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Japanese Retailers Can’t Keep Demon’s Souls In Stock

Either the Japanese are starved for any role-playing titles in this new generation, or their gaming tastes have shifted significantly.

We've been bringing you scattered reports concerning From Software's PlayStation 3 exclusive, Demon's Souls , and the latest concerns the title's sudden popularity. As Kotaku reports, the game appears to be selling out left and right in Japan; retailers like Yodobashi Cameras and Bic Cameras in Shinjuku, Sofmap and TSUTAYA apparently have no copies left. You can examine the sold out pics yourself, and then start to wonder: is this fairly inconspicuous title a whole lot better than we had initially anticipated? The Famitsu review was decent but the Dengeki review was through the roof, and there's no denying the consumer demand. Of course, this could be due simply to the fact that shipment numbers are low and as the game just launched yesterday, it may take a few days to restock. But either way, this hack 'n slash, more Western-oriented RPG is enjoying quite the debut in Japan, and now we really want to hear about a North American release date…

As of now, we're not even sure if Demon's Souls is confirmed for the U.S., although we would fail to understand the logic if it never broke Japan's borders. We assume it's coming at some point, so we'll just wait patiently. We can be patient, right?

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15 years ago

This game is beginning to get me quite excited. I have been starving for a new hack 'n slash game since my completion of Baldur's Gate 2, and the PS3 launch title, Dark Kingdom certainly did not satisfy. Now that I think of it, I didn't even finished that game before trading it in.

15 years ago

Any owner of a ps3 can be patient for a good enough exclusive rpg. And one thats selling out? Its gotsta be good stuff.

15 years ago

i don't understand why sony can't release this outside of japan i mean they have a worldwide studios in europe and america so why not?

15 years ago

hmm… hopefully this will be awesome but intill i get some more solid info i'll be saving my hack'n'slash money for marvel ultimate aliance 2. considering the first was rediculously addictive and fun

15 years ago

Can't wait for Ultimate Alliance 2, I really like the Civil War series and the game is following that story.

15 years ago

Even if they do release it stateside, there will be a few months wait at the least. Not only will all the in-game icons, menus, and subtitles need to be translated to English, any dialogue will need to be redone with English voice actors. This always takes time… especially with large games such as Final Fantasy, White Knight Chronicles, and Tales games.

15 years ago

Why does everything have to be turned into some kind of east vs. west comparison? Demon Souls may borrow some ideas from western RPGs, but it is still a Japanese RPG made by a Japanese company for Japanese consumers.

And I'm pretty sure Famitsu determines their review scores by rolling dice… (Did you see what they gave Last Remnant?!)

15 years ago

Famitsu is crooked, corrupt, and on the take and everyone with half a brain knows it. Their reviews are not to be taken seriously. If ever there were a publication so transparent in it's agenda, Famitsu is it.


15 years ago

Well I know very little about this game so, I can't get excited over nothing. But this is of course helping a lot – I look out for any Japanese RPG coming my way and I will look up more info about this one.

For starters, lets make a thread about it in the forums.

15 years ago

cool 🙂

15 years ago

Sorry, but I'm a little suspect. Selling out does not necessarily mean high numbers sold. Especially when it comes to RPGs. Hell, my local toys r us sold out of VC but that's not saying much is it? Let's hear some day one sales figures so we can see what's really going on…

Of course, sales numbers don't mean anything right?

Last edited by Alienange on 2/6/2009 12:24:55 PM

15 years ago

the Asian version of the game has full english support(text and voice) which has lead many to pre-order it(myself included). So if a Eu/NA version is to come out it should be around late spring/mid summer if Sony gets on the ball

Last edited by NightHawk17 on 2/6/2009 12:48:17 PM

15 years ago

I'd like to see an end to games being completed and released in Japan before they even consider bringing it to the West. Just implement the localization into regular development.

15 years ago

Getting this and Yakuza 3, and a few other games, in a shipment from NCSX in a few weeks.

These games, along with SFIV, RE5, and K2, are going to make my wife a game widow for a while.

15 years ago

im going to import this. totally

15 years ago

Holy sh*t I so need to get this!!!

I knew this game showed promise! A lot of people were putting it down because of the developer….

But man this game seems like a lot of fun!

15 years ago

I guess some games dont make it to the us is because the lack of interest in america so I dont blame them if they don't want to bring some ps3 games over to the shore. Look at yakuza 1&2 sega said its not a big hit in america, so they say they probably not going to bring yakuza 3 I want this game so bad.

15 years ago

Patience? HA! We can be patient. In fact, we're so patient we don't even know what that word means…. I want it nooooow.

15 years ago

Its probably a combination of Japan PS3 users in need of an RPG style game, even if it has western style to it. Good review scores and low stock to begin with.
Does this game have potential to be a system seller?

15 years ago

System seller? Not in the US.

15 years ago

System seller? Not in the US.

15 years ago

Rpg's are not mainstream outside japan so i doubt it but i am sure it can grab a few oblivion & burlders gate fans if sony markets it.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Sounds like the PS3 just made a brilliant chess move in an effort to put the PS3 in a SECURE 2nd place spot in Japan. And with Killzone 2 doing its thing in Europe…all that's left is the US.

Wonder what game will do it for the US in 2009?

15 years ago

Killzone or nothing, I would think. Gran Turismo can sell consoles, for sure, but we may not get it this year.


15 years ago

… and in other news, Square-Enix stock falls to a five(?)-year low. Coincidence? Are you watching, S-E? Release an RPG on the PS3; make money.

15 years ago

This plus White Knight equals good times, now gimme my Star Ocean.

15 years ago

this is a new generation for god's sake do they have to repeat the ps1 ps2 era where their is many Japanese made games that has not seen a release outside of japan, i mean look even western made games now get released in japan?

15 years ago

@ The_R0gue_Ninja: You made some great points here–kudos! BTW, you're not alone: I took Dark Kingdom back too. What a letdown!
@ Fane1024: You crack me up…
@ WorldEndsWithMe: Always on the money, man: good point! I'm dying to get my hands on Star Ocean, too!

Ben, thanks for keeping us informed on this one. REALLY looking forward to seeing this imported…

15 years ago

Holy ****!

If you haven't seen this video, it' ll make a believer out of you…

Check it out, and then see how easy it is to wait for it…

King James
King James
15 years ago

I looked up the sales on Demon's Souls the other day. It seems that there was an EXTREMELY low shipment of this game to begin with. Ben, when you said "low to begin with", I didn't know you meant THIS low.

They shipped only 30k at launch. That's it! 30k??!!! No wonder its sold out. There wasn't much to sell to begin with.

Either From Softwore and Sony didn't anticipate the demand for the game, or they did this on purpose in hopes to keep the demand for the game high.
Low supply yields High demand…Economics 101.

Last edited by King James on 2/8/2009 11:34:11 AM

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