the PS3 continues to demand a large portion of the industry's scrutiny, and an almost equally large portion of forum conversations around the Internet. Obviously, I don't have any hard-and-fast statistics; I can only go by what I see. Anecdotal evidence, I know. But I think everyone will agree that PS3-related topics still get a ton of attention, and they're topics that typically die out after the first year.

A lot of the discussion certainly centers on ignorance, but I'm simply talking about general attention. For whatever reason, the PS3 continues to turn many, many heads on a continual basis, and the subjects range from power to software to Sony-oriented business topics. At this time, with the generation in full swing, one would've expected an evening out of sorts, but that doesn't appear to be in the cards for this machine. I haven't decided yet whether or not this will turn out to be a benefit in terms of sales…probably not, considering the ignorance level of some of the articles I'm talking about is through the effing roof. But I do know that anything with "PlayStation 3" in the headline demands attention at all times, and I'm starting to think that it may be – or will become – the most talked about console in video game history. Does anyone else agree with this, or do they remember more elongated discussion for another system in the past? Maybe my memory is just on the blink, but it seems unlikely. I've got one of the best memories on earth. 😉

I suppose the key now is to insure that things don't spiral out of control, because that could lead to many mainstream consumers facing a deluge of confusing and conflicting information when they set out to purchase a game console. Well…that's why we're here.

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15 years ago

spelling error ben:

"the ps3 continues to turn man[y], many heads"

back on topic, the ps3 is definantly getting alot of attention in the media, but not necessarily for the good… The mainstream consumer this generation sees the ps3 as just an expensive gaming machine.

But I also have a feeling gran turismo and gow3 will change a lot.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yes, thank you. But give me a break…I do a lot of articles at once. 😉

15 years ago

u guys scrutinize Ben a lot,he's human n bound to make mistakes.

Matter o' fact is a typo even a mistake?

15 years ago

Yes, a typo is a mistake. In fact, 'typo' is shorthand for 'typographical error.' However, with all anal retentiveness aside, I tend to give Ben and others a wide degree of latitude in their spelling because of the volume of work that they are doing and that at least they are grammatically correct. Hell, my father has a PhD in English Lit and can't spell worth a damn without spellcheck software.

15 years ago

yeah i agree, this machine gets so much attention it amazes me. good, bad, legit, false the machine has endured it all and taken it quite well i might add!

15 years ago

I agree ps3 get more publicity then the other console.

15 years ago

I would say the original xbox garnered much more mainstream attention than the PS3 did. Especially before it even came out because everyone — especially the IT field — was wondering how microsofts first big test expansion was going to turn out…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

The IT field must be very different from the gaming world. While I was aware of the hype, most people entrenched in the industry simply dismissed it out-of-hand (as they did with the original PlayStation at first).

15 years ago

Joe_III, i don't think so.Xbox didn't turn many regular heads,it mighta turned IT heads but not the general heads.

15 years ago

its not so much a debate as a stand-off.

I mean, if you really look at it a little, you see the Sony camp gaining ground, with the M$ camp deciding that if it ignores and denies Sony's progress enough, it'll disappear.

Most discussed, yes, but as many will insinuate, there's no debate. The debate's over.

15 years ago

100% agree.

15 years ago

agree with this article. now can we get some god of war iii articles!?!? ;p

15 years ago

I get physically ill when I read half the lies out there about the PS3. Most talked about? Maybe. Most underrated? Most-definitely.

95% of the press is bad, and the good 5% comes from this site. Even PS3 sites are infested with xbot journalists and xbot members who trash PS3 instead of playing games. I still read stuff about how it's failing or struggling just because it isn't in first place.

I'd say it's plausible that most of the PS3 talk comes from 360 fanboys that spend their days making youtube videos and writing pretend articles with no facts to make themselves feel better about their shoddy machine. End tirade.

The Cheat
The Cheat
15 years ago

while i agree with you, i do think that most media about the ps3 is bad and mostly wrong. but i cannot allow people to use the word xbot… it just continues the flame war… i am like this site i lean towards the ps3 for many reasons (mostly bluray) but i do play the 360 occasionally. so while you are right i don't think it needed to include such childish banter as xbot

15 years ago

It's okay here, but we keep it clean in the forums. Opinions are alright when you back them up, and clearly biased media outlets can be called little else than xbots. If I were to call you an xbot, that might be flaming so I wouldn't.

15 years ago

Lol last generation I was more into pc than anything, and the generation before that one I was not a teen yet so I wasn't really into discussions and stuff not to mention no internet so yeah I couldn't say, however I love a topic of discussion now a day so this things are always welcome.

15 years ago

I think Xbots need to actually give me plausible reasons on why their console is so great. They spend more time trashing the PS3 online than praising/playing the 360. While the 360 has plenty of great software and is "cheap", the $50 per year cost of XBL, the durability of the console, the questionable behavior of some online gamers, the Gamerscore cheating and the fact that you have to pay extra for things like battery chargers and themes aren't things you want to brag about.

Just pure jealousy from these people. Maybe Sony's top brass have made a lot of mistakes the last 2 years but when it's all said and done, I think people will forgive them because already I can see how versatile my 60 GB console really is. I can watch Blu-Ray movies, play PS1-3 games, surf the Internet, visit the virtual world of PS Home and game online for free. Can you do that on a 360 out of the box?

Last edited by n/a on 2/8/2009 10:51:15 PM

15 years ago

Hell yeah it is!

Wii: Talked 'bout the hardcore mostly in negative ways once in a while. Talked 'bout the casuals here and there. But since casuals don't play that much it's like it's more of a playing thing, not much to talk 'bout.

360: If it's not Gears of War or Halo it's like……………meeeeeh

ps3: Everything! blu-ray, games, Cell processor, HOME, etc.

ps3 has the longest life expectancy and overall has more to build on(as it is the true next-gen console).

15 years ago

yep those are the xbox's two claims to fame

15 years ago

The PS3 will be the most discussed console in history, because it is the greatest console in history 😉

15 years ago

Another candidate for the PS Blog's What We Read section Ben? Boy, you really love getting those mentions don't you?
Any chance you can put these articles on a separate RSS feed to the actual news?
btw, how many thumbs down am i gonna get from the drones? Who ever guesses correct gets an imaginary cookie.

15 years ago

2….maybe 3? lol

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Never really notice we get on the PS Blog. But I know we do sometimes. 🙂

15 years ago

😐 i lost…the answer was -4 XD lol

15 years ago

Your kidding right Playstation was disussed ten places less than the Xbox just in 2008.

"Apple Dominates Top 10 Most Talked About Brands in Social Networking"
by Bryan Chaffinon February 2nd, 2009 at 6:25 PM"
"…Microsoft, on the other hand, had its first appearance on the list at #5 with Xbox and #10 Microsoft."
You can find the full list at Vitrue's Web site.

The Top 20 in the Vitrue 100:

Fox News

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

It couldn't hurt to read the title of the article now would it?

Last edited by karneli lll on 2/9/2009 2:24:04 AM

15 years ago

@WorldEndsWithYou: You beat me to it again, bro… you're right–this is definitely the golden age of pseudo-journalism! William Randolph Hearst would be proud.

@ThePoetRazel: Lighten up, man. Sure, it's not the most newsworthy thing Ben has reported on, but it gets people talking, and that's vital to keeping an online community energized.

Also, just because we give kudos to Ben on occasion doesn't make us drones. If you read widely about this industry, like I do, you just come across so much horseshit written by half-wit poseurs that you just wanna scream.

And when I feel like that, I check in here, catch up with Ben or Arnold's latest, or read a witty comment or two from my PSXE brethren, and somehow, I feel at home. Sorry it doesn't hit you the same way.

Last edited by opsdaddy on 2/8/2009 11:50:57 PM

15 years ago

you know same thing here….i might have just started posting but i have been browsing this site for months now and i have enjoyed not only the articles but the witty banter from all of you guys and it got me to join so …so thumbs up staff

15 years ago

what's up JAK. We're glad to have you here.

I feel the same way about the other gaming sites. They all seem like they are being written my teenage fanboys. PSXE has a certian integrity to it that you cant find very often on other sites.

15 years ago

Witty banter? Jeez, can't you guys just say jokes?

15 years ago

we're trying to expand our vocabulary lol

End of line
End of line
15 years ago

I believe some on the ongoing discussion surrounding the PS3 is warranted, negative or otherwise, if only to keep the Sony execs honest and more responsive to the market (I still cant believe they believe we do not want PS2 BC). They most certainly learnt a few lessons this time round so I am certain they wont get caught out on the next PS.

Off topic: Hmm its funny, I've just realised the next one will be the first PS without Ken K at the helm who has seemingly always pushed for technological developments.

15 years ago

If you honestly think the PS3 is the most discussed console in history you have a short damn memory. Period.

If anything, wouldn't the PS2 be the most discussed considering it has sold a sh** ton and had a far longer active lifespan than any other console ever?

The Sony PS3 Fan Kool Aid must be some strong sh** for you to completely forget the last freaking console.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I always encourage everyone to speak their mind civilly, but don't talk DOWN to me. Just…don't.

And if you didn't understand the article in the first place, don't comment. I'm talking about ENDURING discussion; the PS2 headlines were not in abundance in its third year, especially in comparison to the Xbox.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/9/2009 1:04:35 AM

15 years ago

he's talkin' discussions like:

1.Does the ps3 need savin'
2.Will blu-ray win the format war so ps3 has the edge?
3.Will the ps3 be in the last place this gen?

PS2 didn't receive this much SCRUTINY.
It's scrutiny not fame and popularity.
We all know the ps2 was most popular and best-seller! He's talkin' S-C-R-U-T-I-N-Y!

Last edited by www on 2/9/2009 5:56:37 AM

15 years ago

how about the ps3 is the most discussed system in this generation? that should solve things. i never paid any attention to the ps2 at all. i bought the games that interested like ffx, x-2, xii and kingdom hearts i + ii and other games too.

anyways, ps3 = rulez.

15 years ago

There's a lot of hate and ignorance, but I think more respectable sources, at the very least, don't tend to explicitly bad-talk the PS3 as much as the amateur, so-called "journalists".

The playstation blog at least manages to find plenty of positive things about the PS3, and playstation in general, for their weekly "PlayStation Around the Web: What We Read" post.

15 years ago

I know as an early adopter of the PS3, much of the harsh criticism levied against it during the post-launch period was warranted, and painful–oh so painful. But, we all survived (Sony included), and were the better for it. Slowly but surely, the firmware updates came, along with critical AAA title announcements. The media freeze began to thaw a bit.

In fact, a small contingent of technical media, detecting changes were afoot, began to sit up and take notice. This trend came full circle when Ars Technica, after dishing out some of the console's harshest early criticism, agreed to re-review the PS3 after Sony had addressed many of its shortcomings. The result: the PS3's score improved from a measly 6 in 2006 to a robust 9 in 2008. Not bad, huh?

Unfortunately, stories like that are few and far between. And it does no good to directly oppose most of these soft-headed souls in the media, because they'll collectively shove their fingers into their ears and drown you in a sea of cheap-shots, banter and ballyhoo.

So, how do we address this media bias? By participating on websites like this, discussing the PS3 often (with friends and foes alike), and performing the occasional living room demonstration, that's how. Don't laugh–Over the past year, I've personally converted 2 Halo-kissing 360 gamers to the cause just by inviting them over for a go at Uncharted or LittleBigPlanet. It's amazing how effectively top-drawer titles sell themselves.

In fact, the next time a non-gaming friend wants to stop by, make sure you're playing a PS3 gem when they knock. Encourage them to take a crack at it. You might be surprised by what happens next.

Last edited by opsdaddy on 2/9/2009 2:52:04 AM

The Stig
The Stig
15 years ago

Yeah I converted 2 360 fans to PS3 by doing this. I even convinced a few non-gamers to get a PS3 with the same method.

15 years ago

I think that 2 there are 2 factors that make it the most discussed console in history.

1. The number of internet literate gamers is always growing


2. The number of those gamers that are fanboys out there that either LOVE or HATE the PS3

15 years ago

Who the hell is talking about the ps3?
Oh wait.

15 years ago

PS3 is most discussed and under more scrutiny cause first of all,the haters wanna see it go down,secondly they are scared of the beast.

When i say scared,i mean it's like a beast waitin' to unleash it's power within,n it's wrath can't be handled by the haters thus they would do anythin' to kill the beast before it becomes a major problem,catch my drift?

Devs still say there's still enough power the ps3 is yet to unleash n that makes the hostiles uncomfortable since they're not willin' to buy a ps3 and want the 360 to win the war once and for all.

Last edited by www on 2/9/2009 6:06:42 AM

15 years ago

The inner nerd inside me is excited as fu*k about the console war and all this scrutiny ps3 gets doesn't bother me. When sony get the price down and gets more AAA games *brings out list* there gonna be eating there words.

I suggest all the ps3 owner laugh it off, there's no point arguing because there ignorant.

15 years ago

Most of this rage and hatred towards the PS3 is based on revenge, keep that in mind. I've had one encounter from a 360 fanboy who claims that PS2 fans used to torture XBox fans generations ago when their console wasn't doing so great. So I'm assuming that this is just an act of revenge; to get back at Playstation fans for what happened.

Then you have the media. The media has been talking trash about the Playstation brand since the PS2 in the beginner stages. They questioned whether it'll surpass the Dreamcast. They claimed it was too hard for developers to master. And we all know what happened afterwards.

The only thing the PS3 needs is some heavy powered advertising and a pricedrop. Either way, it's not going anywhere and the media better get used to it.

15 years ago

I can understand why its the most talked about console in history I mean its the successor to the most popular video game system ever (PS2) and its a Sony product and the playstation brand is still going strong even with all the negative press

I was watching the hiphopgamer show last night and he mentioned something that really got me thinking, he was talking about the comiccon expo or what have you, he said about 95% of the gaming booths were xbox360 showing off multiplatform games, he also said how M$ were geniuses for doing that, he mentioned how it made M$ look like the were the face of gaming. where was Sony???

My thing is even though Sony may not feel comiccon is a big deal they still need as much publicity as they could possibly get and from the footage he was showing M$ had that event in the bag, this year has to be the year Sony pushes the PS3 it has the games and the pricecut is coming soon but all that isn't going to mean a thing if the majority don't know about your product.

15 years ago

Ey man Im no acting like MS is behind every bad article about PS3 but they (probably) are on something, look at this:


Microsoft Infiltrates Firefox

"This is a very serious breach of user trust. Not only is this package delivered without explicit approval, it's also made difficult to remove. Moreover, its use is not clear. Lastly, the change affects third-party software, not one of Microsoft products, so the question is, what the hell did Microsoft want to achieve with this nebulous, spyware-like update?"

Above may sound a bit off topic but if that is their way to kill competition, I can not even imagine what tactics they are using with the PS3.

Good article Ben. Congrats.

15 years ago

It's just their little way of saying…..
"We're working hard…………………….
to monopolize the world"!

If you remember MicroSNEAKYsoft even got their hands involved in the Burger King chain, so they could make 3 "SNEAK KING" Burger video games for Xbox some years back.

15 years ago

I remember the BK video games! what a joke .. but maybe good for little gamers? oh well, I just remember thinking that was a really dumb idea from M$.

15 years ago

They need to become the face of gaming again we need more publicity and advertisements if they can't accomplish that this year then I'm afraid Sony may lose out on the rest of this gen, I could be wrong though I really want Sony to win

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

15 years ago

Well, I'm another lurker that finally decided to post. I'm probably a bit older than the typical demographic (mid-40's), but it does put me in a position to 'remember' pretty much all of the video game history. The Atari 2600 came out when I was in middle school and I also remember playing the first coin-operated Pong game in a department store. I even created a few basic games on the TI-99 (how's that for pulling out an old name!), which I know wasn't truly a game system, but that's about all it was really good for.

I've owned the Atari 2600, ColecoVision, various Sega systems, then pretty much left the console market for PC games until the PS1. I've owned original release versions of the PS1, PS2 and PS3 (60GB – upgraded hard drive, but still ticking along). For no particular reason, I've never owned a Nintendo or MS system… just prefer Sony.

So, having said all that, I feel like I have at least some basic qualifications to chime in here. Ben… (I really enjoy your articles and perspsective, by the way), I do tend to agree with you in terms of total media coverage. However, that includes today's Internet where anyone with a connection can post a diatribe, whether there is any truth to it or not. If you take the entire Internet out of the picture, which I know really isn't the point of this article, I think that 'word-on-the-street' and overall excitement was highest with the Atari 2600 and maybe the Nintendo NES, followed by the PS1. These were the systems that every kid wanted at Christmas. And if you had one, you were 'King Sh#t' at school and everyone wanted to be your friend.

Now, maybe it's the fact that there are more quality systems owned by more people, but it seems that if you have a next-gen system today, it's not a 'celebration' but you are instead subject to flaming/ridicule, etc. If I mention to a co-worker that I have a PS3, 7 times out of 10, he will own an 360 (or God-forbid a Wii) and will start a heated discussion about why his system is better than PS3. And even if he doesn't have a system, he has at least heard more about the 360 or Wii (come on Sony marketing!) and will still tend to knock the PS3, just based on all this so-called coverage.

So, maybe it's not a real difference in total level of coverage/discussion, but a huge change in tone. Where before, it was all about being a part of the gamer world. If I had a ColecoVision and my friend had an Intellivision, there wasn't an argument about which system was better. It was about when we could visit each other and try the other system. We were both thrilled to have a system and at least a few games to play.

Maybe that's what really bothers me (my wife says I'm just getting old and cranky). Most of the coverage today is all about which system is better, which will fail, which will have the next 'xx Killer', etc. instead of a celebration of how good we really have it with ALL the next gen systems and how far the industry has really come along… at least partially BECAUSE of this competition.

Whew… been wanting to get that off my chest for a long time now. Thanks again, Ben, Arnold and the rest of the PSXExtreme staff for someplace where, as a general rule, the focus is on celebrating the PS3 and at least a little bit less about how my system can beat up your system!

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