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The PS3 Is A Sexy Chick Magnet

You may laugh. You may scoff. You may consider this a lame attempt by a Sony fansite (and the second the word "fansite" escapes your lips, we beat you to a bloody pulp with a crowbar) to promote the PlayStation 3. You might think it's a weird little opinion piece designed to be charmingly unique and appealing…well, perhaps the latter is true.

We all know that ladies are starting to become more involved with gaming with every passing year, but if you're currently on the dating scene or have already scored the fabulous filly, you need a console that gels with the relationship. And while one could make arguments for the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii, one has to look at the bigger picture. Check it out; the best reasons why the PS3 is the perfect chick magnet. No, seriously.

Blu-Ray = Johnny Depp in perfect high-def

Look, even though the man is typically the tech fiend in any given relationship, everyone can appreciate the best of the best in terms of video visuals. Special effects and slam-bang action movies aren't the only types of films that benefit from something like Blu-Ray; the chick flicks will jerk twice the number of tears when viewed in high definition. The male hunks are even more in-your-face (and more annoying for the boyfriend). At the end of the day, every couple will enjoy a Blu-Ray player, and the PS3 is not only the best one on the market according to recent statistics, it has got plenty more to offer…

Playing online DOESN'T cost us anything extra, dear!

Girlfriends and wives have long since bemoaned the fact that playing video games online incurs an extra cost, and when there's two people involved with the bills, it can be a sore topic of conversation. In the case of the PS3, not only is it completely free, but you can peruse the PlayStation Store free of charge as well…and that means showing your girl games like Magic Ball , Lumines Supernova and more. You know, those little puzzle games that remind her of the Flash games she plays at work when she's bored. Those cost money, yes, but it costs nothing to look, and when she knows you're online, she knows it can't be considered a paid luxury.

The Dual Shock 3 fits her cute hand better

Oh, don't get all offended, ladies; it's a compliment! While the 360's S controller is certainly smaller than the original Xbox controller, it's still larger than the Dual Shock 3. Furthermore, there's all that motion sensing that comes along with it – "see honey, the Wii isn't the only system that lets you move your hands around" – and the girl may even find it familiar. Let's face it: even if she has never been a gamer, there are hundreds of millions of PlayStation consoles around the world, and therefore, hundreds of millions of controllers. There's a darn good chance she has laid hands on a Sony gamepad at least once in her life, and yep, they're all designed exactly the same. Win, win, win.

Black goes with everything

The PS3 is a sexy machine, and a sleek black piece of electronic equipment is always easy on the eyes. It's never an eyesore and while the white of the 360 and Wii can draw attention, the PS3 fits beautifully in any dark-colored entertainment center. It also goes with most televisions, pieces of stereo equipment, and even furniture, so if your girl is into the whole interior decorating thing, the PS3 is perfect. True, it's a larger, heavier unit but once it's in place, it blends quite nicely. You may not give a rat's ass what the thing looks like or if it clashes with its surroundings, but then again, you also didn't know that cranberry "looked good on you." That is, until she told you.

There you have it. The PS3 is one helluva sexy chick magnet, isn't it?

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15 years ago

agree to all those pointers. since I've had my ps3 I've had about 4 girlfriends and everytime we go to my place "wink" I fire up the ps3 to set music for the mood and she starts looking at it and says is that a playstation? couple mins later she starts exploring the xmb and is impressed with the blu ray movie and music, one of them sounded stupid and said this is like a computer but cooler. I was like yeah wanna see my room? "wink" but yeah from my experience ben has a point. good ol ben must have some experience also to post something like this. props ben

Last edited by food86 on 1/27/2009 10:38:52 PM

15 years ago

LOL oh man this is the best article todate. I'm a girl and i have to admit it's defently a chick magnet. I love it and it matches our sexy 37inch lcd lg tv 🙂 good article ben oh and its true about the controller it's very much smaller for my girly hands.

15 years ago

mines a 52inch

15 years ago

wow thats messed up, you should get it that examined, chicko.

15 years ago

Aaah sh*t. I've to watch what say around here, now.

15 years ago

I have been a long time reader to Psxextreme, but always had trouble joining the site. Its nice to join the PS3 family.

15 years ago

Welcome chief, try to sign up to the forums too. We need more people posting in there.

15 years ago

LMAO! You crack me up!

Though, my girl and I both own a PS3 and 360 (yes, we each have our own systems) and she adores her PS3. She loves the ability to listen to music, watch videos on the Internet on the big screen (yeah, so I gave the big screen to her) and play online for free. We both had XBL Gold memberships, but recently canceled them due to disatisfaction with the priced service.

So… I would have to say that Ben is right.

15 years ago

welcom aboard godsman, psx is prob the best site to get your ps3 news without the other crap like other sites tend to do. for some reason its a cool and hip thing to bash the ps3 for whatever reason. and this site atleast maintains credibility with their topics that are well portrayed and unbiased in any way or form. Ben does a great job!

15 years ago

Yea… this site does do a good job at staying neutral and just have fans chat about PS3 gaming. One thing i dont like about this site is the April Fool articles. Its like i know its coming but i keep falling for them, haha.

15 years ago

Aah yes. The discless ps3. I had prior knowledge of the date, so I didn't fall for it.

15 years ago

Lol good one Ben, yes PS3 is a sexy beast yeah! baby yeah!!

Last edited by PSN _HAITIAN_JB on 1/27/2009 11:04:56 PM

15 years ago

lol i got the ps3 because of the play tv thingy. lol that was my opening line for my lady. 'but honey, you can record all the shows you may miss' lol good article mate from one ben to another:)

15 years ago

Running out of subjects to post yeah? Still, quite an interesting, different and… unexpected subject for a post placed under the PS3 NEWS category but hey, f?ck that eh, it made me laugh.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Let's not forget all the neat things that can be inserted in her.

15 years ago

but that would make it a… lesbian magnet?

I think I peed a little…

15 years ago

what, oh god, back and front as well ,lol, sorry had to get that off.

15 years ago

Gentlemen, gentlemen. There are ladies around here (possibly). There will be no more talk of inserting things, exploding engines, t&a, or what have you.

Last edited by Aftab on 1/28/2009 2:32:51 AM

15 years ago

Well, what about S&M?

15 years ago

I'm surprised this post was so short. I mean, I could go on and on about how I myself make the PS3 a sexy chick magnet and from the way Ben likes to go on about his weight lifting hobby, I'm sure he could too!

For some reason while typing this I came up with a really good ad for the PS3 with James Bond. You know, cause he has all his little gadgets and the PS3 does so much.

Just an idea. I think it would sell millions of PS3s.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Um…I would just like to say that I have only ONCE mentioned my weightlifting hobby in in my entire tenure at PSXE. Since then, it's everyone ELSE who keeps bringing it up, for some reason. Heh.

15 years ago

Ben, I thought you've mentioned it yourself 2-3 times…

BTW, you should have never made the comments section. I end up spending WAY too much time on the site now.

15 years ago

Just as long as it does not advertise a prepackaged copy of the latest Bond game 😉

15 years ago

perhaps the biographies about ben and arnold werent such a good idea? hahaha

15 years ago

The Bond idea rocks.. Funny stuff

15 years ago

lol… nice laughs before bed.

Peace out

15 years ago

Lest not forget, if you should give your Ps3 a hug in front of your lady… a wave of jealousy will ensue…


"i aM hOMe"

15 years ago

And then when she leaves, you look longingly into the chrome of your ps3, and croon, "I know baby, you'll never leave me." Then, one day you return home, to find it in pieces, and as it dies in your arms, you look up and cry to the Heavens, "Whhyyyyyy!!!"

Last edited by Aftab on 1/28/2009 2:54:25 AM

15 years ago


Af that was rich.

15 years ago



"i aM hOmE"

15 years ago




15 years ago


15 years ago

And as a disclaimer, I must say on behalf of Q and myself that previous remarks were not a mockery of ps3 or it's lovers, as I am one, but a warning about jealous girlfriends 😉

15 years ago

In my experience the wii is the one the chicks like. The ps3 (not to mention most video games) is just intimidating.

15 years ago

most of the girls i know would think the ps3 is too complicated. ditzy blondes anyone?

but um yeah, the wii, i can understand why, i mean the system is pretty much made for 5 year olds hahaha.

*note. my last comment was not ment to offend or flame anyone.

15 years ago

good article. i like this.

15 years ago

I think the biggest chick game ever would have to be mirrors edge, which had exclusive dlc for ps3. and for some reason lot of girls like devil may cry.

Last edited by ps92117 on 1/28/2009 1:31:23 AM

15 years ago

a chick friend of mine.
LOVED final fantasy.

shes the only person, that ive met so far that loved FF7 as much as me. (in my suburb)

thats like one of the biggest plus' for a chick, if she plays playstation, or likes anime.

15 years ago

chicks love devil may cry because they're all bloody devils who cry a lot:p

15 years ago

stupid article, We all know gamers not interested in games go for the Wii.

15 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Now THAT'S funny. LOL

15 years ago

yeah, that happend in my city too.
chick like to play Wii.

lol and its fun see them moving here and there while laughing and wigling the wiimote lol

seeing them play the dancing game also fun >_<

15 years ago

Yes, it is fun to watch them play

15 years ago

swimming pool + wii

nuff said! 🙂

15 years ago

yeah, the PS3 can get you in tons of trouble also… instead of buying my girl a purse or shoes or a birthday present, i went and bought my PS3 that year. i had to make up for it big time.
i've eased the tensions by showing her how wonderful the PS3 is for the BOTH of us. since then she's been hooking up her ipod to it, watching her chick flick in hi def, playing SF and MK games, and some of her classic PS2 games with it. she's been using it almost as much as i have and now its making me jealous. im thinking her next present will be her OWN PS3…

King James
King James
15 years ago

3 chicks and counting, ben…3 females has already fallen victim to my PS3. The power of blu-ray, baby! The PS3 is working on #4 right now. I put some LBP in her life and she loves it…made a profile and everything. She came outta her shirt later on that nite. 😉

Thanx PS3! I probably could've done it without you, but you sure did make it easier. *gives the patented thumbs up and wink*

15 years ago

Gentlemen never tell. But hey, happy hump day!

15 years ago

Little big planet is the killer, once you show them that they will definitely play.

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