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Killzone 2 Secures Japanese Date

As clearly evidenced by recent sales trends in the Land of the Rising Sun, gaming tastes are starting to shift. Eastern gamers are beginning to embrace games like Grand Theft Auto , and the FPS genre is finally catching on. Could Killzone 2 be the first title in the genre to really steal their hearts?

Today, Sony has revealed the release date and plenty of additional information for the KZ2 Japanese launch, which is scheduled for April 23. They've even unveiled the official Japanese website , which is a good sign. Promotion will be key everywhere, but it'll be especially crucial in Japan; the rising popularity of Western games is clear, but you still need to win over plenty of people. KZ2 should cause a significant hardware sales spike in both North America and Europe, but Sony would love to nab the trifecta: getting a PlayStation 3 sales boost from the game in Japan would complete the win-win-win situation. Furthermore, now may be the time to strike, as the Times Online is reporting that the world's fascination with the Wii may be over . …yeah, appealing gimmick or not, it's tough to sell hardware with no software. Anyway, as Japan – and just about everyone else – has adored the Wii since the start, now is a perfect time to introduce a real next-gen masterpiece (one that doesn't resemble a Flash game).

We're not saying Japanese consumers will flock to stores to purchase a PS3 if they don't already own one – that happened with White Knight Chronicles , but we're talking about Japan – but the Killzone 2 launch in April should cause quite a stir. And such a stir is always a positive thing.

Related Game(s): Killzone 2

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15 years ago

Im glad Shooters are catching on. But Japan is just another slice of the global pie. One that pales in comparison to the American market.

They better not give the Japanese version out their first and give you guys the gimp version. I have never been a fan of this practice and wont support this one either.

But I will say this Title needs to get out. And if they want blockbuster sales they need to have the site for here NOW. Not trying to break into a emerging market for the genre first.

15 years ago

KillZone 2 releases next month in the US. We'll get it first. And both versions will be the same.

15 years ago

Josh this is not meant as an attack but I think before you get mad at something and post an argument to something do just a bit of research on the topic. I know you don't have a PS3 and you probably don't follow Killzone 2 because of that fact but it has been widely and openly discussed that it is releasing in February and some people have even directed comments about its impending February release to you directly, which means if you don't realize that it is releasing here first then you obviously don't read the posts that people respond to you in and when you shoot a response back then you are going on pure desire to stir something up. Again I am not trying to instigate anything I am just pointing out that you should know that Killzone is coming out in Japan later than in the rest of the world and the fact that you don't shows you don't read what people write to you before you respond which in turn kind of invalidates anything that you say to someone since you are not taking the time to understand what it is you are responding to.

Back on topic: I hope this sells a crap load in Japan, in the EU, and in NA. I hope it breaks all kinds of record for an exclusive game. I think Sony needs to spend more than 2 million euros on it and by the way how much are they spending in NA?

15 years ago

I read what everyone says to me. Im just stating that I dont like the practice given mostly so far of releasing smashing titles in Japan first.

Look at FF, Look at MGS, Look at GT5. Its an annoying pattern. Im just pointing out that I dont like it.

I also stated about the advertising in Japan apposed to here. It should be extremely focused on the market thats largest for it.

15 years ago

Those games are Japanese (at least MGS and FF). So it would follow that the Japanese version is released first.

Focusing advertising and marketing on just one chunk of possible sales is a fantastic way to piss off the other pieces of the pie (i.e. Australia with Rock Band). If you run ever run a business, I would be wary of neglecting ANY portion of your possible sales.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

man i need to get a job before this game drops 🙂
as for fps in japan i read on some other site that there's a 68yr old japanese man that forking loves fps,thats priceless!!!

Last edited by Lord carlos on 1/30/2009 11:39:44 AM

15 years ago

Yeah where is our website!

15 years ago

Ours has been up for a LONG time…


Last edited by somethingrandom on 1/30/2009 10:48:08 PM

15 years ago

I wont let the Japanese play Killzowns 2 till they let me play White Knight Chronicle.

15 years ago


15 years ago

A communist Guy Fox? Guess it kinda makes sense.

15 years ago

Noooooo….My PS3 just died on me last weekend, but I got all shipping stuff from SONY already. They tell me it will be back within 10 business days, so here's hoping that means i get it in time for KZ2. *crosses fingers*
Does anyone know if how to back up the hard drive?
Do I remove it and hook up to a PC somehow?

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

You had to back it up before it died. If you remove the hard drive you will lose all the information thats on it.

When a hard drive is installed in a PS3 you have to format it. Even if it is the one you just took out. Therefore erasing everything on it.

Must be a security thing so you can't swap hard-drives with friends.

So unless there is some super computer geek that knows how to access Sony's HDD with special programing – you are out of luck like the many of us that had a PS3 die.

I now back up my HDD every other week with a Mass Storage USB unit.

15 years ago

All the info does not jsut disappear upon being disconnected and if you are running linux on your PC and you have SATA ports on your mother board you can disconnect your HDD from the PS3 connect it to the PC given you have the ports cables and linux and you can copy everything off of it. That is a guarantee I have done this exact thing to a T and the only trouble you run into is deciphering what the folder scheme is and the saves. after you figure out which ones are the saves you can put them on a flash drive and after you get the new PS3 and format the drive transfer them over. It can be done but it is a pain in the ass to pull off and you need to have some tech skills.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Correct. the info does remain on the HDD digitally but if you plug it into the PS3 you have to format it….the PS3 makes you (erasing all your data).

That is why I put the "super computer geek" comment in my post. For your solution you need a way to connect the 'naked' HDD to your computer and have Linux and the tech skills to extract and reinstall to your PS3 via a mass storage USB device. All of which your everyday person does not possess.

15 years ago

Besides Killzone 2 comming out I have to ask everyone a question… DO YOU EVER GET TIRED OR SHOOTERS?

15 years ago

well it depends as long as i got a game to play after days of nonstop shooter action liek skate or flower no i can go for weeks without getting tired of shooters. . . then i play an RPG.

15 years ago

Hell no. I love em.

15 years ago

Single player campaign yes, multiplayer no.

15 years ago

FPSs are gamer crack.

Darth Koth
Darth Koth
15 years ago

@ Rossinator
if you have an External HDD(must be FAT32) theres a backup facility on the PS3 in settings( which keeps alot of your settings even wallpaper and such) or you can manualy copy stuff over, recomend doing both

Last edited by Darth Koth on 1/30/2009 12:23:07 PM

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

You can't do it if the machine is already bricked and just gives you the beep, beep, beep with the flashing red light.

15 years ago

I got the flashing yellow light.

15 years ago

Japan does not need kz2, the only shooter they like are mgs and yakuza, but ps3 is doing very well there so no need.

15 years ago

Now, now I think we can all agree that everyone needs Killzone 2, everyone. They just have to have it on PS3.

Last edited by coverton341 on 1/30/2009 3:13:33 PM

15 years ago

APRIL!!!!! Thats only 2 moths after the Original release! why cant they wait a year like we have to!

15 years ago


15 years ago

Yeah, its a funny video to me

15 years ago

whats it about? I'm at work so I cant check it out.

15 years ago

They have used that video for so much and everytime it makes me laugh. I loved when they used it for the Home beta. Everyone on the forums (sony official) was crying about not getting an invite to the closed beta and someone posted a link to that video but about the beta and I swear to god I almost pissed myself laughing.

15 years ago

Man, that vid was a laugh riot!!!!!

BTW, I fell out laughing at his other one too…

15 years ago

Lol Tron are you on your laptop in Gamestop?

15 years ago

No WEWM I'm on my blackberry Curve.

Last edited by PS3_Wizard on 1/31/2009 8:29:21 PM

15 years ago

I wonder how the Japanese gamers will receive this game….

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