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Ridiculously Rare Nintendo PlayStation, The SNES-CD, Found

Bet you've never seen this before.

This is exceedingly rare: It's a prototype of the SNES-CD console, which was initially created as part of a proposed partnershp between Nintendo and Sony over a quarter-century ago.

It was found by the son of a businessman who had ties with a former Sony executive (rumored to be Olafur Olafsson, a chief executive at Sony Interactive Entertainment in 1991), and these images first popped up on Reddit and then on Assembler Games .

The son, going by the name of "Dnldbld" will try to find the power supply for the system; if he can, we're intensely jealous.

This thing is so rare that the features, like a horizontal volume slider in the front and an assortment of outputs at the back, weren't public knowledge. If you didn't know, Nintendo and Sony tried to work together on a console and at the Consumer Electronics Show in 1991, Sony showed off the Nintendo-endorsed SNES-CD with the additional PlayStation brand.

But Nintendo announced at the same show that they'd be partnering with Phillips instead, which really pissed off Sony boss Ken Kutaragi. That's when he resolved to make a console without Nintendo's help and, well, you know the rest. Maybe not the best plan, Ninty. You created a superpower in video games by jilting a company at the altar, so-to-speak.

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Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
9 years ago

Cool! Would it ever be nice to have any kind of physical evidence of that brief time in VG history. The didyouknowgaming guys on the youtubeary can shed a lot of info on these kinds of things.

9 years ago

You're looking at the original Playstation folks (as Ben pointed out)
The Playstation X was born after Nintendo gave Sony the shaft on this project. Now we know why it was called the PSX.

(Yes. Shut up Temjin everyone knows this story)

EDIT: Isnt it time for Nintendo to come back to Sony? I'd like a Mario or Zelda on my PS4.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/3/2015 11:05:08 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Not everyone knows that story, Temjin. The young'uns today don't even care about history. 😉

For a while, I always thought it was called "PSX" because that was the code used in the computer system at Electronic Boutique to indicate the console when I worked there. We just thought it was some stupid corporate thing.

9 years ago

Yea I suppose it's old history these days.
I'm a little innaccurate. The actual written out "PlayStation X" released some years later, exclusively to Japan. The term PSX was the code name given to the PlayStation development process that happened after Nintendo abandoned them.

My memory seems to recall that the catalyst to the Nintendo and Sony PlayStation partnership happened because of the much liked audio chip that Sony made for the SNES. Which was very awesome. The audio on that system smashed everything else in its time. Actraiser was incredible sounding back in the day.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/3/2015 12:49:33 PM

9 years ago

There are 20 year olds who were born AFTER the first PS released.

How them apples taste? :p lol

9 years ago

The origin of PlayStation.
Before the Greatness were born…

9 years ago

KILL IT KILL IT WITH FIRE!!! Its cool and all but that thing looks huge too me

9 years ago

Sony also called it PSX in 2003 (rest of the info is for your pleasure reading). But never heard a collaboration between Nintendo and Sony before 1995, pretty cool lookin' box.

9 years ago

that is pritty interesting and cool never thought there was acutally any of these left out there

happy gaming

9 years ago

It's hard to imagine what the Nintendo PlayStation would have been like… but man, what if Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time had all been on a single platform??? I seriously can't even wrap my head around it!

5 years ago

that is pritty interesting and cool never thought there was acutally any of these left out there

happy gaming

5 years ago

KILL IT KILL IT WITH FIRE!!! Its cool and all but that thing looks huge too me

5 years ago

It&#39s hard to imagine what the Nintendo PlayStation would have been like… but man, what if Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time had all been on a single platform??? I seriously can&#39t even wrap my head around it!

5 years ago

Sony also called it PSX in 2003 (rest of the info is for your pleasure reading). But never heard a collaboration between Nintendo and Sony before 1995, pretty cool lookin&#39 box.

5 years ago

You&#39re looking at the original Playstation folks (as Ben pointed out)
The Playstation X was born after Nintendo gave Sony the shaft on this project. Now we know why it was called the PSX.

(Yes. Shut up Temjin everyone knows this story)

EDIT: Isnt it time for Nintendo to come back to Sony? I&#39d like a Mario or Zelda on my PS4.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/3/2015 11:05:08 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

Not everyone knows that story, Temjin. The young&#39uns today don&#39t even care about history. 😉

For a while, I always thought it was called "PSX" because that was the code used in the computer system at Electronic Boutique to indicate the console when I worked there. We just thought it was some stupid corporate thing.

5 years ago

Yea I suppose it&#39s old history these days.
I&#39m a little innaccurate. The actual written out "PlayStation X" released some years later, exclusively to Japan. The term PSX was the code name given to the PlayStation development process that happened after Nintendo abandoned them.

My memory seems to recall that the catalyst to the Nintendo and Sony PlayStation partnership happened because of the much liked audio chip that Sony made for the SNES. Which was very awesome. The audio on that system smashed everything else in its time. Actraiser was incredible sounding back in the day.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/3/2015 12:49:33 PM

5 years ago

There are 20 year olds who were born AFTER the first PS released.

How them apples taste? :p lol

5 years ago

The origin of PlayStation.
Before the Greatness were born…

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
5 years ago

Cool! Would it ever be nice to have any kind of physical evidence of that brief time in VG history. The didyouknowgaming guys on the youtubeary can shed a lot of info on these kinds of things.

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