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Killzone 2’s Mainstream Appeal Should Spur PlayStation 3 Sales

I think we all know just how amazing Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots was last year; any and all awards it received (including our prestigious Game of the Year) are well deserved, and the game sold very well. As a direct result of the game's unparalleled quality, PS3 sales shot through the roof and it's a given that without MGS4, Sony wouldn't have nearly tied Microsoft in terms of shipped console units.

However, Sony does expect Killzone 2 to match and even exceed MGS4 in overall worldwide sales, and this seems like an accurate assessment. Look, we adore Kojima's masterpiece but the man himself even admitted that his team needed to cater more to Western/international gaming tastes. In fact, Kojima wishes to "start from zero" in 2009 and create some fresh new projects that will be just as richly regarded in the U.S. and Europe as they are in Japan. Now, although the Japanese haven't responded nearly as well to the FPS genre as the other two major regions, they're slowly starting to come around. Furthermore, it's plain that those same two regions will flock to pick up Killzone 2 , and the only thing really stopping PS3 sales is the current economic condition. This is why we're not expecting hardware sales to be enormously impressive, but they should outstrip the 360 for at least six weeks between the middle of February and into March. The simple bottom line is that KZ2 holds more mainstream appeal; it'll be bought by those who didn't want to "watch a movie" in MGS4 and don't really care about long, complex storylines.

We certainly don't fall into the latter group, but unfortunately (or fortunately, in KZ2's case), a great many casual gamers do. And lest we forget, they're typically the ones who haven't yet sprung for the PS3…it seems as if all the pieces are in place, so Sony should get off to a running start this year. And if Uncharted 2: Among Thieves drops around the holidays as scheduled, Sony should end 2009 with a bang, too.

Related Game(s): Killzone 2

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15 years ago

With one of the highest pre-orders on Amazon and other sites I think it'll really get some sales. And xbox360 users aren't going to like Halo Wars very much.

15 years ago

none of my friends who have an xbox is getting Halo Wars so i reckon it will flop. That is of course retards get it thinking it's an FPS

15 years ago

Halo Wars is going to be at least as successful as LBP. It's about time a decent RTS came to a console, and Halo Wars will be it.

I personally am very psyched about Halo Wars since I don't have a desktop any more…

Killzone 2? Always waiting for a good FPS.

15 years ago

I dont see Master Chief Underwear being a flop if it were materialized (though Im sure many have made their own). The name will sell itself. I think people are missing the fact its an RTS not FPS just seeing the smoke screen of HALO.

Nothing against RTS though, I love AoE (Ensemble)

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 2/3/2009 4:03:22 PM

15 years ago

Feb 27 = turning point in the console war

Im The Man
Im The Man
15 years ago

Only time will tell my friend…

15 years ago

your pic looks familiar hmm, oh well

15 years ago

alt account maybe…nah no one would be THAT simple

15 years ago

Cabled controllers, excluded wireless and harddrive inbuilt, and DVD9 are definately next-gen.

15 years ago

lol its josh!

15 years ago

^^Its not me. But im glad I have inspired by Xbox brothers.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Here we go with the console wars again…this is getting old.

15 years ago

LMAO!!!!! I love the drama when fanboy battles go on. Especially when Josh made the most ignorant statements ever and then another person came in with his or her ignorant statements and then Ben comes in silencing it all stating how insane both of them really are.

But god…why spend time in a place like this if you don't like Playstation or don't own a Playstation console? This is a site dedicated to the Xtreme PS fans.

As for the topic, KZ2, my only question during all this time was "Is it really as good as it seems" – and the answer seems to be a solid YES. With the review PSXextreme put up and the one IGN put up. And yes IGN gave it a 9.4/10 – and I believe it had its reasons. But either way – it's 9.0 and ABOVE!!! That's great for KZ 2. However if Sony wants this to sell – they got to advertise!!!

Make a commercial with nothing but intensity, displaying the graphics, doesn't have to show storyline, just has to show gameplay and intensity of gameplay. Then ends the commercial with a bang stating KILLZONE 2 in bold with the Playstation 3 exclusive part in the end. Make an actual ad just for KZ 2 – then it will sell equally or probably more than MGS 4.

15 years ago

Killzone 2 looks to be the point man in the operation. It will be interesting to watch the tide turn as this hits and then Uncharted 2 and then GoWIII because people who were scared to put away their tinker toy 360 finally plunk down the cash for a system on this game alone, realize that all the other exclusives are mind numbingly entertaining and all at once go "Why the deuce wasn't I playing this system the whole time?"

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/2/2009 10:38:25 PM

15 years ago

From reading forums around the web, seems Killzone 2 is converting some X360 owners to PS3 owner. Sad really. You'd figure that X360 gamers would convert after their 2nd 3rd even 5th defective X360.

15 years ago

they are proud soldiers but like the helghan they can be broken, we will smash them. lol

15 years ago

The more newbies online the more I can rack up points. on kz2

15 years ago

It's definitely unrealistic to say it'll be a turning point, but it will boost sales. If anything, it's more like another solid landmark in the turn-around, just like MGS4 was and future exclusives will be.

15 years ago

it all comes down to sony being able to play their cards right, if they get them right, they could really begin doing some damage to the 360 sales wise, release an excellent game evry 2months and they're as good as gold, it'll maintain the momentum till the yr ends, don't do like last yr when most of the games came out in the last 2-3 months, then they'll be robbing each game from sales

15 years ago

I agree I hope sony do play there cards right, and don't be lazy promote ps3 more so more third party developers can feel confident in sony.

15 years ago

I would have to say it is probably going to open a lot of eyes… As for the people who have already been enjoying their PS3's a "turnaround" is the last thing on their mind… 😉 Seriously who can be worried about who is in the "console lead" when only PS3 owners get uncharted 2, killzone 2, Ratchet and Clank 2, Versus, GOW3, etc etc. TOO MUCH TO LOOK FORWARD TOO.

Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 2/2/2009 10:53:27 PM

15 years ago

i'm just waiting for Josh to show up and say something stupid…

15 years ago

Yea considering hes an attention whore. He does not even have a PS3 and hes allowed to troll, go figure? heh. Oh he has a PS2, well then he should go troll in the PS2 section of this site.

Last edited by LCF on 2/2/2009 11:05:55 PM

15 years ago

He won't, Ben threatened to temporarily ban him if he starts another quip. Don't expect much from him anymore. Im The Man is the new issue.

15 years ago

I love you guys to.

And on this topic im honestly happy that the Sony guys are getting more into the FPS genre. Its becoming the blockbuster of games and now something both sides can enjoy.

I look at it like this. The better KillZone does. The more they will step up on my side.

15 years ago


15 years ago

when i see those numbers i'll believe. but in the very end, i stopped caring. i just want to play some good games on my ps3, which i am. woot sony!

15 years ago

lol the bigger the audience the more money sony makes, the more money sony makes the better the comunity is, eventually people will see the vast amounts of quality games ps3 has and swich over, kz2 is gona have some sales but it ain't even the most anticipated game, personally its fith in my list after mag, vs., gow3 and ico's project. People will eventually embrace the dark side. oh and I read this story of a bunch of ps3 fanboys making a bonfire out of a few dozen 360s, I dont necessarily support this but it is funy as hell and gets me pumped, for nothing but pumped either way.

15 years ago

Im The Man = Josh??

Im The Man
Im The Man
15 years ago

No I'm not Josh.

15 years ago

Well he did personally attack a member here because that member attacked an Xbox exclusive game. I am talking about in the KZ2 review. And in the same review Josh personally attacked me for wanting to know what games were coming out for Xbox and when I wanted to know more than just Halo and the GTA DLC I was labeled as a dick so even if they aren't the same guy they have the same attitude and I think someone that runs this site should do a quick IP check to see if it is the same person and perma ban one of the accounts and maybe the whole IP if Josh and this mystery man can't keep to civil discourse

Last edited by coverton341 on 2/3/2009 12:22:10 AM

15 years ago

Coverton, isn't the GTA4 DLC coming to PC? If so thats not technically exclusive

15 years ago

@Random It's exclusive to M$ platforms. I believe that's what he was referring to.

15 years ago

Its not me.

Try again. And oh I listed more games that you might like.

15 years ago

Yeah I just checked out your list of "exclusives" I might like a lot of the games on your list but I will be getting them all on the PS3. WEWM has a list farther down on this page with real exclusives and some of them perk my interest quite a bit. Your comment on the other topic about exclusives are all that matter is correct as far in as to say that if it is multiplat I will be purchasing it for the PS3 so you see I only own a 360 for the soul purpose of its exclusives so that is all I want to hear about on the subject that is why I don't go to any 360 sites that are structured like this one. I am not a fan of the company that backs the system nor am I a fan of their business practices. I am not necessarily a fan of Sony either I just feel like they are a better more trustworthy company who treat the industry with respect and that respect translates to their business model and customer relations. I like the 360 for what it is: a game system that has a few exclusives that I am into. I like the PS3 for what it is: a game system with exclusives I am into and I like Sony for being a company that yes, might be in it to turn a profit but in doing so they do not hurt the industry of gaming or break consumer trust.

15 years ago

Sony made a friend to mine pay 150 dollars to fix his PS3 because the light was flicking yellow.

Mind you this was lil over a year after he got it and they said nope you have to pay for it.

Now me if my Elite redrings within 3 years after I got it I get it fixed free of charge.

15 years ago

Josh that is because one in 3 360s were failing and getting the RROD. The yellow light on the PS3 is far below industry standards of defectiveness. So your friend was unlucky, so was I. My PS3s fan fried and I have to pay 150 to get it fixed but it doesn't bother me because I know I won't go through multiple systems and I know that the chances of getting a defective PS3 are slim the reason I hesitated on buying a 360 is because I knew the chances of getting a defective unit were extremely high even if M$ is paying to get them fixed it is a slap in the face to the consumer to actually put out a product with a 30% failure rate.

15 years ago

josh thats only because MS wanted to avoid a huge backlash for releasing a system with hardware failures that happens more often than any other system in history.

If you really think that they do it because they care for the customers, you are really wrong about that.

Edit: it would seem coverton beat me to it

Last edited by aaronisbla on 2/3/2009 12:19:43 PM

15 years ago

Sorry aaron I gots them fast fingers

15 years ago

yeah serious, who sells a product that is that defective. I mean like any of the windows products? Lets be the first out the gate then fix our screw ups later. meanwhile customers pay for that mistake. sometimes with money. sometimes with time. eg. I really don't care if my xbox gets fixed for free (which it should anyway) when i'm out of a system for 2 months

15 years ago

Well, I did my research and 360's 2009 exclusive lineup is looking rather pitiful, with some of the reported ones already coming to PS3 and a few questionable new IPs plus they are listing add-on packs and stuff. Yet the gomers are still saying it looks better than ours… go figure. I'm not beating my chest here, these just look bad to this gamer.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/2/2009 11:26:40 PM

15 years ago

We still have to fear gaming conventions, cause thats when they pull their underhanded tricks…E3- FF13 multiplat, TGS- Tekken 6 multiplat

I just hope we don't lose anymore exclusives, cause these devs seem to two faced, making promises and not coming through with them and just abandoning fanbases *glares at Namco-bandai, Square enix

15 years ago

Oh dear god can you please just tell me some of the games coming out exclusively for the 360 that is all I want to know I have been trying to pull it out of Josh but everytime I ask he says Halo and when I want to know something else he attacks me for it.

15 years ago

I always think that sony brings more to the convention than the others, plus they have 50% of there developers without anounced games like evolution studios, ico and even gg, and supposedly lvl 5 has joined the family and they don't have anything anounced yet, I don't remeber the other developers name but there are at least 8 more without anounced titles

15 years ago

– Mass Effect 2 (Think we are getting this one)
– Alan Wake
– Halo 3: ODST
– Ninety-Nine Nights 2
– Ninja Blade
– All Points Bulletin
– Huxley
– Halo Wars
– 2 days to Vegas (Timed exclusive for PC and 360)
– Project Forza 3
– Lionhead Project Dimitri
– Mistwalker Project 1 (Japan only?)
– GTA IV Episode 2
– Fallout 3 DLC

Yeah, some of those look shady don't they? In fact they are still calling so many of them "projects" I'd be surprised to see any of them materialize.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/3/2009 1:16:04 AM

15 years ago

not such good list sony alone has more game developers than 360 has games
polyphony digital
SCE japan
Clap hanz
project siren
team ico
naughty dog
sce foster city
sce sandiego studios
sce santa monica
bigbig studios
team soho
slant six
level 5
sucker punch.
So far I only know of zipper, santa monica, polyphony, sucker punch, soe and insomniac working on something the others are just about to finish up like GG and level 5

Last edited by ps92117 on 2/3/2009 1:41:55 AM

15 years ago

Get Out of My Emergency Room!!

15 years ago

APB (all points bulletin) isnt a 360 exclusive WEWM, Its coming to the PS3 also.

15 years ago

^^^Forza 3 is making next year?! Oh man hell yeah!!

15 years ago

About damn time! Thanks so much WEWM I thought we were getting Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 as well. I might have to pick up Ninety-Nine Nights 2 and Alan Wake looks like it might shape up to be something I am into. Is the Huxley that is coming to 360 the MMOFPS? Sounds like MAG to me. And I thought I heard rumblings of a MMO where you play as super heros which sounds a lot like DC Universe Online.

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