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A Pair Of Tales Of Xillia 2 Trailers Highlight The Protagonists

If you want to learn a bit more about two major characters in the upcoming Tales of Xillia 2 , here ya go:

Publisher Bandai Namco has released a couple new trailers today; each one is dedicated to the two protagonists, Ludger Kresnik and Elle Marta.

The Ludger video shows a little of his relationship with his brother Julius, and we get peeks at the combat as well. Ludger desires to become an agent of the powerful Spirius Corporation (like his brother), but he ultimately has to protect Elle on their journey. As for Ms. Marta, she's traveling to meet her father; the two were separated when a mysterious band of villains attacked them during a night storm.

If you enjoyed the original Tales of Xillia , chances are, you can't wait for the sequel. It'll release in the US for the PlayStation 3 on August 19.