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Killzone 2: Forgive The Hype, This Will Be A Defining Experience

Okay, look- we're not the biggest fans of insane hype. We merely report the news, and it's not our fault that half the headlines these days have "Killzone 2" in the title somewhere. However, this may be the only instance where we can't hear enough…and that's because the feedback is so unbelievably positive, we have to start believing that Guerilla's shooter might be the single defining experience of the generation so far.

Here's an example: another recent headline has an Italian journalist known as TTP on NeoGAF talking about the game; he has the final build of Killzone 2 , and despite the embargo, he has to heap praises on the game well ahead of time. Here's what he had to say-

"My god. Preview code looks almost like pre-alpha compared to final. Every minor issue I had with the game has been addressed with chirurgical precision. Almost feels like a GG dev was hidden behind the sofa taking notes at every "mmh" of mine during my preview code run. And there are quite a few differences in how things unfold so it feels fresh despite having played this early stages to death.

I can confirm that Guerilla Games have paid particular attention to criticisms made in the gaming press, such as ground textures, up-close textures when taking cover and the artificial intelligence. Everything has been improved for the final build."

Yeah, well, he's not the only one who currently has that final review build in his hands, and we're more than ready to corroborate this guy's testimony. However, we're waiting for the embargo to lift same as everyone else, and we can't go into details. What we can do, however, is gather up all the information over the past few months since the beta released, combine that with our own experiences with the game, and come to the following conclusion: Killzone 2 isn't just a blockbuster. It's not just a great game. For this generation so far, it may be the great game; the one production that becomes an instant measuring stick. In other words, everyone will compare future games to KZ2 for many years to come.

You have to realize, we don't like seeing the same thing over and over again, either. We imagine our readers and most gamers out there are pretty sick and tired of seeing " Killzone 2 this" and " Killzone 2 that." That is easily understood, but if you haven't played it as some of us have, and if you can only read the words…well, you can't fully comprehend what we're saying . That Italian journalist is only one of many, and we'll leave you with one final question: of all the amazing games in the past, can you think of one that blew every last journalist and critic away? And I mean, there's not a single one who's only lukewarm on this; it's basically unanimous. When's the last time you saw this? Even with the likes of GTAIV and MGS4, you could always find a few haters out there….but not this time.  And that's exactly the point.

Related Game(s): Killzone 2

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15 years ago

Hype starting to overflow!!! I can't wait. I would also like to hear what you have to say about this game Ben. Any idea when the embargo will be lifted? In any case, I just saw the death trailer for this game with the opera music. It looks really satisfying to shoot people which was my biggest problem with the first game. Only two more months!!!

15 years ago

well KZ2 is the best game of this gen

so its normal

15 years ago

NOt that I doubt you are wrong but it hasn't even come out yet… -.-

15 years ago

yeah cant wait.
Bring the demo or release date forward! The wait is unbearable

15 years ago

i havent had the chance to play kz2 but ive seen alot of people criticize the controls of the game. any word on if those issues were addressed?

15 years ago

I think that you will be able to change the controls to your liking in the full game.

It really annoyed me how the beta wouldn't let you do that though.

15 years ago

go back to cod4 then

15 years ago

If what the French guy said about a Guerilla employee sitting behind his couch holds true for me, KZ2 will have a hold-to-zoom system just like CoD4 and not the click-to-zoom that destroys my accuracy. Aiming and zooming with the same stick that you have to use to target enemies with a swaying and kicking gun is, in my opinion, not the best control system.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Agreed. Hold (L1) to zoom option please…or it could get frustrating.

15 years ago

well this just me i am sure but i would realy like online vehicles especially flying ones, and some online co-op, i am not sure if it has vehicles online if someone knows plz tell me ,and i BELIVE it has no co-op. beyond the graphics and the possibly good gameplay it has a lot of trophies so i am happy bout that.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

Can't say for sure, but the OPM review did mention hopping inside of a tank. And someone hear has mentioned using a mech. But, I don't know if these worked as vehicles or some sort of mini-game.

15 years ago

I can't wait to watch all those KZ2 videos from CES09 in HD off the PSN.
The hype is really starting to get to me :/

15 years ago

I'll probobly hate this game because of how many times it's mentioned.

15 years ago

This is my last post from me until killzone 2 releases febuary 25 th. The hype is pi**ing me off and i know you f**kers will miss my comments with good grammer : )

15 years ago

Does this game have 4 splitscreen multiplayer ? I know it doesn't have co op

15 years ago

play GAYLO3 at 600p rather.

KZ2 is the god of all FPS.

the campaign alone is replyable million times

15 years ago

I didn't like Halo 3 as much as I did the first 2. Floating like a SackBoy in an FPS is Suicide! But Halo still has my respect.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

I hear they're releasing a patch that adds co-op.

15 years ago

I think I'll buy it day one now just to give some support. Sound interesting. I haven't bought a game in quite some time now.

15 years ago

thats a crazy ass avatar..

15 years ago

Well can't wait lol

15 years ago

Sony, just market the hell out of this and other games. I want the PS3 reign to start. Its been too long since our beloved Playstation brand was on top. We know it. We want the world to know now.

15 years ago

So now when people use the best game as a comparison they won't be saying "Gears"?

15 years ago

Gears still applies to third person games.

15 years ago

Trueness, but people compare everything to that game.

15 years ago

Gears 2 looks like a n64 game vs kz2

Please compare KZ2 to GOW3/Uncharted 2 rather not some overhyped crap game like Gears 2

15 years ago

wasim, is fanboyism in your blood? the game looks awesome no matter what system its on

15 years ago

@stupid troll

Gears 2 looks like a wii game vs Uncharted 1. It doesnt look good.
Ofcourse it is a shame to compare KZ2 to Gears 2.

compare wii games with x360 games .

15 years ago

I have a feeling that wasim is the type of player who goes on cursing left and right on their headset while playing online with people. Seriously, wasim acts like Msft beat him up and stole his money when he was young.

15 years ago

jesus christ, i wish the mods would do something about wasim. his horrible attempts to be a fanboy just smacks of phail, no one can be that dumb, or can they?

15 years ago

This isn't the first time that idiot wasim was accused of being a blind fanboy. Hell, i hate the guy more than joshua360. Just kiddin josh, but seriously, how can you say that about Gears2?

Last edited by PS3_Wizard on 1/9/2009 9:00:43 AM

15 years ago

Stupidity is not a crime. I leave it up because reading things like that make me feel better about myself.

If he can't tell the difference between Wii Sports and maybe the single most lauded third person shooter in this (any?) generation, that's his problem.

15 years ago

I kid.

Stupidity is a crime. Punishable by flaming.

15 years ago

Killzone 2, the most overhyped game this year, should not be compared to another overhyped game? There's no way any game is going to be as good as so many people seemt to think Killzone 2 will be. There will be much disappointment when it comes out.

15 years ago

Wasim, your precious and beloved Killzone 2 looks like absolute sh** next to Crysis on a really good gaming PC. Graphics are not everything.

15 years ago

Even though there have been plenty of shooters better than Halo, I think this will be the first to surpass it's popularity and near cult following.

15 years ago

or halo! and its ps3 exclusive ha!

Last edited by slayerkillemall on 1/8/2009 11:10:41 PM

15 years ago

Check the Forums, go under Gaming Discussion and read my newest thread "What Shooters taught me about the world!"

I gave Shooters some similar treatment that I did with RPGs a week ago. Enjoy.

15 years ago

For a person not terribly into fps's, I am genuinely curious as to know what is the "special sauce" behind this game's excellence (can't be the voice acting which I've heard so far), and I cannot help but feel drawn.

15 years ago

i will be terribly annoyed if this game turned out to suck, the hype has grown to immense levels and i have to say that GTA4 was hyped like this and i wasn't to fond of it in the end. Fingers crossed my pre-order wasn't a waste of money.

15 years ago

KZ2 will shatter records in reviews, sales and accolades

I believe you havent played the BETA

KZ2 is goty 09 based on just the beta

OPM US has already given it 5/5 and it will get perfect scores from atleast 50 websites worldwide

15 years ago

I agree Xplicit. GTA4 didn't live up to the hype to me as well. And every journalist I saw gave it tons of praise, just like KZ2.

15 years ago

DAMN YOU, Ben! I'm already salivating enough for the game!!! I just finished watching the Qore footage for the 5th time tonight and… and… all I can say is (while reeling in my jaw off the floor directly after being slammed 6 feet under with a jackhammer): NO WAY. THIS CAN'T BE FOR REAL. SERIOUSLY, I DON'T BELIEVE WHAT I'M SEEING… Is it possible GG actually surpassed their target render?

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Yeah I'm gutted to teh max. TEH maxxx. Triple x maxxx. LOLz

But Valkyria Chronicles came to NZ earlier than most US release dates so maybe we'll be luckier with this one? Maybe half a month less waiting.

I need this game within my 1st month of starting college again. I'll die from hype and boredom if I don't have Killzone 2 to relieve me every Friday afternoon and through the weekends 🙁


15 years ago

lolz yeah man we're just a little country in the South Pacific 😛

15 years ago

blitz… I live in a country that is the south neigbor of the US, and we never have a release date for the games… sometimes you can find them the launch day, sometimes you have to wait months (RB2 is not available yet)

15 years ago

bro that sucks pavlovic… i definitely feel for ya man 🙁

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Okay, real quick-

First, Arnold has it; he knows what the embargo date is. I think it's Feb. 3.

Second, I have several problems with GeoW2. The game is great, of course, but let's just say that I'm not totally enamored with it.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

"Hey Arnold!"
That lucky sonofabitc* (it's one word? lolz?)…
The wait for February 3rd begins.. for me.. again…


15 years ago

Frankly speaking no x360 game ever comes close to any PS3 exclusive

KZ2 is in a league which will be touched by X720. No x360 game can even dare rival KZ2.

as simple as that

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