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SOE Expects PS3 To Represent About “Half Their Business”

By now, Sony Online Entertainment's commitment to the PlayStation 3 should be clear. And in return, they expect more than half of their business to come from that console in the near future.

According to GameDaily, although SOE has always reaped the rewards of MMOs on PCs, they're now shifting their focus to the PS3. They've only sort of toyed around with the PlayStation platform in the past, but now, with huge titles like Free Realms , DC Universe , and The Agency , the PS3 is getting a whole lot of MMO love. SOE President John Smedley is apparently quite enthusiastic about the PS3's massive capability, and told that he thinks the "PS3 will be close to half our business." He acknowledges the much larger user base of about 17 million users and he adds, "it's growing so quickly, we see a great user base potential there." He continued:

"I think a lot of the people who play PS3 games right now aren't the same people playing MMOs right now. I think [MMOs on PS3 is] going to bring in a lot of new players. There are certainly people who have consoles and PCs in their house. The difference is what they actively play. PS3 gamers are used to playing Resistance 2 instead of a shooter on the PC. I think we can bring this kind of gaming to this audience and I think it's going to be huge."

For our part, we've never been a big fan of the MMO, but it appears to be evolving with SOE at the helm. Something like The Agency or DC Universe might really intrigue us, and that being the case, there must be millions of PS3 owners out there who are intrigued as well. We're still waiting to hear more on these upcoming titles (and we want more details on MAG , too), and when we do, we'll tell you all about the new info.

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15 years ago

Is it me or does that soe logo look……….dull?

15 years ago

Its not very nice!


"I aM hOMe"

15 years ago

It's nice to see actual proof that Sony is behind the PS3 all the way. With all of those stupid "PS3 is dead" and "Blu-Ray is dead" articles, this is a much welcomed article. Plus, I can't wait for Free Realms to come out!!!!!

15 years ago

Hope they invest in more action oriented mmo games. I dont like fiddling menus when battling human opponents. The animations are also not that great.

15 years ago

I've never played a MMO before, because I don't like playing on my PC. I want to try DC or The Agency… but I'm not willing to pay any fees..

15 years ago

Try Maple Story… it seems a little kid like but it's pretty fun and free.

15 years ago

Hey Pavlovic,ur avatar put a grin on ma face, cause ma copy of fallout 3 on 360 will be arriving tommorow….ha!,just can't wait

15 years ago

i want dc universe

King James
King James
15 years ago

I try to stay away from MMOs because they are so demanding of your time but nowadays shooters have added RPG elements to the multi-player mode and they are taking up all my time. So I guess it doesn't matter anymore. But I'm still not gonna play World of Warcraft. That game scares me. lol.

I'm not too excited about DC Universe but this "The Agency" recently grabbed my attention when I learned what the game's mechanics and gameplay were going to be like. It's supposed to have classes and levels w/o that obvious MMO class/level system. As rank up, you get access to new gear, outfits, more ops, and new locations and contacts. There is also some type of "alias system" that allows you to go undercover. And there are NO permanent classes!

King James
King James
15 years ago

Oh yea and I'm getting KOTOR: online. Bioware and Star Wars!!!!….No question. I'm getting that MMO.

15 years ago

Honest, not sarcastic, question: is the Edit feature not working for you?

King James
King James
15 years ago

lol it is. I just wanted to make a separate post because KOTOR deserves it. 🙂

15 years ago

I've been thinking about The Agency and DC Universe recently after hearing the differences between them and trad MMORPGs like WoW. TBH I tried WoW once but got sooo bored that I quit well before the end of the trial period. It just seemed like a lot of effort with people I couldn't get on with(not that anyone said anything nasty but it was like a closed world to me that had it's own slang that kept newcomers out of the loop).
Hopefully, and The Agency seems the best bet to me(more realistic than DC), the PS3 MMO's will be more inclusive and less typing centric so all of us new to the genre won't get put off with more of us kinds trying it.
Also it may help MMO's lose the image problem(y'know the South Park episode about WoW-that image of the Cheeto ravaged gut bucket wasting their life online because real life sucks for them)into the bargain. I'd love to think I can have a blast in an alternate online world and perhaps this is the chance.

15 years ago

if soe rereleased everquest on ps3 it would be a big hit.

15 years ago

I just wonder how MAG is going to turn out, it sounds kind of promising to me but unless you have a lot of friends like i do then what s the point?

15 years ago

there wouldn't be one. online games are heavily supplemented not only by the fact that your playing with millions of people, but also that your playing with 5 other guys you've known since high school. Online games are tough to break in to solo, especially squad based games like SOCOM or MAG.

15 years ago

Color me skeptical. It is certainly a plausible outcome that Sony could grab MMO fans and get them onto PS3, but this kind of reeks of M$ trying to get RPG players onto 360: it just isn't working. With a killerapp MMO they might get the basement dwellers into their ranks, but it's certainly a gamble since those players are usually PC based, they don't understand no one cares about the stats of their PC.

15 years ago

well, other basement dwellers might…

15 years ago

is soe is not the ones making mag i thought it was zipper interactive, but yeah some news would do fine. I am somewhat of an mmo fan my self but there has not being many mmos for ps3 i can only think of angel love and home if u consider it an mmo, so these 3 mmos would certainly be welcomed.

15 years ago

MMOs seem like the kind of game (yes, GAME) I would like, being a fan of real role-playing games, but three things keep me from playing them:
1. Pay-to-play fees. I won't pay a yearly fee to play online; why would I pay even more each month?
2. Addiction. I don't want to give that much of my time to gaming.
3. Grinding. I don't see how anyone can enjoy spawn-camping or similar activities; just give me an enjoyable quest, thank you very much.

15 years ago

MAG is gud and the trailer seems epic i think PS3 had a slow start because SONY didnt know really what it could bloody do. (sooo awesome they didnt know it.) and they werent as confident and if you look at where Sales went UP. they started advetising LBP and Motorstorm 2.
They need to do this with the whole ps3 jus make a 2 min ad. containing everything the PS3 has to offer. could be an hour for me.

15 years ago

um i dont understand why SOE didn't have an MMO already for the first year of the PS3 life.

anyway i'll be happy to have a new MMO. i think DC online will be that MMO for me. also MAG looks interesting

15 years ago

I like that spy game they're working on, The Agency.

Would be great on the ps3(for free of course).

15 years ago

You are going to be disappointed if you think most major MMO's will be free. Im not saying the agency wont be free but that just most big MMO's always have some type of fee

15 years ago

Too bad for them then, I ain't gonna pay per month, no way.

I'll be happy with my 1player games :3

15 years ago

I never played any MMOs cuz I never had a gaming pc so i'll try a few of the ones thats coming to PS3 like the agency

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

Last edited by isaya85 on 1/10/2009 8:31:20 PM

15 years ago

I'm no expert on MMO's(as I said above I'm limited to a couple of weeks of WoW-unhappy ones at that)but I'd still like to think they could be fun on a console. Would they be vastly different because of the hardware involved(y'know simplified for control pads etc)or more because of the different crowd playing them.
I mean PS3 owners aren't necessarily owners of gaming PCs and therefore won't always have played MMO games much before and seeing this could it give , say, the Agency a completely different feel from a typical PC MMORPG?
I agree that PS3 MMOs aren't going to see the PC MMO addicts joining in a mad early rush so soes anyone else think it might be a pretty new crowd trying these out when they land?

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I would think so. But even if people had a lame PC, who hasn't seen RuneScape? LOLz. That game was lame but it was a MMO/RPG.


15 years ago

MMOs are nice, but i despise fees with a passion. If your gonna make me shell $60 for the game, dont make me shell $10 every month just to play it. Thats extortion, at least to me.

15 years ago

With regards to fees… I think people wouldn't mind generally if you could pay an "all-you-can-eat" rate per month. Maybe it could be bundled with your cable or internet rate. The idea is 10 dollars a month or a little more added to your internet costs would not feel so bad, and yet you could have access to MMO's then without worry.

They need to make it feel transparent of sorts; so in fact you do pay, but in another way, and you have access to multiple titles bundled in with your cable or internet costs… I think this would be more acceptable. Also some sort of in game advertising mechanism could be used too to generate funds and alleviate monthly fees… only way I can see it really work…

What about shopping credits or award points from retail… like airline miles you can collect these from purchases made at partner stores (or what have you) – and you can transfer these reward points to your "MMO account". As the credits build you can play and pay for fees via these credits…

Also it should be flexible enough so that you could pay a fee to pay a mission or a quest, and then rest if you don't want to continue for a few months. Then play again if you want do another mission etc… maybe you pay per quest, $2.99 or something…

Some ideas! Anyone want to add more?


"i aM hOMe"

Last edited by Qubex on 1/10/2009 11:01:16 PM

15 years ago

I think maybe all MMO's for now on should be Download Only. What i mean is this.

You don't go out and pay $60 for the disc and then also a monthly fee. Instead you sign up to pay a monthly fee to play and access the game. When you do this you get to download a file that gets you to the server log in. There you put in the info to get into the game. If you fail to pay they just cut you off right there from being able to log on.

I think most people are turned off from MMO's for the fact that you gotta buy the game and then pay a fee on top of it. I know it sucks but just the way it is.

15 years ago

in understand where you are coming from, but if they made something like WOW or ps3, great. coz my PC is to crap for games. so a WOW for PS3 would be great. and if it worked like how you said, even better. and it could be like home, just above the psn store icon, and you have to access it by buying the online for it. otherwise no access. it would be great.

15 years ago

the agency and mag, look like online wonders.

15 years ago

Both would probably knock you back close to $40 per month… damn shame! Maybe kids who have silver spoons shoved up their asses can afford it!


"I aM hOMe"

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I'd prefer a silver spork..


15 years ago

i agree with mixedkid.
thats the very reason why i dont care for WOW or any other MMO .
if they could implement the download theory i would play otherwise its just the same scam microsoft has with xboxlive.
i mean once i paid for the hardware and game i should not have to pay anymore fees to play…

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