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No “Post-Play” Option For Fallout 3 PS3

Is it just us, or do developers who are typically well acquainted with PC projects tend to lag behind on the PlayStation 3? Valve could be considered one studio that has always excelled on the PC and switched that excellence (in some fashion) to the Xbox 360, but they haven't done jack sh** for the PS3. Bethesda has performed better, but even with their great stuff, PS3 owners have felt left out in the cold more than once. Eh, maybe it's just in our heads, even though the 360 is – of course – much closer to a PC in terms of base architecture.

Anyway, we've just seen a bad bit of news for Fallout 3 fans, especially those who loved the game and really can't stop playing. According to the MTV Multiplayer blog, a very appreciated feature is headed to the epic RPG…but only for the 360 and PC versions. See, fans have discovered that you can't keep exploring the vast wasteland after completing the main storyline, and considering the gigantic size of the game, most see this as a detriment. Therefore, Bethesda says they plan to deliver a set of downloadable content that would allow the player to keep playing (you know, tackle all those side-quests you didn't get a chance to finish). The only problem for PS3 owners is that this DLC hasn't been announced for the PS3 version of the game, and when asked if it would arrive at some point, executive producer Todd Howard said, "Not at this time, no." Well, damnit. We probably should've expected it, but it still seems most unfair. It seems that if you're currently playing Fallout 3 on Sony's machine, you had best finish up everything before completing the last quest; after that, just wave goodbye.

Thankfully, this isn't an overly common trend for multiplatform games, as the vast majority of DLC does arrive for both the Xbox Live Marketplace and PSN. It's just a little disappointing when excellent, mega-blockbuster titles like Fallout 3 don't get quite the same treatment across all platforms.

Related Game(s): Fallout 3

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15 years ago

Thats just pathetic……..

15 years ago

Sure is, this is outright moneybagging. I mean what else could it be that prevents them from releasing it on PS3?

Last edited by NightHawk17 on 1/26/2009 12:53:18 PM

15 years ago

"Thankfully, this isn't an overly common trend for multiplatform games, as the vast majority of DLC does arrive for both the Xbox Live Marketplace and PSN."

You seem to forget that GTA 4 has exclusive DLC for the Xbox (One of the the only things I'm jealous about)

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I didn't forget at all. But of the hundreds upon hundreds of multiplat games with DLC, could you name more than a few that have exclusive DLC on the 360?

15 years ago

Tomb Raider Underworld has exclusive stuff for 360. Bioshock has exclusive stuff for PS3.

15 years ago

I gave up on multiplat while back so i don't care about this game anyway see things like that makes PS3 owner not to get games from devs like them o well..

Last edited by PSN _HAITIAN_JB on 1/26/2009 10:53:19 AM

15 years ago

Thats their hustle I guess..Its never good PS3 owners when this happens but thats the way to get fans to Xbox..

Hell I would kill for KillZone;) But that will never happen will it?

15 years ago

But Killzone 2 is first party, Fallout 3 is third. Big difference.

15 years ago

We arent talking about exclusives moron. We are talking about multi-platform games. Key word being "Multi". Are we arguing about gears 2 being on ps3? no….

we are mad that a developer like bethesda is leaving the ps3 out in the cold.

"thats their hustle"

Man get that stupid sh** outta here. You mean to tell me if Sony got exclusive downloadable content for CoD:MW2 that extended the game a few extra hours, and the 360 didn't get any new content, you wouldn't be mad?

Damn I hate you. Be happy you got the DLC, but keep it to yourself. I think everyone can say that if the opposite happened, you wouldn't be so damn optimistic.

15 years ago

huge difference… Killzone 2 is technically not possible on an Xbot…


"i aM hOme"

Last edited by Qubex on 1/26/2009 12:12:11 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

PS3_Wizard: I see flaming and unnecessary hostility. Joshua can step over the line sometimes, but in this case, YOU are the one going against our strict "no flaming" policy.

No more, please.

15 years ago

although the flaming wasn't called for, i think he might raise a good point. Josh, if GTA4 dlc was only coming to the ps3 and you didnt have one, how would you feel? you say its one of your favorite games so i can imagine you not being able to say "thats their hustle" for that one.

Although the dlc would be nice to play, i just couldn't see myself playing the dlc over great new games coming out soon, killzone 2, SF4, RE5, plus other things i wasnt able to get to over the holidays.

Enjoy Lost and the Damned, it looks sweet, thankfully they added more weapons

15 years ago


So much hostility. What wrong you U dont like my comments? Good.;)

I know KillZone aint for Xbox. But to say it couldn't be done is about as stupid as your other comments. Which don't bother me. I find them entertaining.=]

And we did talk about Gears coming to PS3 tho we know that wont happen. It would still be cool. And if they came out with DLC content for call of duty it would make me want a PS3. OH SHIZ! Isn't that what its supposed to do?;)

15 years ago

Actually Guerilla said it couldn't be done.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

[quote]But to say it couldn't be done is about as stupid as your other comments.[/quote]

kk look… 360 is capable of doing 1 TFLOP/s(could be wrong name) or watever, ps3 is capable if doing 2TFLOP/s… and Killzone2 runs at 60% the capable power of the ps3.. so since the 360 is only capable of running half of what the ps3 can, that means this game maxes out the 360, and would require 10% more processing power… if KZ2 was multiplat, then it would be watered down and wouldn't be as good of a game as it would be on a ps3 exclusive (Mgs4) to say it couldn't be done on 360 is putting the truth nicely as far as im concerned

15 years ago

Joshua is a young lad… still learning the ropes… if he was informed and cared about what was really happening in the Ps3 world; he would have known of what tech Guerilla have going in Killzone 2, and just how impressive it is…

Jushua… Fact no.1 …Guerilla have used most of the 50GB storage on Blu Ray needed for the game… Fact no.2; each level is about 2GB is sized – data is processed and streamed from Blu Ray to Ps3 in realtime while in play… there are NO BREAKS between levels… seemless…

This game is not possible on your Xbot… take it like man!!!

Damn… I cannot wait now until February the 27th… Damn, Xbot is going to be owned… and Joshua with it!

Its going to be one big owning day… I just cannot wait for it… When I finally get it in my hands… I will say to myself, "The time has come!"


"i aM hOme"

Last edited by Qubex on 1/26/2009 1:46:20 PM

15 years ago

we talking about multi platform and not first party exclusive.

15 years ago

lulz, can't we all just get along?

I also have heard Guerilla mentioning that it wasn't possible on the 360 at the same quality tha is on the ps3. if im not mistaken, its in a 40 minute interview, its long but really worth watching. Just you tube "killzone2 40 minute interview". on youtube its broken up into 4 parts i think, its in dutch, but with english subtitles and gives a lot of insight into the game

Later in the interview, one of the guys explains some of the ways they were able to use the ps3, ways that might not be possible on the 360, no offense josh

15 years ago

Josh, you remind me of a (relatively) old editorial about how internet hostility is so insane because you can say whatever you want with little permanent consequence

or, more to the point, people you openly antagonize can't punch you in the face over the internet.

so, I cant really tell you to be careful, because it kinda doesn't matter, but you're certainly not going to make any friends when you openly taunt just about everyone. In the real world, arrogance leads to broken nose, but here everyone will just hate you.

just a word to the wise, or perhaps less so.

15 years ago

joshua it can't be done on 360.

15 years ago

Josh is real popular,but i thought fame comes most often with luv from fans,but with you is like most don't like you.Me i personally don't hate you or anything but…………….
seriously man,you need to chill the F out.

15 years ago

im just as much a ps3 fanboy as everyone els.

but i REALLY cant understand why everyone suddenly showed so much hostility here.

as of late, alot of PSXE commenters are taking this position in alot of gaming matters.

i think people need to shut their effing mouths, and learn one simple and IMPORTANT fact about life, not everyone has the same opinion, your choice, is to be a complete moron and flame someone for their opinion, or take the moral route and respect their opinion, and move on.

EPIC fail…

i actually respect Joshua more then most of you atm.
because hes a 360 fanboy, whos keeping up with the ps3 world, and so far, ive never seen any serious flaming comments from him. maybe a few pushes here and there, but nowhere near as much as what you guys do ALL the time.

he said ONE comment, about wanting killzone on the 360, and everyone starts flaming "its not possible on the 360 bla bla bla"

theres about 10 360 games i want on ps3. but they wont be.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 1/26/2009 11:34:00 PM

15 years ago

Heh, Joshua is in hostile airspace!


"i aM HomE"

15 years ago

The problem with Joshua is he doesn't have a PS3 nor does he care for the system, so why is he even here? For one reason, to stir up trouble.

Joshua is the type of person who likes to dissent and argue for the sake of arguing. And it is probably easier to do it here because, like someone said previously, he can't be bopped in the mouth.

I have one question for those of you who own a PS3 but not a 360. Do you frequent 360 sites just to offer your dissenting opinion and start arguments?

Me, I own all three consoles and I visit multiple sites, including multiconsole sites; but I rarely post on Wii or 360 sites… and never just to start an argument.

Bottomline Josh, if those of us who visit this site wanted to talk multiconsole, we'd be on a multiconsole site/board now.

15 years ago

"Joshua is the type of person who likes to dissent and argue for the sake of arguing. And it is probably easier to do it here because, like someone said previously, he can't be bopped in the mouth."

Just classic Orvisman… especially the "bopped in the mouth" part…

…and I don't frequent anything M$!


"i aM hOMe"

Last edited by Qubex on 1/27/2009 10:15:35 AM

15 years ago

It's horse armor, but on a larger scale of stupidity.

15 years ago

What surprises me is that Bethesda made Oblivion on PS3 far far superior to the 360 version (albeit, they didn't come out at the same time) so I can't believe that this sort of stiffing of Sony's console is really coming about by some technical shortcoming on their part…

My guess is that they're allergic to NOT getting money from Microsoft.


15 years ago

Thats the way of mostly PC game companies..Microsoft practically owns the PC market. Pissing them off wouldn't be in their best interest.

15 years ago

I have to agree with Josh on this one. Microsoft has the lock on the PC gaming industry to a large point and if a PC gaming company were to crap on their party said company could very well kiss their PC support goodbye. I don't think any company is willing to risk losing a backing financer in this economic climate. We have seen far to many companies falter and then be absorbed lately for any more to take a gamble on pissing off one of their biggest money trees.

15 years ago

before I had finished it I was angry that you couldnt continue.. after I completed it I still wasnt happy. After the 2nd time I found peace.

Fact is that this game isnt designed to be played after you know what happens.

So what if the 360/ pc get this expansion! guranteed everyone here who cares about it will be on to bigger and better things by the time we would of got our DLC, so I wouldnt worry too much.

If people want to get the best from Fallout on the PS3 then they will have to stop the main story at a certain point.. carry on the side quest til theyre bored or happy they have done everything then go back and complete the unfinished business.

If people want to know what that point is, then come to the forums and ask.. other than that just play the game how it was originally intended, you will be happier in the long run.

Anyway, when Oblivion MMO comes out then after that they will probably do fallout MMO or something along these lines, so cool..

tell you what though, playing fallout certainly makes you re-appreciate Oblivion!

John Shoemaker
John Shoemaker
15 years ago

I'm glad I acquired this game by other means for a different system >_>
I didn't even know you could roam the land after the main story.

15 years ago

Well, I got the platinum trophy in one playthrough, so I don't really feel like playing more of it right now. Maybe later.

15 years ago

I just have to add that I just seen the 2 new videos for the GTA DLC and it looks AMAZING! Rockstar just put other DLC to shame on this one.

15 years ago

If I was your parents I would be put to shame by you…!

15 years ago

wonder why you think it looks amazing. what type of amazing you talking about halo 3 amazing, halo wars amazing? lol

15 years ago

This is why I have yet to buy the PS3 version of Fallout 3. There are still plenty of quality games I can buy with my hard earned money to support companies who actually support consoles.

15 years ago

that's sh*t. just sh*t

15 years ago

Mark my words. Once the exclusivity period runs out on this, it will come to the PS3.

Just like Bethesda put out the Oblivion DLC on PSN and on disc, they, too, will put this DLC on the PS3.

Rockstar will also put the GTAIV DLC on the PS3, probably on PSN and/or disc, at some point.

15 years ago

I think the fallout dlc will come to PS3, but I'm not too sure about the GTA4 one. I thought that MS's 50 mil was more of a joint thing between them and Rockstar in that it was used to fund the development and probably market the dlc and that when it sells, MS gets a cut from the sales. In actuality, MS does not really lose 50 mil cause they will get it back through sales of the dlc.

It would be different if Rockstar fully funded the dlc and MS just paid to have exclusivity. In this case it was definitely different. It was more like MS saying "…here's 50 mil, can you make exclusive dlc for 360 and we both get a percentage of the profit from sales." It seems to me like Rockstar was almost like a 2nd party developer for the dlc itself. There's still a possiblility that the dlc may come to PS3 but I highly doubt it.

Last edited by ec0li on 1/26/2009 12:20:22 PM

15 years ago

It wont come for the PS3. For reasons stated above.

15 years ago

I think the Fallout DLC will come to the 3 I think its just a timed exclusive like they did with BIOSHOCK, Microsoft is desperate do to them not having much of a libary IMO. If Sony had the money to spare they probably would do that to. I understand that its buisness. But yeah I highly dought that the GTA L&D dlc will come over do to that 50 mil.

15 years ago

The GTA DLC will come to the PS3. Microsoft doesn't own the rights to the game, they just ponied up the money to get the DLC exclusively. Just like Sony did with L.A. Noire, until they pulled out; and that game went multiconsole.

And I bet that exclusivity will end at some point, especially since Rockstar will want to tap the PS3 user base.

If they put the conetnt on a disc later on this year, it is no longer DLC, is it? Just watch.

15 years ago

Actually, some of the Oblivion DLC never came to the PS3 version (The Orrery, etc.).

I wants me Pirate Cove, demmit.

15 years ago

It's actually great, the reason is, I can pass on every single multi-platform game, and download them for free on my PC. Wanna play the DLC game with me? You won't win.


15 years ago

This is stupid, well I guess I'll just "buy" it for pc then, since my copy isn't good enough for the content.

15 years ago

I am more than happy with Killzone 2 for the next 6 months… Fallout 3 and its DLC can go to hell as far as I am concerned! I am just so so happy to have Killzone 2, it will vindicate everything I believe and have believed… and this time Joshua will have no answer to it 🙂


"i Am hOme"

15 years ago

Ill always have an answer.;) Just try an outwit me.

15 years ago

I know it will be tough not to spill the beans when you see Killzone 2… and just say; "damn, I really wish I had the balls to pick up a Ps3 and this game"… unfortunately, the dudes here won't have the satisfaction of actually seeing you admit that you really think it is a great piece of software and great hardware that runs it… life can be tough sometimes…


"i aM hOMe"

15 years ago

It's not hard to outwit someone who is witless Josh, especially when that someone is something of a one-track mind. 😉

15 years ago

Why wouldn't a feature like that already be on the game… what a load of crap.. even if i had a xbox
your telling me if they would release this tomorrow then i have to pay a extra $10 or $15 for a extra feature that should of been on the disc version.. i'm sure ms is going to charge for something like that.. WOW!!!!!!!!!

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