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Prolific “Swatting” Teen Pleads Guilty To 23 Criminal Counts

Nobody feels sorry for him, I'm sure.

One of the most prolific "swatters" has confessed to a series of crimes, as reported by the Tri-City News . The 17-year-old British Columbian has pled guilty to 23 counts of extortion, criminal harassment and public mischief.

The charges included the teen's harassment of young women who played League of Legends ; if rejected when trying to connect with them online, he'd do everything from ordering pizzas to their homes to posting their personal information and credit card information online. This also included phoning in fake hostage situations to the police.

One woman in Arizona got it especially bad. After she turned the teen down multiple times, he swatted her home twice a week; one time, the father and son were removed from the home at gunpoint. More harassment followed, which included hacking her social media accounts and signing her up for a $500/month phone service.

The accused went after victims in Minnesota, Ohio, Utah and California as well, and it's not his first time in court. Back in March, he admitted to a bomb hoax that shut down Disney's Space Mountain ride last year.

Yeah, just keep him away from the public. We don't need him out and about.

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9 years ago

So how does he get their personal info? Do they actually talk with him normally then when he tries to get some "action" he retaliates with such crap? Hopefully he gets a few years, idiots like him make gamers seem unstable.

9 years ago

Umm he hacks, its not hard to obtain someone personal information if you know what you're doing.

What I dont get is he's british columbian.. why is he trying to hook up with girls in Arizona? Also what kinda phone service cost 500 a month?

9 years ago

LOL what a loser, there should be dedicated hackers that find people like this and give them a taste of their own medicine, maybe they'll do the world a favor and kill themselves after

9 years ago

People do that all the time, and they're just as bad as the people they claim they're getting 'justice' on.

9 years ago

Teenager from hell…

9 years ago

i guess he had it coming to him aye it this was not cool not cool at all and idk what he was thinking thats not really what you are suppose to on LOL anyway but whatever i don't get it but some people are like this i guess

happy gaming

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