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One Die-Hard Gamer Leaves Console On For Over 20 Years

What you see here is a mirror of the face of the player in question…if he ever lost that data.

And if you're wondering what the definition of "hardcore" is, it's right here:

It seems one Japanese gamer has left his Super Famicom (we know it as the SNES here in the U.S.) on for a long time, just so he won't lose a special game save. How long? Oh, just 20 years . Yeah, the crazy dedicated gamer Tweeted a picture of the console still running the game, and supposedly, it has been running since freakin' 1994 (as translated by Siliconera ).

The game in question is a platformer called Umihara Kawase , and the fan was worried he might lose the data because the cartridge used Static RAM (SRAM) with lithium-ion batteries. If the battery stayed charged, the save data would be intact but if he turned off the system or removed the cartridge, the battery would eventually lose its charge and the data would be gone. This means the Super Famicom has been on for 180,000 hours as of September 2015.

…man, and I thought I'd left my SNES a long time when I left it for two weeks during a playoff run in Madden '93 . But it certainly proves one thing: These old game consoles are absolutely un-killable .

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8 years ago

IMO, that's not dedication, that's insanity!

I'm surprised he didn't have a "burn down to the ground" weiny roast, house fire.

No way I'd ever leave my consoles on while I'm not there, or even if I'm just taking a 20 minute power nap.

Hell, It drove me 1/2 crazed that the newer PS3 Slim & SuperSlim's both kept a tiny red light on even while they were off.
So I'd pull their plugs from their consoles every time I shut them down, until I bought off/on bypass switches for them both that sits between the console & the power cord.
Now, it's easy-peasy as click on, click off.

"Wax on, wax off….Young Grasshoppers!"

Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/3/2016 11:04:58 PM

8 years ago

I can't help but wonder why it would even light on fire to begin with.

8 years ago

Overheating perhaps ?

8 years ago

I turn all my stuff off in my room. I don't even play connected to the internet all the time. If I'm not gonna do multiplayer I don't plug in the ethernet cable.

8 years ago

Nope. When this story first appeared 2 months ago that's what I said. Apparently Japan never has electrical outages or surges. That and the power supply would have taken a huge dump by now. This guy wanted attention and got it so congrats for fooling a few people.

8 years ago

It's a little strange that it's news worthy for one but that somehow 20 years is the significant mark.

8 years ago

Maybe he has it on backup generators.

8 years ago

When I was a kid, my copy of Legend of Zelda for NES wouldn't save my progress at all, so eventually I just left the console on all the time so I wouldn't lose my progress, and since I was 9 and that game is tough as hell for a kid, I left it on like that for weeks.

Eventually the NES started smoking and crapped out, fusing the cart inside. I ended up not beating the game until I was in my 20s.

8 years ago

badass game though right? Thankfully mine saved if you did the trick.

8 years ago

I get antsy if my PS3 or PS4 has been on over 4 hours. One Fallout 4 run was nearly 10 hours. I had put up several bowls of ice near the back and a fan blowing the air back into the system.

I could see a cool weather or Hikikomori situation keeping an old system on that long though with the right precautions.

Sh*t is wayyyyy to weak these days.

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