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EA: Mirror’s Edge, Dead Space Reach 1 Million Plateau

Although neither title performed as well as it should've, neither can be considered a sales flop.

According to ShackNews (recently purchased by GameFly, by the way), EA CFO Eric Brown confirmed some sales numbers for both Mirror's Edge and Dead Space . The two top-notch titles managed to sell more than 1 million copies in 2008, and that number includes all versions of the game. We're assuming these are worldwide statistics, although apparently, EA wasn't specific. The PC version of Mirror's Edge just recently launched in 2009, so any sales of that version aren't included in the 1 million estimate. As most of you know, we at PSXE are big fans of both games, and we figure they go a long way towards redeeming EA for a terrible 2007, in which PlayStation 3 owners were gnashing their teeth for bad 360-to-PS3 ports. EA was responsible for some of those – and let's not forget the Madden NFL 08 30fps in the PS3 version fiasco – so the publisher wasn't on good terms with owners of Sony's console. But these two titles have restored a lot of faith and as far as we're concerned, both should've sold better.

As for sequels to either, we don't know if EA has plans to make a Mirror's Edge 2 or Dead Space 2 , but CEO John Riccitiello said "games with a 2 on them sell better" and the R&D costs are lower. Yep, sequels do quite well…especially when the original title was damn good.

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15 years ago

Yikes! Multiplatform games selling just over 1 million? That's not great, considering their quality. I played a bit of Dead Space, and it was AMAZING! (smooth, great lighting, animation, design, etc)

I actually feel a little bad for EA about this…
(On a side note, I wonder what the split is on the consoles? What percentage of those sales are PS3, and how many are Xbox?)

15 years ago

I got Dead Space and loved it!!! Can't wait for the sequal! I didn't find anything I liked at the store and I bought this outta pure whim, greatest accident so far. This game is Awesome.

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 2/4/2009 5:41:08 PM

15 years ago

Not sure of that but I actually bought DeadSpace on both Xbox and Ps3 (yeah it was THAT good!). I preferred playing it on the PS3 – the DS3 was much more suited for Deadspace, oh and the obsidian suit looked much betetr than the Elite suit on the 360! 😀

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

I thought they already confirmed the Dead Space sequel?

15 years ago

i thought so too… now im confused ?????

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

So, what IS a "good" sales figure?

15 years ago

20 trillion Troy I thought you knew that

15 years ago

i have them both, great titles.

15 years ago

DeadSpace has to have a sequel, leaving off where it did =O COME ON

15 years ago

DeadSpace was a great game until you got to the stage where you had to destroy the asteroids. That stage was F'n impossible! No matter how many times I tried I couldn't get past it. Lets just hope that they don't put that kind of stage in the sequel.

15 years ago

Got the Platinum Trophy after slaving on that 1! Reminded me of Black Cats on W@W. That one was a bastard too for the trophy.

15 years ago

yerr i swear they already said there will be a second Dead Space!!

and wit Bigk above me i agree that stage annoyed me so much lol!

15 years ago

"games with a 2 on them sell better" and the R&D costs are lower.

that to me says people are lazy.

which is why there hasnt been a game as good as Super Metroid yet

15 years ago

Wait a minute though. Wasn't Super Metroid by all intents and purposes a sequel??? I mean come on it didn't necessarily prove to be that they were being lazy then.

15 years ago

I hope they make a Dead Space 2. The first was damn amazing. After playing RE5 Demo I can say that I enjoyed Dead Space's gameplay better than that. We'll see how the full game of RE5 is though. I know they won't let me down!

15 years ago

Give me a break, I need Dead Space 2! I can understand sales were low, but they created the issue in first place with crappy games prior to Dead Space, people was skeptical about this game………..including myself. But, I gave it a try and boom I really enjoy it. Especially when you play it at night with lights off!

15 years ago

For a game like Mirror's Edge…I could see why it would only sell 1 mill even when it's multiplatform. I personally think the game is awesome and really gives those moments where you seriously leap off your seat shouting at the T.V –

"OMFG PLEASE MAKE IT!!!!!!!!!! *squeals* YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO *looks down at city street* YES THANK GOD!!! THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!!"

Mirror's Edge however was only like a 2-3 hour game! It was sort of depressing. The story wasn't that much either (it didn't really develop the whole…background of Faith and stuff).

A lot of the levels during the beginning looked similar. The roofs and stuff…and then once you go inside a building you see the regular "one-color on bottom half of side walls" painting.

The gameplay though was unique and done well. It just sort of got screwed up when you actually had to fight people. It would be better if it stuck with the running approach. Like running away. *Spoiler* I remember a part where there were these 2 ninja like cops with tasers chasing after you, and God it was scary and seriously got your heartbeat up, kept your mind focussed not to miss or screw up anything.

It's an awesome game!

15 years ago

i rate they wil make a mirror's edge 2. i mean, if they dont then the ending of the game would b kinda stupid. it would mean that they never take back the city. anyway its a game that is too awesome to go without a sequal.

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