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Sony Asks: “What Are You Looking Forward To Most In 2009?”

It's the theme of the day! Insomniac Community Manager just got finished telling us how "awesome" Killzone 2 really is, and now, we see that many other industry insiders and executives have chimed in with their PlayStation expectations for 2009.

This is a great read: it's over at the official UK PlayStation site and the article is called, What Are You Looking Forward To Most On PlayStation In 2009?" . Everyone from Sony to Midway to Konami to Sega to Bethesda has offered their comments, and they're all worth your time. Here's what SCEE Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida said:

"2009 will be the year of big, exclusive PS3 titles. Just to name a few, the year will start with the much anticipated launch of Killzone 2, followed by a fresh, new take on the superhero/anti-hero open sandbox genre inFamous, a mind-bending thriller Heavy Rain, a massive 256 player simultaneous online shooter MAG, an augmented reality, virtual pet in your room experience EyePet, and some more big titles that we have not even announced yet. On PSP, we have new titles and innovations that will connect and expand the PlayStation experiences."

Then, as you will find way down at the bottom, the Lead Producer for Fallout 3 , Gavin Carter, said he thinks the Final Fantasy titles look amazing, and he "feels faint" when he thinks of the potential of God of War III . That's high praise, especially since it's coming from someone who helped create one of the finest titles of 2008. Alpha Protocol Producer Tim Ernst also said that GoWIII should be nothing short of epic, and Ron Festejo, Creative Director at SCE London Studios, said Resident Evil 5 has got him "salivating." Oh, there are all kinds of expectations from all sorts of people, and it really amps us up. We can't wait for the big games to come down the pike this year, and when the dust has settled, don't be surprised to see the PS3 in a new, and even better, position…

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Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

don't kill me for this , but i think GOWIII will release early 2010.its the biggest bomb sony can drop on the industry,and they will probably wait till the install base is around 30-35 million.

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

you aint alone,gow 3 might not make it this year

15 years ago

Hasn't every GoW released early (January-March) of a year? I have faith that this thing will get delayed 3-4 months sometime this summer. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

Edit: Only one game has released in a month other than March. God of War: Betrayal came to mobile platforms in June of 2007.

Last edited by SHADOW on 1/6/2009 4:00:16 PM

15 years ago

maybe the same thing will happen in 2009 like this year

but instead of killzone 2 being pushed back so not to clash with resistance and kill sales i can see it happening to gow3 to stop crushing some other games sales

15 years ago

2009 "The Year All Gamers Went Broke"

I cannot wait to set my PS3 and HDTV up in my new cardboard box in the alley.

I am going to be so destitute by the end of all of this

15 years ago

Lol @coverton341

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago

Socom, GH:Metallica, Killzone, GT5, GOWIII. That's it really.

EDIT: Obviously COD6 if that's out this year.

Last edited by N a S a H on 1/6/2009 11:14:58 AM

15 years ago

Pretty sure there won't be a COD6 out in 2009, think they'd have to make COD5 first.

15 years ago

COD5 was release. It's called Call of Duty: World at War.

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

Poor Nash,uncharted 2,wkc and heavy rain dont qualify as games huh?

15 years ago


Re-read your reply, and then point out to me the numerical value attached.

Not a big deal, but I've noticed a lot of people making that mistake and it can be misleading to those looking to make an informed purchase.

COD: World at War is like a spin-off from the original series, not a direct sequel. When they make COD4: Modern Warfare 2, you wouldn't call it COD6 would you?

15 years ago

actually iw has come out and said that call of duty modern warfare 2 is slated for this year. my friend seen it on g4 and i think i read something about it on here didnt i?

15 years ago

Wow…bearbobby is really stupid…devs said that they dropped the 5 from the title during the production of W@W

15 years ago

No, bearbobby's quite far from being stupid. You're just being negative after being slammed for your "monkey" comment. Now, THAT's really stupid.

Last edited by Aftab on 1/6/2009 5:10:02 PM

15 years ago

GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, then GTA4?

15 years ago

@ Robbinhood, first there was GTA, then GTA 2, then GTA 3, then Vice city and San andreas, and then they made GTA 4. See how that works out? I know, its retarded and confusing. lol

15 years ago

codmw2 will come out this year, they are on a cycle iw bring one out every two years and treyarch do the same, so theres a new cod every year

15 years ago

@ reccaman: yeah i think its stupid too. i was using GTA as another game series which doesn't follow directly numerical nomenclature.

15 years ago

@Aftab – Thank you!

@robinhood2010 – Excellent example, that's exactly the point I'm trying to get across. Some people just choose to be thick.

@SarahBigotMILF – Thanks for once again proving me right, I don't give two sh**s if the "devs said that they dropped the 5 from the title during the production of W@W," I'm pretty sure that means it's NOT COD5.

@ffrulez – "COD6 will be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2." No… it will be called Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Wow, opened up a can of worms, lol. Didn't think it'd be so difficult a concept to grasp. Anyways… back to the gaming!

15 years ago

God of war 3!!

15 years ago

Heavy Rain, the only game other than MGS4 that puts the PS3 on the map for me.

15 years ago

Whats your most anticipated game, ben? I know mine is K2, although InFamous also looks amazing.

15 years ago

I'm looking forward KillZone 2. That it's going to be my COD4 until COD6 comes out of course.

I'll probably take a break from KillZone 2 to play Resistance Retribution on the PSP and EyePet with my kids.

15 years ago

GRAND TURISMO 5! My most anticipated!
Then you got Killzone 2. RE5, GOW 3, Heavy Rain, COD MW 2, Madden 2010, Prototype, That one game when the dude has electricity powers etc.., Final Fantasy 13 ,Uncharted 2,Yakuza 3,Demons Souls,(MAG) 256 players online ,Quantum Theory,White Knight Chronicles,The Agency,DC Universe Online,SuperCar challenge,Twisted Metal, i mean should i go on who has this kind of money ? lmaol!

15 years ago

They wont all come out at the same time lol, a couple of pay packets in between, credit card at other times. lol
I am still recovering from November/December lol.

15 years ago

Yeah, the end of `08 hurt me. This year will hurt too, but I can't pass up RE5 at the very least. I know the bank account will fall to other titles as well.

Last edited by shreevin on 1/6/2009 12:50:59 PM

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

Heavy Rain is at the top of my list, fareinheit was a masterpiece

15 years ago

KZ2, GOW3, InFamous, MAG, HR, prototype.

Good year for a PS3 owner, bad for any wallet

15 years ago

I think COD6 is Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 thats in development for release this year if im not mistaken, the ps3 exclusive i want to be released the most this year is GT5 but it think thats more than likely to be released 2010, can't wait for killzone 2 tho an infamous is looking great.

15 years ago

KZ2, RE5, SFIV, Heavy Rain, GOW3, GT5, Tekken 6, FF13, Parapa The Rapper 2, and InFamous. I know some won't come out this year but one can only hope!

15 years ago

Hey BeezleDrop Parappa the Rapper 2 came out on Ps2 it would be 3 hopefully, I would love to buy that!

15 years ago

my most wanted this year: between killzone 2 and gt5.
EDIT: and RE5, and cod6. and possibly InFamous

Last edited by Zorigo on 1/6/2009 12:24:24 PM

15 years ago

GOW3, KZ2, RE5 and SFIV everything else can wait for me till nearer the time or even after it's out and some people have played them.

15 years ago

Im really waiting for Final Fantasy XII and Versus XIII, They will be the definitive titles of the year as MGS4 was of 2008.

I'm also looking forward to Tekken 6(anytime soon,Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain looks interesting and Resident Evil 5 and Street Fighter IV.

15 years ago

ben stop hyping up ps3 exclusives that will not make it in 2009 like grand turismo 5 and god of war 3. You done this in early 2008 with killzone 2.

15 years ago

There is a good possibility that GT5 will make it this year as they said they are ahead of scedule, as for GoW how are you so sure it wont make it, have you been to the studio and looked at the progress personally??? Also do you know why Ben hyped K2 last year…..BECAUSE IT WAS SCEDULED FOR RELEASE LAST YEAR UNTIL THEY PUSHED IT BACK!!!

Everytime I used to post on here all the time but since it became a mess with fanboy people and no offense PEOPLE LIKE YOU who at times attack the editors I stoped, SO please let the man do his job and get off his Jock bruh. Ben isnt the best in the world but he dose his damn job well enough for me to clamor back to this site every 5-6 hours on my T-Mobile G1(Love that phone lol)for more PS related news….

Last edited by MirrorSoul on 1/6/2009 3:21:00 PM

15 years ago

Sorry for the bad grammer at the begging of the second paragraph i didnt proof read 🙂

15 years ago

mirrorsoul = FAIL

I want these games to come out 2009 BUT these games are not sheduled like killzone 2 was for 2008. So why is the editor hyping them up for 2009.

sony have announced eyepet, kz2, heavy rain and mag.

15 years ago

Hey MirrorSoul welcome back. I personally don't comment much either anymore because of fanboys comments on both sides. So I try not to encourage fanboy comments with my post.

Now on the topic of my most anticipated game of 2009 that would be Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. And the game that I think will take people by surprise will be Red Faction: Guerrilla. Well at least I hope it will.

15 years ago

F*** i ment Final Fantasy XIII not that piece of trash XII.

15 years ago

Awww dude 12 was awsome to me lol

15 years ago

Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2

15 years ago

I am most looking forward to Prince of Persia 2 screw 2009 Darn..Killzone2..Guitar Hero: Metallica too tempting!! must skip these games… I can't… I can't the games are too good.. I'll die without them

15 years ago

I'm looking forward to the entire exclusive PS3 2009 lineup and whatever surprises that may spring up.

15 years ago

I forgot to mention blu-ray movies also.

15 years ago

Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, God of War 3…Grand Turismo 5….I'm so going to be broke all this year…. :'D

15 years ago

Looking forward to the entire lineup as well.

Pushtrak, do you even have a PS3?

15 years ago

My brother does, so thats as good as my having one.

15 years ago

2009,the year of the playstation 3.

15 years ago

not interested in 2009 lineup… I HATE Shootin & Racin games… =(

hopefully they might have Hevay Rain demo so i can check it out…

Last edited by SuMtOnE on 1/6/2009 1:40:45 PM

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