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Teens React To Mario Kart 64…Geez, It’s Not Even That Old

See, in my aging head, Mario Kart 64 isn't even that old.

But obviously, teens today would beg to differ. In the latest "Teens React" YouTube episode, some youngsters check out this Nintendo classic.

We hear plenty of priceless quotes, including, "Who designed this?" Oh well, nobody but some of the best video game designers in history, basically. It's not as funny as when the teens reacted to Mega Man but these 10 minutes are still filled with plenty of comedy. Personally, I don't know why they're not playing SMK on the SNES…the first true karting game.

That would be even funnier, wouldn't you say?

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9 years ago

They do that with a lot of things, it's like they're told not to know what this and that is. I think they had a Nintendo on the show and only one knew how to use it. Most teens I know, know what things from then are.

9 years ago

Never had a chance to play NES games until 1992. And I'll admit that back then, I didn't know how to hook it up to a TV or how to make cartridges "work" by blowing on them. I wasn't into videogames at that point. Mostly into riding bikes and playing basketball.

Sure I knew that the NES played games. Just didn't know how to hook it up. And I thought Nintendo made all the games. Had no clue who Konami, Square, Sunsoft, Acclaim or any other publishers were.

So even thought these type of videos make me feel incredibly ancient… I can identify with them…. in a way.

9 years ago

now we just need someone to do a video of gamers in their mid-thirties or older trying out the modern cellphone and tablet games for their first time.

"umm. where's the gas or brake pedal?"
"motion controls. really?"
"these games suck"
"angry what? this is the most popular game?"
"what? I have to pay more money? no thank you"
" sigh. they don't make 'em like they used to"

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/6/2015 1:33:56 PM

9 years ago

Hahahaha, I'm so there ;).

9 years ago

lol that would be tremendous.

9 years ago

I think Ben ought to make good contrast to the kids.

Last edited by Cesar_ser_4 on 1/6/2015 5:36:15 PM

9 years ago

A sister channel on Youtube already does some of that.

They have folks in their 70's and 80's playing videogames.

9 years ago

Yeah, I watched this clip yesterday and thought they should also play SMK from the SNES. Being on the N64, MK64 is essentially like the modern day Mario Karts since it's in 3D.

That kid with the braces SUCKED, and looked even worse after all that trash talking. I don't think they should've been THAT oblivious to MK64, especially since it's part of the MK series. Most of them clearly remembered Double Dash. Don't people look up previous entries of a game you've played, especially when you know you've played one of its sequels?

9 years ago

I recall seeing a similar video about the original Gameboy. As sad it sounds this generation most kids and teenagers fail to value the truth worth and legacy of older games and consoles.

I've been playing FF8 on my PSP and it brings so many wonderful memories (lovely soundtrack).

9 years ago

That may be it: kids/teens nowadays take everything at face value. There seems to be a lack of curiosity and inquisitiveness. They don't care where it came from, or what's behind it, they just know it's there and they want to enjoy it now.

Last edited by Aranha on 1/6/2015 1:38:44 PM

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
9 years ago

I've been wanting them to do a "teens react" video to Intellivision.

9 years ago

I had the original legend of zelda for intellvision II. BurgerTime and astrosmash still get playtime. And i cant forget about Pitfall!

9 years ago

Huh? The original Zelda was on the NES not Intellivision.

I think Mario Bros was on it, though. Not the NES Super Mario, but the arcade Mario bros.

9 years ago

Can't believe i wrote legend of zelda…i meant to put dungeons and dragons. My bad.

9 years ago

I'll just leave this here
Mario Kart 64 > Mario Kart 8

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

Hands down.

9 years ago

LOL Nope.

In fact, Mario Kart 64 is the worse entry of the entire series. It's features the most shameless A.I. rubberbanding there is, with zero balance.

Plus no online in MK64.

The battle mode is crap in MK8, though. But no one really bothers with it. So its irrelevant (unless you don't play online).

9 years ago

These Mario games are all the same as back then so it shouldn't be a problem.

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

That's why local multiplayer will always be better; the ability to slap someone trash talking, or mess with the person sitting next to you to win. That just brought back memories of people crying about screen gazing when playing Goldeneye.

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