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Game Developer’s Conference PS3 Screens Galore

Sony Computer Entertainment president Phil Harrison's GDC 2006 presentation confirmed a few things we already knew, as well as shed some light on some previously unknown projects or features of the PS3. Along with the news came a copious number of screenshots from video shown at the event as well as some slides outlining other aspects of the system's capabilities and the company's business plans. Without further ado, here is the rundown:

Slides : These slides outline the upcoming distribution and online plans for the PS3, amonst other things.

Demo Reel : Some pictures from a couple physics/graphics demos that Sony showed during the presentation.

Lair : A single screenshot from Factor 5's dragon-riding game, Lair, but it does show a bit of the potential HUD and a refined lighting model.

Formula One : A peek at the PS3's online capabilities within the context of their Formula 1 racer.

Motorstorm : These screens show that, while missing the cinematic elements of last E3's preview video, the game is looking remarkably close to its target.

Ratchet and Clank : One of the big surprises at the conference, Ratchet and Clank was revealed for the PS3. Though little more than a teaser, you can already tell that Insomniac has some big things planned for the title. It's quite pretty!

Resistance : A few new shots of Insomniac's other PS3 title, the FPS Resistance (formerly known as I-8), which seems to be coming along nicely.

The Getaway : Some new screens of the cityscape from Sony's hit franchise base on the British underground.

Warhawk :
Rise from your grave! Last E3, Sony stunned the crowd by announcing the rebirth of an original Playstation series for their new console. They showed some new footage at GDC.

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