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If Gears Ever Comes To The PS3, Here’s What We Want Fixed

Okay, in what will probably be a vain attempt to stop the deluge of 360 fankids smashing down PSXE's doors and flooding into this topic, let me just say this- Gears of War 2 is most certainly one of the best games of the generation, and ranks #3 for me on my top games of 2008 list. It's a little lower on my "favorite" list (if you don't know the difference, I can't help you), but in terms of quality, I would only put Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and Grand Theft Auto IV ahead of Epic's awesome shooter. I loved the first – that was definitely my pick for Game of the Year in 2006 – and yes, I loved the second. …but I do have some significant gripes, and I'm starting to think that if the game comes to the PS3, I want the team to address a few of these issues.

Yeah, I know it probably won't happen, but these days, you never know where exclusives will end up tomorrow. Now, after finishing GeoW2 and reflecting on the experience, I've come to a few unnerving conclusions. And here they are:

Sooo…we're back to cheating AI now?

And here I was, thinking we had left this annoying feature in the last generation. After getting nailed by yet another mortar, I started to wonder if I understood how the weapon actually worked. I had the chance to use it myself, but I wasn't aware that the enemies had the exclusive rights to homing mortars. I had to test it because I couldn't believe it. I ran back and forth and watched in absolute consternation as the mortars over my head followed my movements. Then, a boss cuts down pillars and I stand far enough away to watch the same thing happen with a falling pillar…needless to say, I laughed. Hard. On a related note, there were multiple times where an ally would stand near a wall or sit in cover, never moving for the duration of an entire firefight. Not sure what that was all about.

Vehicles are cool, but…'sigh'

I'm not saying the addition of the vehicles in this sequel is a bad thing. I had just as much fun as anyone else driving all of them…well, for a few minutes, anyway. Everything about riding a special "vehicle" of some kind, especially the damn Reaver, seemed overdone. I mean, the Centaur is cool, but why should that particular section take that long? The only one I thought was well-paced and enjoyable from start to finish was the Brumak, which didn't come until the end of the game. Look, I know that putting vehicles in shooters is the hip thing to do these days, but when you've got a take-no-prisoners, totally kick-ass third-person shooter mechanic, just focus on that. The vehicles are great for a little while, but please, don't try to do too much with them. You don't do flight games, so don't make me control a Reaver. You do awesome third-person shooters, and probably better than anyone, so don't lose that focus.

Glitchy, glitch, glitch…

I'm perfectly willing to accept the possibility that I encountered an abnormal number of glitches, but either way, they're anything but small or insignificant. The first was a flat-out game freeze during the transition between gameplay and cut-scene, and the second came when my allies were supposed to open a door and didn't. I ran around like a spaz trying to figure out if there was a switch somewhere, until I finally realized I should probably reload. So I did, and they did what they were supposed to do. The third issue consisted of a magical gravity-defying grenade that hit a tree branch and just sat up there, spinning and blinking. And let's not forget my personal favorite: the final freeze, which happened the instant I beat the final boss. Perhaps it's unfair to blame the game; perhaps it makes more sense to blame the 360, which seems to be the only console left where I find such significant technical glitches. Why do I get the feeling that if GeoW2 was made specifically for the PS3, we wouldn't have seen this…?

Don't rush an ending

I may be in the minority with the above complaints, but I know a lot of people agree with me on this: the final boss was laaaaame. And furthermore, the ending seems rushed and incomplete; it almost appears as if the team hit crunch time and said to themselves, "damnit, we're out of time…just end it!" I don't really have a huge problem with this, as it's not an RPG and the story isn't the focal point, but even so… Really, it seems to me as if the writers got to a point where they really couldn't figure out how to end the game, and they just settled on something that's highly questionable. Oh, and although it doesn't get its own heading because I don't have much to add: the Tickers sucked. Just…plain…stupid.

Okay, that's all. Really, this game does rock, and despite all these problems I had with it, the action is so very worth your time. Furthermore, there's no guarantee that these glitches will happen to you, and I know for a fact that many people adored all their time spent in/on those vehicles. I'm just saying: if Gears of War 3 somehow magically appears on the PS3, these are the issues I want to see addressed.

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Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

Ben all I can say is that I had every single thing happen to me that happened to you except the grenade in the tree. I agree with you on basically every point. Including that it only ranks like number 6-7 on my favorite list but number 3 on most accomplished list. Although I want to put more emphasis on the vehicle parts being waaaaaaay too freken long. I hated them, period… Except the Brumak. But it didn't seem like you could actually get hurt on the Brumak anyway so it was more of an interactive cutscene, but yea…

15 years ago

SNES AI 😀 , no no wait Atari AI lmfao

Anyway it would be good if that game comes to ps3 but I feel I might not like it.

Anyway hehe great points.

15 years ago

Speaking of wack AI's, and glitches, some of them seem deliberate. One time, I was sniping a boomer, and I had his face in my scopes. Just as I fired, he went Peek-a-boo, and comically covered his face with his hand. It was quite hilarious. The homing motars and falling pillars? Not so much.

Last edited by Aftab on 1/13/2009 11:21:05 PM

15 years ago

If they wanted to take it to the next level they'd have to bring it to PS3, but I don't feel like I'm missing any fun I couldn't be having already.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/13/2009 11:29:46 PM

15 years ago

though i agree , you seem to ask for wars from xbots .

15 years ago

that come off bad? Woops, sometimes writing matter-of-factly has that effect, o well. I forgot this was primed to become one of "those" articles that bring in the nuts.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/13/2009 11:40:17 PM

15 years ago

world i agree, the game sounds sweet but i can probly have just as much fun with metal gear or resistance, i only have 3 silver trophies to go and ill have all the single player trophies!! fallout 3 sounds darn good to.

15 years ago

Fallout 3 is my GOTY.

15 years ago

"Matter-of-factly". Yeah, I guess I do that a lot. So sorry, too, if I've stepped on anyone's toes. But concerning the xbots, I wouldn't worry about accomadating them, too much.

15 years ago

So ben where does it stand on graphics? I again like the idea of vehicles more but from what i read it seems as if they have over done it. Tough is it worst to have that much emphasis on vehicles than to have none at all? Do you think kz2 should have vehicles online as much as it should have coop or is it realy not a big deal? What specifically did you like about geow2? Oh and wasn't the gears franchise suppose to be multiplat but ms bought rights, I do not know just asking so none of you xbots go and scream at me and call me ignorant.

Last edited by ps92117 on 1/13/2009 11:33:19 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Graphically, it's the best I've seen with the possible exception of MGS4.

But KZ2 and GoWIII will annihilate, anyway. 😉

15 years ago

Texture-wise, and for this year, quite possibly. However, in the past 3 years of this generation, I find Uncharted to be more beautiful than both MGS4 and Gears2, in terms of textures, animation, and character-models. The AI was also superior.

15 years ago

I have to disagree with you Ben. Gears 2 has a lot pop ups. I think that Uncharted and MGS4 are way above than GeoW2 in term of graphics

15 years ago

i have to mention the 5-6 times that i managed to get stuck floating on top of a gun that i should have simply picked up. o and the hugh fish boss where you had to shoot his eyes and go into his mouth was the worse. it was times when i sawed his arm like 3x and it did nothing he simply pulled the boat in the water, and that happend twice. the mission when one person takes the elevator and one takes the stairs the unlucky one on the elevator ended up floating in the air. yea it sucks that a AAA title like that has that many bugs.
Uncharted is very very beautiful.
and FALLOUT well im still addicted lol

15 years ago

I think geow3 going to ps3 would be more shocking to xbots than mgs4 going to 360 even though mgs has been with ps since the 90's. Though none would shock me more than ff13 multiplat did, and i know i am alone but that made me sad and angry. so geow multiplat would be payback.

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

Maybe Sony can exchange exclusives with ms, gears 2 for haze. Seems like a fair trade.

15 years ago

That would be and excellent trade

15 years ago

Gears got the worst A.I I ever seen this gen.Epic was under a 2 game contract with microsoft.I hope they did not extend it.Because Epic could do alot more with the extra horsepower and space in the PS3.Hell give the IP to GG.They'll make gears look stunning lol.But then again would photorealistic gore make it a Adult only rating?

Last edited by LCF on 1/14/2009 12:27:53 AM

15 years ago

Perhaps it's unfair to blame the game; perhaps it makes more sense to blame the 360, which seems to be the only console left where I find such significant technical glitches. Why do I get the feeling that if GeoW2 was made specifically for the PS3, we wouldn't have seen this…?

hmm, sound like PS3's fanboy comment >_<

its a lot more sense to blame the Game Developer 🙂 🙂

its just like GTA IV PC version have a lot of bugs and you blame it on PC hardware? >_<
its the developer's fault 🙂 (not R* fault, they not port GTA IV to PC)

there's a different between hardware failure and software failure that causing Glitch 🙂

"most" hardware failure that causing glitch wont be able to be fixed by a downloadable patch.
software failure can be easily patched. (just like GTA IV freeze and Eternal Sonata Freeze, fixed by a patch)

but yeah, xbox 360 hardware is really unreliable. my xbox still alive but i always afraid when it will get RROD and im sure it will get RROD sooner or later… (dont know about the new jasper reliability, maybe better?)

btw i have not played Gears2 >_<
still playing Vesperia and Left4Dead >_<


Last edited by orangpelupa on 1/14/2009 12:35:02 AM

15 years ago

The same problems in Gears1 are in Gears2. If it were the first time, I would possibly think that it might have to do with Epic's tight turn-around times. But considering that this is Epic's second time around, I wouldn't be surprised that this has to do with hardware. And regarding R*, they were porting a game. That's not the samething has developing a game from the ground-up for a particular platform.

15 years ago

Only fan boy here is you, rushing to your 360's defense spots you as a fanboy.

15 years ago

Nothing he said was fanboyism cuetes.

15 years ago


You've got some good points. I don't know if I can blame the 360 for a grenade being stuck on a tree. That's more of the developer's fault. Ben's complaints are legitimate but to say that Gears2 would not have glitches if it was made only on PS3 is nonsensical. Most if not all games suffer from weird glitches. Even MGS4 or Uncharted which are exclusive to PS3 have their own glitches. It always comes down to the developers and the amount of resources and time they spend on their game.

15 years ago

"Nonsensical" seems rather harsh. And he didn't necessarily say it was a hardware thing. 1st party and 2nd party games get a high level of polish at Sony, pure and simple. I get that impression and just about anyone else with two eyes and both consoles will tell you that.

15 years ago

I don't know. Maybe I'm not understanding correctly what Mr. Dutka wrote. If he meant that Gears2 might have LESS glitches if made only on the PS3…then that's entirely possible. My problem is that from my comprehension of his words, he's saying that it wouldn't have ANY glitches if it was made only for PS3. How can you make a statement like that if even some of the PS3's best exclusives still contain glitches. I would have to his say that his assesement is more biased than fair.

15 years ago

Gears makes my head hurt and its a very slow paced game. Multiplayer is very unfair with those 1 shot kills which annoy the piss outa me and the chainsaw killing which gets old and having the newbs on LIVE. Saying "oh thats right why don't you stick to Halo" so i respond with "F*** you!" and "Halo and Gears blow, buy a Ps3"

15 years ago

I don't see why it wouldn't be ruled out. MS had exclusivity for the first 2 so I heard. And I kinda agree with World Ends. If they wanna step it up they have a home on the PS3.

15 years ago

Gears is a great game.

I dought it would come to the PS3. But I wouldn't be mad if it happened. I dont like exclusives to be honest. I think the fun should be shared with everyone. Anyone for Halo on PS3?=]

King James
King James
15 years ago

maybe the new Halo. Halo: Recon or Halo: ODST or whatever they are calling it. But that's about it. I never could play Halo more than a total of 12 hours outside of Halo 1.

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

I think Sony is fine with it's exclusives,overrated isn't Sony's style

15 years ago

Only if it were like Halo 1 or 2. The 3rd felt awkward. Too much Cod I guess. As a gamer I just want the best games period.

15 years ago

Id accept GEARS before HALO

15 years ago

Hey KAR are you talking about the games or the systems?;)

15 years ago

ben, i used to respect you. up till now. your a fanboy man.

"Why do I get the feeling that if GeoW2 was made specifically for the PS3, we wouldn't have seen this…?"

all of them might want to say otherwise explaining their own versions of fanboyism but… damn ben…

15 years ago

If you don't respect him, why should he care what you say?

15 years ago

Once more, having both consoles I can say first party and second party games on the ps3 get an extra degree of polish. Because they are "unpopular" system in North America, at least, they have to try extra hard from getting nitpicked by critics. MS, on the other hand, can afford to sell games that are half-baked at times, because people will buy them, either way.

15 years ago

What are you talking about? The framerates are almost always better on the 360 version. Same with the lighting.

15 years ago

aftab is talking rubbish

15 years ago

I'll admit josh…the framerate is better most of the time on the 360, but the lighting? the 360 is know mainly for its particle effects. the PS3 for its lighting.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Josh, don't confusing good lighting effects with XBox gloss. It's not the same thing.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Don't really care if you "respect" me or not. I haven't held any biases in over 25 years of gaming and I'm far too old now to care what people think about my habits. I said Gears is great; I said it was the 3rd-best game of 2008 in my opinion, and I listed what I consider to be legitimate complaints.

If you can challenge any of them, be my guest. If not…don't post.

15 years ago

I am really tired of these ps3 "framerate and lighting" comments based on older and incompetent ports. If you want to see an example of quality lighting, check out Uncharted. Not a single game on the 360 comes close. If you want to check out an example of smooth framerate, check out Wipeout HD. It runs at 60fps and at native 1080p, with little to no slow down at all. This is what I mean by Sony exclusives getting that extra degree of polish that you won't find on the 360.

15 years ago

Ummmm… Fanboys are the guys that blatantly insult another system owner based on their choice. That obviously doesn't fit Ben as he owns a 360 and likes GeoW.

15 years ago

Vehicle parts in action game suck 4 me when u have 2 drive. The play length in most cases drags. I prefer cinamatic more controlled stuff like in uncharted. I think gears its a graet game but there has (winback ps2/n64 & killswitch)and there is (uncharted/darksector ps3)alternative games that can deliver the same gameplay.

15 years ago


15 years ago

M$ should cancel the xbox360 altogether and make xbox720 with higher disc capacity so that we don't have to say things like these ("GeoW3 should come to the PS3" or "the xbox360's ports are so lame" or "the game's too short" or "dammit it's full of glitches!!") in order to have a decent game.

Or game companies should make two versions of the game, put one on PC and dump the second inferior version of the game on the xbox360.

15 years ago

I have thIS game and even like it…but in my opinion the story is very "child"…Battle inside a giant worm,mortal rain of glass that disappears on the ground…my note is 6,5/10

15 years ago

I have thIS game and even like it…but in my opinion the story is very "child"…Battle inside a giant worm,mortal rain of glass that disappears on the ground…my note is 6,5/10

15 years ago

Am still not done with Gears2 cause i don't know….it's great but it's just not dragging me to play it any chance i get.
I was stuck to MGSIV,GTA IV,Uncharted,COD4,DMC 4 till i beat them but with GeoW2,am going sooo slow,it's like am in no hurry to beat it…….i don't know but that feeling is not there,i end up playing FIFA 09 more(the best selling game in 08 in the UK and i think EU).

The graphics of shooters and other games are always being praised,how about Fifa 09,it's got some of the finest graphics,the player models are unbelievable,i know all u americans care about is nfl,mlb but Ben i'd like you to talk about Fifa 09 once in a while,too much FFXIII,we all need that game badly but it's not going to be out yet thus let's share our experiences with already released titles…… you're doing with GeoW2 now.

15 years ago

Soccer (aka REAL Football) just seems boring on game systems. To me, MOST sports games do…I just think team sports don't translate all that well to a video game. Wii Sports bowling was ALMOST fun while I was at a relative's place last Thanksgiving, though! 😉 If you're just somewhat controlling gameplay, relying on game AI to support you, it just doesn't seem quite right.

Last edited by xnonsuchx on 1/14/2009 6:09:05 AM

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