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LittleBigPlanet Tops 2 Million Sold, Killzone 2 #1 At Amazon

While we gamers only care about quality, the rest of the world has to focus on sales, and unfortunately, excellent landmark titles like LittleBigPlanet haven't performed up to expectations. The good news? They're not doing too badly, either, and it appears as if Killzone 2 ought to be absolutely giant .

According to European site PS3Hype, Media Molecule's tremendous platformer has finally managed to top 2 million in total sales, with around 860,000 in the U.S., just under 1 million in Europe, and a mere 140,000 in Japan. For whatever reason, that game just isn't catching on over there, and we're not going to try to analyze why. As for Killzone 2, it has come to our attention that the hotly anticipated FPS has just hit #1 on Amazon's Bestseller list , which means a whole lot of people have been pre-ordering the game. Couple this with the fact that Sony will be dumping a lot of advertising dollars into both the PS3 and Killzone 2 , and that should translate to some huge sales. Sony could certainly use the boost, too, as the clamoring for a price drop and relative concern over the economy wouldn't result in high PS3 sales without big software releases. KZ2 is going to kick off 2009 in high style, and after that, it's up to other exclusives to continue to push the system.

And although LBP isn't the massive sales success it should've been, the good news is that 2 million sold isn't terrible, and the game should continue to sell. That's one title that won't start to show its age for a very long time.

Related Game(s): LittleBigPlanet , Killzone 2

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15 years ago

hmmm… another amazon related article….

15 years ago

lol what does it matter if they choose to keep mentioning amazon? if it bothers you that much, maybe you can pay them not to mention it lol

15 years ago

dood, Amazon rocks. They've always got great deals. d(^_^)

Last edited by NightHawk17 on 1/30/2009 10:32:53 PM

15 years ago

sorry if its forbidden to advertise for amazon… but they are selling Killzone 2 for $52 bucks with a discount code!!

15 years ago

if u preorder on amazon does it get shipped on release day?

15 years ago

Everything I've pre-ordered from them was shipped BEFORE release day so it would arrive ON release day.

15 years ago

That's good to hear about Killzone 2 being the top game at It's just what the PS3 needs. I hope that it sells well over time, and not just at launch.
The 2 million units sold for LBP is good to hear as well, but it's saddening that such a great game is not selling as many copies as it should be.

15 years ago

i bought MGS4 from amazon, it was shipped before release, received it two days after release day… thats for the free shipping though. Im not that big an addict to get the games right away… so i wait.

15 years ago

LBP will just keep on crusin. Steady as she goes.

15 years ago

Nice. The Superbowl spot is online for Killzone 2.

or youtube:

Last edited by GuernicaReborn on 1/30/2009 10:25:30 PM

15 years ago

I didn't know they advertising during the super bowl sweet.

15 years ago

I'm not watching the Super Bowl so I'll never see it lol

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

"Sudden death means…you DIE suddenly."

Fucking HILARIOUS!!!

15 years ago

Can we have numbers here?

15 years ago

I dont see how 2 million is a bad figure. Sure it could have done better, but nothing to badmouth.

15 years ago

Yes I saw the superbowl spot it was fantastic what a way to start off the year keep it up Sony!!!!

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

Last edited by isaya85 on 1/30/2009 11:59:37 PM

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I wish I could sell 2 million copies of a game.


15 years ago

Its funny not to many games make it to the million mark, this is hugh for sony and especially MM. We know that lbp2 will be twice as better then the first. Japan is obsess on there ds and there wii's.

15 years ago

Japan obviously doesn't like it because it's a platformer without mario or sonic.. =O new ip =/= jap enjoyment???

15 years ago

KZ2 superbowl spot = great advertising. ( now I know this is a new concept for you SONY ) but try to keep it up.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

2 million is pretty good for a new I.P. I still think it can reach 3 in its first year , which is great by any point of view .

15 years ago

I really would like to see LBP's sales pick up more. A game that is that great and original, not to mention all the love and work that went into it, deserves to sell better than it has so far. Maybe if they include some plush Sackboys in the packaging that might help.

Come on. Who doesn't want a Sackboy? lol

15 years ago

I was happy to see KZ2 at #1 even if only for a few hours lol.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

Yeah, Wii Fit has bumped KZ2 down to #2.

And EVERYTHING else in the top 10 is for the Wii.

Damn, when you're hot, you're hot.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

Wow, the only thing for the 360 in the top 20 is the controller (at #20), and our beloved PS3 is in the #18 slot! That's gotta say something about console sales.

And you STILL cannot just pop on to Amazon and buy yourself a Wii. What the hell? How long has this system been out now?

15 years ago

The 360 owners dont need to look for good deals. They get one strait from the store.;)

15 years ago

your a wierd one josh but 360 owners didnt get a good deal coz they brought a 360

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

So, what is a good number of units moved for a title that's only been out a few months? 2 million is a big number to me. Are we saying it's not a lot compared to the hype the game had? Are we saying it's not a lot in comparison to the quality of the game? Or, are we just saying it's not a lot?

Seems to me that 2 million units would be a success (a BIG) success no matter which way you slice it. Especially considering this economy. I mean, if you were a recording artist and sold 2 million albums…that's double platinum. That a huge win. And cds only cost 12 bucks. Games cost 60.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

Then again, double-platinum would be 2 million sold in the U.S. But, 860K is still approaching platinum.

15 years ago

killzone 2 has been in the top three on amazonn for awhile. It's also been #1 on gamestop for weeks. nice to see lbp hit the 2 million mark. It a fun game. Like most said that it looked cheesy, or they might not like it, I thought the same till I played it it's a lot of fun.

15 years ago

Thats alot of Sackboys.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

Yo, Josh, read on the other thread that you're in Cleveland. Me too.

15 years ago

Hell yeah I read it. Thats cool after all that fighting we both represent the same City.

Going down to MidPark tonight. Big party going on and I aint missing it.;)

Lets hope the Cardinals kick some Steeler ass tomorrow.

15 years ago

Just think how many user created levels that could translate to online, the game literally will never get old.

15 years ago

I very much doubt Sony was expecting LBP selling out the first week. Dont forget LBP is a new, innovative, cute IP, heavily based on the concept of user created content. People need to dig into that concept, it will take time. I am looking forward to get LBP as soon I'm done with my first wave of games and KZ2.

With loads of new user levels uploaded by the day, LBP will be everlasting fun.

15 years ago

MM said not too long ago that more than 300,000 user created levels have been uploaded. granted that most are probably crap, but still thats alot of levels to play.

15 years ago

Love LBP & my 3 year old son does even more, however, im close 2 throwin in the bin cos it keeps comin up with that error message profile too large wont save, delete pictures & costumes WTF!, i only have 6 saved characters & i have no photos & no community stickers so someone please tell me WHY!!!!! I dont like the lag also, res 2 60 player no lag, lbp 2 player coop laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggg

15 years ago

played LBP every like 2 days a week, and there are a bunch of new awesome levels. man i can't describe most of them, people are uploading alot of sweet levels. great game to have, very very glad that i got this game, replay value is VERY high.

as for K2, …….. oh yea, the BETA was a blast, so i'm going to drain the hell out of the single player and multiplayer until the next big exclusive (Heavy Rain?)

15 years ago

Its not good to hear that top games don't do well in Japan. No wonder Eastern developers want to switch to western audience.

15 years ago

Despite my intial excitement about LBP once it was released I'd been on the fence for the past few months about buying it due to mixed reviews revolving around the included stand alone part of the game (I'm not one for online play generally). Being flush with tax return money this past weekend I finally broke down and bought it (used at Gamespot as I can return it within seven days if I don't dig it. they did actually have several used copies in stock…) and after putting in a few hours this weekend I must say I'm fairly happy with the purchase overall. It's hard to describe but the overall look and feel of the game is so damn irresistible, even the most jaded of gamers like myself can loosen up a bit and kind of get lost in there. It appears they kind of c*ckbl*ck you on the downloaded content though until you've played a certain amount of the stand alone part? I downloaded the GoW level and costumes and can't seem to access them yet. I'm kind of excited to have a few friends over and try the multiplayer. BTW, no thanks to Sony for not distributing a demo of sorts. Had they done that I prob would've broke down and bought it sometime ago. As far as Skate2 I like it thus far but was surprised to see how much the framerate lags at spots!

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