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Guerilla Believes They “Can Get More Out Of The PS3”

Despite everything you may have heard about Killzone 2 – and we know it's all very, very positive – Guerilla claims that their immensely anticipated FPS doesn't push the PlayStation to maximum capacity.

According to a recent Guerilla interview with European site GameKings, the team spoke about the amazing graphics they've managed to create for KZ2, and how their engine works. The translation is a little broken, but from what we understand, they believe they can do better in the future: "we can get more out of the PS3," they said. Considering the success their upcoming game should enjoy, we can probably start looking at this particular developer as an elite player in the game (forgive the pun). And if they can really push the PS3 even further … See, this goes back to what a lot of gamers and industry insiders have said in the past: if you take the time to focus on the PS3, and only the PS3, you might be able to do some truly amazing things with that machine. If you have to worry about multiplatform development, there must be a variety of extra obstacles a team faces, and the more powerful console can't always get the benefit of the doubt. But Guerilla has focused on the PS3 from the start, and with that amount of dedication for an extended period of time; well, we get something like Killzone 2 . Imagine what other talented developers can do if they adopt the same philosophy…?

So anyway, this appears to be a point in favor of exclusive development for the most capable system out there. Furthermore, we're starting to hear the whispers that KZ2 simply couldn't be done on the Xbox 360, even though the 360 fans will quickly leap to attack that statement. We don't wish to start anything, but it's not out of the realm of possibility. Let's just leave it at that.

Related Game(s): Killzone 2

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15 years ago

well only prob is they took 3 years n still couldn't push limit hopefully that is not the case with the other exclusive

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

Well it is a first gen game for them. I am sure they would be able to develop their next game at a faster pace.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

They will be able to develope faster now that the in-game Engine is built and running smoothly.

They should be able to make different kinds of games also instead of just FPS.

15 years ago

Timster is correct. The most time consuming part of game coding is getting the engines up and optimized for the hardware. Once that is done the actual development goes rather quickly.
I would expect a Killzone 3 (or whatever title they decide to make next) in 1.5-2 years.

15 years ago

I am really looking forward to the future when people do max out the PS3's potential. I can't even begin to imagine what the games for it then will be like.

15 years ago

Well all I can say is give them 3 more years for the next game, Not KZ3 but another exclusive game if they want{I want KZ3 to be a launch title for the next Playstation} and push the system to a breaking Point I WANT THEM TO SURPASS CRYSIS lol

15 years ago

yeah, Crysis was pretty beast. lol

15 years ago

sorry ben , n4g has a comparison of crysis and kz2 they say when it comes to pure graphics crysis wins but not by much, and kz2 is not great just cause of graphics it also has an amazing audio,great environment,crysis does not have the great lighting and hopefully kz2 has good gameplay. To think that a consel game is being compared to the best graphics game available on highend modern pc is something only ps3 can claim.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Right on !!

15 years ago

Well they r going to have time to work on another title after they launch kz2, so it would be interesting to see what they can come up with. I hope they help with mag and gow3.

15 years ago

Stay with the flow, if you do make another game, don't take it away from what you're good with.

15 years ago

We almost had a Final Fantasy on the way that could push the limits, but just almost…

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

yup after square enix went (m) soft on us, ff maxing the ps3 became laughable.

15 years ago

I wonder how realistic games will look once they DO max out the power of the PS3

15 years ago

Or if they use 3D on their next iteration! Sony is on the cutting edge of that and the ps3 may be able to hack it!

15 years ago

I hope u mean environment and physics realism. I fond of the idea of using super realistic gfx. Games need to look like games.

15 years ago

All thanks to Ken Kutaragi and his vision for the ps3.

He's a great visionary, the Cell processor is one bad mother*….but yeah, but yeah thanks to IBM too 😀

15 years ago

Thanks to Motorola too since the Cell is part PowerPC, and Toshiba. Of course, the Xenon CPU in the 360 also owes thanks to IBM and Motorola! I wonder if Sony has any agreement w/ IBM to NOT allow any other game console maker to use the Cell?

15 years ago

All thanks to Ken Kutaragi and his vision for the ps3.

He's a great visionary, the Cell processor is one bad mother*….but yeah, but yeah thanks to IBM too 😀

15 years ago

but we all know that's possible considering the technology in the ps3.

15 years ago

Agree with the article 100%

This is one of the reasons why it was somewat a burden for me when FFXIII went multi-plat with XBOX. I thought its potential MIGHT go down because the developer hve to worry bout the 360 version. The other reason that really got me is that even if the ps3 version were done, they would hve to hold it till the 360 version is finished!…Ridiculous!.

So in conclusion I agree. If developers concentrated completely on the ps3 n not worry bout the 360, games might come a long ways than it is now. So far most ps3 exclusives hve delivered fairly well n its only in the early years of the ps3.

15 years ago

i'll be happy if the gameplay graphic = advent children's graphic:)

15 years ago

Why, why why are people giving a dev like geurilla games the benifit of the doubt? What have they done to prove they deserve to be treated as a AAA dev?

Why should I believe them when they say what they are doing can't be done on a 360? What 360 game have they been working on? Why would they have a 360 SDK?

When multiplat devs start saying stuff like that, thats when you can take it seriously, but so far, I have yet to hear anyone say anything like that.

I know that this is a Sony site, but some objectivity should be here, and not just fanboyish devotion.

IMO Sony deserves to be the #2 VG console – much better than wii, but as far as content, and all around – the 360 offers a really hard to beat package.

PS3 has some awesome exclusives, but with live, and MS working hard to make sure that 360 is a success, Sony has made way too many mistakes, and mis steps this gen to cath up IMO.

15 years ago

Have you been living under a rock?

15 years ago

I guess in order for Sony to beat Microsoft's "hard to beat package", is to throw in a couple free Red Rings of Deaths and disk tray malfunctions. Shoot maybe Sony should even REQUIRE a yearly cost to play online like xbox!

Jeez…that pesky xbox is just too perfect to touch!

15 years ago

It is because many of those guys know about the 360 cpu gpu and rsx, because they know of bd because they know that ms does not provide servers. this is the reason they know it can not be made for 360, if you cant recognize this then you are in denial. Yes live is good service agree with you there. I dont care bout which consel is consider best all i care bout games and ps3 hardware can deliver more. Ms is not saying otherwise when guerrilla make this claim so yeah sorry but you in a sense have to come out of the closet and recognize ps3 hardware wise is better than 360.

15 years ago

@haimon everything you just said is totally bogus dude, go hide back under your rock please.

Last edited by MetalHead09 on 1/12/2009 2:30:34 PM

15 years ago

It won't fit on a DVD, it almost fills a dual layer BD. Question answered.

15 years ago

@ WEWM – What awesome games have geurilla made?

AFAIK the only decent game they made was teh PSP killzone game. All the rest were falwed (killzone) at best, and aweful at worst (shellshock).

15 years ago

Ask someone who has played the KZ2 beta and they will tell you.

15 years ago

hey i loved shellshock, i beat that game so many times. i might have to bust that out again sometime.

15 years ago

Heh, I just checked – thats all teh games they have made.

15 years ago

gamekings:D great show
i'm watching that film about killzone on now, i could translate it, but it'll take some time-.-

15 years ago

[edit button disappeared]
they are saying they've got a lot of new ideas they will be putting in killzone 3, so that will become even (way) better!!!:D

[edit on edit]
OMG the multiplayer is going to insane
and if you cant go online for some reason, you can still do all the online gamemodes against bots (on 3 difficulty levels) and if you ARE playing online you can still place some bots in your game if you think the server is too empty

Last edited by faraga on 1/12/2009 5:16:39 AM

15 years ago

bots!!! now thats a word you dont hear very often anymore. me and my bro can have fun with that. thats all in killzone2 right?

15 years ago

yes, they said a lot more, though not much about offline multiplayer:(
but im not really into fps's anyways

15 years ago

I agree with the article if anyone could max the PS3 it would be GG and not some 3rd party dev, this gen is all about exclusives which Sony have plenty of and these will be the games on my must have list maybe a few multiplats

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

15 years ago

@Haimon. Many of us found ourselves n the position to judge KZ2 early with what I can only describe as the best recieved beta in gaming history. It was a beta with almost zero flaws. It proved to me that GG were backing up their undoubtable ambition with the actual goods this time round.
Liberation on PSP is a great little game with some great touches but this time round they rally have pulled it off big time and deserve all the credit in the world for what they've done. Even the flawed first Killzone was a noble failure and not a rushed job-the PS2 just didn't have the power to match the vision they had so we didn't get the game they had told us they wished to make but after Liberation, and now the KZ2 multiplayer beta GG have done what they set out to-and serprised many along the way-both friend and foe alike.
Also nobody ever said the Xbox was dead last gen just because it never caught up in sales. It still had a good user base so why all the stories about PS3 this gen? Then again last gen my Xbox was a very well built(if goddam ugly) machine which I cannot say was true of the 360's I'v had this one.

15 years ago

WOW i mean just WOW, just imagine what a max out PS3 game will look like in the next like-5-6 yrs from now LOL! just pure unbelievable-ness!

15 years ago

I say bring on the Virtual Reality Rooms. Imagine playing a game where you can feel everything and YOU are the main player! I hope I will be able to see it in my life time. Imagine getting fragged in Killzone 30!

15 years ago

You could like turn your head and look at what you want, and do a huge amount of manoeuvres never thought possible. That would be freaking sweet!

15 years ago

Hopefully in the future (2 to 3 years from now) devs can make special PS3 versions of the game to make use of the space of the blu ray and the power and architecture of teh cell.

15 years ago

So long as they produce quality games and keep improving their software tech…it's gonna be great for PS3 owners.

15 years ago

I would love to see other developers take a hint and develop solely for the PS3 for at least one or two games they produce so that we get some stellar looking and polished games. That would be amazing and I think we can all agree on that. If other devs only worked with the PS3 and made at least one or two exclusives for the PS3 as a lot of them have done for the 360(even multiplat devs) then I think we would see some glorious stuff. I would love it but do not see it happening for the most part and here is the simple run down on why not: Money. Most devs, not all mind you, but most IMO are in this for the money not the actual enjoyment of the industry or even the enjoyment of the gamers. They want as much money as possible and they see a larger install base on the 360 and make games for both systems or game for it alone because they are getting paid very well for it from the consumers and the company.

Make a half-way decent game for both systems and make a billion. Make a good game exclusively for the 360 and make a billion as well because microsoft will put out the money to offset the sales you will lose from not having the PS3 crowd in the mix. Make a stellar game for the PS3 and make half a billion because Sony has a "not paying for exclusives" policy and cannot offset the lose or will not rather.

15 years ago

KZ2 is a 1st gen game from GG.Like all 1st gen games,you get familiar with the hardware.Like I said before you will only see this kind of breath taking games from Sony's 1st and 2nd parties.You'll be seeing more improved looking games from the Sony hardware.Can I say it?,Can I? Na-na told you so! haha.Raytracing in real time is possible on the Cell.KZ2 is doing more calculations in game then Crysis.Just look at the animation between the two.That is just the animation!.

15 years ago

I think both systems will be pushed much farther. Just look at the games that were released before ps2 and xbox made there final shove off. I think more importantly than graphic value (gasp) producers are making games more fun to play.

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