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Amazon Takes Uncharted 2 Pre-Orders, Drops Drake Price

We always thought you needed an estimated release date of some kind to take pre-orders, but that rule apparently doesn't exist for As far as we know, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves has a tentative "TBA 2009" release, but that didn't stop the world's largest online retailer from taking pre-orders.

As of Friday and according to Punch Jump news, the hotly anticipated sequel "held a 3,619% increase in sales upon availability to rank at No. 83 in Amazon's Video Game division." That's pretty impressive, especially considering how far off the game really is…perhaps Amazon knows something we don't, but it's highly unlikely. Another piece of good news is that, to celebrate the opening of pre-orders for the sequel, Amazon has lowered the price of the original. You can now pick up Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for the reduced cost of $41.99, and if you haven't had the pleasure just yet, we strongly suggest picking it up. It's one of the many game sales Amazon is currently boasting, and if you want to go out on a limb and pre-order Uncharted 2 , feel free. We're one of many sources that are anxiously anticipating the sequel, because we had so much fun with the original and we have so much respect for the Naughty Dog guys. Opening up pre-orders this early seems a little bizarre, but hey, what's wrong with getting a jump on things?

We're waiting on more details and information on Among Thieves , which we expect to arrive at the Game Developer Conference next month. The early teaser trailers were damn pretty, weren't they?

Related Game(s): Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

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15 years ago

This is going to be another must have game for me this year. I think I'm going to play through the first one again before the sequel comes out.

15 years ago

This is my most anticipated game. I love the genre(TPS) and it reminds me so much of Indiana Jones. Doesn't hurt that the gameplay in the first game was top-notch though.

15 years ago

This game should be regarded as the best tps when it come to a memorable experience. All you can remember about gow1 is ducking,shooting the introduction of a new enemytype. I gow2 as memorable as uncharted1 ?

15 years ago

Yeah, I pre-ordered mine from amazon like two days ago.

Last edited by Blaiyan on 1/24/2009 12:14:59 AM

15 years ago

Again, i will kinda restate what i said in the Gamestop post.

Uncharted has been out for what? Around 2 years i think. YET, we don't have it as a greatest hit to put the price at $30. Besides amazon having this little deal for it, Uncharted still sells for it's regular price of $60. Around 2 years and it's still being sold at $60.

Who in their right mind, especially in todays economy, would pay full price for a game around 2 years old.

I want to play this game because i never got the chance to. BUT, i REFUSE to pay anything more than $30 for a game around 2 years old.

Last edited by crapreviews on 1/24/2009 6:12:01 AM

15 years ago

I'm by no means trying to justify SONY's price tag here. What I think they are trying to do is to do whatever they can to make up for PS3 hardware losses. I believe that they can drop the price, but I also think that selling less of something at a higher price makes them more profits than selling more at a lower price.

15 years ago

i dont think so…

look at it like this. let's say the actual game cost like $15 to make. Now if you sell it for $60 you make a $45 profit. If you sell it for $30 you make a $15 profit. Now yeah looking at it like that you would say that the $60 will make you more money.

BUT, by lowering the price there would be way more people that would look into buying the game compared to those that would at full price, especailly for a 2 year old game.

15 years ago

"Way more people" might be the problem here. You might be right, but I think that SONY doesn't think it's worth the risk. You'd think this is based of sales data to support my point. But this is where I'm coming from.

15 years ago

it does make business sense, lower price = more customers, more customers = more theoretical profit. If there aren't many customers interested, haze for example, price lowering is not in anyway a sales advantage, but it is still. haze is £10, i would get it now, if i didn't hav other stuff to play, because 40 quid is too much.
if you lower the price of something such as KZ2 to £25 the sales would be f*cking HUGE.

15 years ago

I don't get what principles you are standing on. I understand the cheap factor but it's a great game and is worth full price. It's only been out for 14 months. Nowhere near 2 years. This is exactly why they probably aren't lowering the price. Not only to maximize profits but last gen people knew if they waited a year the price of a game would be $20. This gen SONY probably wants to be spontaneous with the drop or have it as close to the sequel as possible.

Last edited by Blaiyan on 1/24/2009 12:30:44 PM

15 years ago

I think that after a year they should lower the prices. Its just a bad move not to. C'mon they are gonna be going head to head with newer releases. That is beyond me why they wouldn't.

15 years ago

hah, europe can have the original for £10 in some places.

15 years ago

I still need the first!!!

15 years ago

@ Memento – you can find a used copy on Ebay. I paid around $24.00 few months ago when trophies were released.

15 years ago

I've played the game but I don't own it, I will buy it when it hits $30. There's your market research right there.

15 years ago

i don't get has god of war 3 on pre-order 'Due for release on 25/09/2009' ??

15 years ago

The game is already a platinum title in PAL territories. I think de game sold well in the pal areas.

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