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ESPN Radio Host Says He’ll Quit If He Has To Cover eSports

Competitive gaming isn't a sport. It just isn't. In that respect, this guy is right.

However, Colin Cowherd, host of the ESPN Radio show "The Herd," may have taken things a bit too far.

He has successfully ruffled many a feather by ripping competitive gaming on the show, after ESPN2 aired a Heroes of the Storm competition. A lot of people didn't like the move (as you can read about here ) and Cowherd hated it even more:

"If ESPN ever forced me to cover that, or do play-by-play, I would quit."

As for the players who test their hands at competitive gaming, Cowherd said: "Somebody lock the basement door at mom's house, and don't let 'em out." Gee, that's nice of him. He even ran pieces of the Heroes of the Storm commentary and at one point, he said he'd rather "put a gun in my mouth than have to listen to that."

I suppose I could rebut. I guess I could say something like, "I think one gamer in my class in school had a higher I.Q. than all the jocks combined." Or, I could say something like, "the deification of athletes in this country is a sure sign of societal regression." But I won't. I don't have Cowherd's platform and besides, I don't really have a problem with him doing his job. He just didn't have to sound like such an a**hole.

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9 years ago

Never heard of him …

9 years ago

I game and I'm sure I lift and have more cardio than that idiot.

9 years ago

Cowherd do you even lift?

Last edited by FAREEZ on 4/27/2015 11:26:46 PM

9 years ago

I recommend everyone go to the embedded Gamespot link Ben posted and read the comments there. It's hilarious reading all the varied reactions.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/27/2015 10:16:43 PM

9 years ago

Aha, "heroes of the dorm"

9 years ago

Cowherd is a douche of the highest order. And how would he know what a jock supposed to be? Dude probably couldn't make it on the girls' basketball team when he was in high school.

9 years ago

"the deification of athletes in this country is a sure sign of societal regression"

Never a truer word said…I could write dozens of articles with this as my thesis. Throwing a ball fast or hitting one really hard or whatever does take talent, but it is hardly the most valuable talent in society. In fact it's quite meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

Anyways, this is a gaming site so I'll stick to the issue at hand and say that ESPN covers poker, pool, and darts…all of which are as much a sport as gaming. (To clarify I'm not saying that makes gaming a sport, I'm saying none of them are sports).

9 years ago

The guy's right though, who the hell wants to listen to that crap, esports what a joke

9 years ago

ESPN is already a joke

9 years ago

I can see not wanting to do that if your career has been covering sports. I get wanting to quit if they made you do that. I'd feel the same way about poker, darts, etc…

But he was definitely a little harsh. No need to start insulting the people that do enjoy it.

9 years ago

What a pig. I'm the one who takes care of whether or not my mom's basement gets locked.

9 years ago

Know what I think?
I think the fool should quit right now.

And I think ESPN really should force him to cover eSports just to make sure he really quits and he's a man of his word.

9 years ago

Cowherd is the worst kind of douche bag. He's a typical talking head hired by ESPN to stir the pot. He says some of the dumbest crap you've ever heard. Does he realize that there's not much of a line between jocks and gamers these days? I guarantee that most pro athletes play video games. I know that I'm a gamer that was formerly a pretty serious athlete (getting older sucks).

9 years ago

firstly what is up with cersoring on asshole i still don't get it like dick for instance you're not swearing. but as for his comment like really that's a bit extreme but i guess i can empithise with him in the respect that he probably knows jak all about games anyway so idk if i would want him commentating about something he knows nothing about i know that would be the case for any sport on the planet

happy gaming

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