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BioWare Says “Inclusivity” Is Part Of The Developer’s Mandate

It's a topic that probably won't ever die.

Ever since BioWare implemented the the option of having same-sex relationships is the esteemed Mass Effect franchise, it has been a subject of controversy. The developer took a lot of flak for doing it, but there's a whole host of continued support for the idea.

As for whether or not same-sex romance will be included in the new Mass Effect , writer Cathleen Rootsaert wouldn't confirm it during a PAX East panel , but she did have something to say:

"We can't divulge that. But, I'll just say that inclusivity is part of the BioWare mandate. So, we do our best."

The team was also asked about the targeted platforms for the upcoming Mass Effect – which I think would be totally unnecessary; of course it's coming to next-gen consoles – but while the designers wouldn't confirm anything here, either, they said:

"It's kind of tricky to officially comment on that, but I mean, gen4 [being Xbox One and PlayStation 4] looks pretty awesome and Mass Effect's an awesome-looking game."

Well, duh. As for the same-sex thing, can we be done with this now? They put it in, so what? It's entirely optional so if you don't want to see it, don't try it.

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10 years ago

For some reason I was able to get it on with Jack as a dude but not as a woman. Which is strange because she seems like she would want to be with chicks too. Maybe she found out about Liara? Anyway, messed up my playthrough.

10 years ago

She mentions being with both men and women in the past, but it's indicated that her indiscriminate promiscuity is a part of her past that she's trying to move past and she's only seriously interested in men. But I don't know why that would mess up your playthru. I don't think there are any options for FemShep to flirt with Jack, so it won't mess up your romance with any other character.

10 years ago

I had plans man!

10 years ago

There is absolutely no reason to be against having this in the game, if you don't want to be in a same-sex relationship then don't be in one.

The same goes for real life, there is no reason whatsoever to be against same-sex relationships, it in no way affects your life! Let others be happy!

10 years ago

But, but there are other gay characters you'll have to be near and talk to! *shock, horror*

10 years ago

But how will i explain it to the virtual children!!!

10 years ago

Bioware made Adam and femshep. Not Adam and Steveshep!

10 years ago

lol underdog

10 years ago

People were seriously mad about that? Not like I didn't feel uncomfortable when the homo guy was coming onto Sheppard but bashing on it is dumb.

If a guy loves another guy, its not your problem. Let them be, and they're called "gay" because they clearly are happier than the ones constantly bashing them.

10 years ago

I played as both male and female characters in DA2, and never had a straight relationship. I'm straight, but this time I didn't feel like going vanilla.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I really don't understand why there is a controversy about this…

10 years ago

The option to have sex with another consenting man exists in real life, too. You don't have to there, either.

Who gives a rip?

10 years ago

Well personally I say, live and let live, and perhaps more fittingly here, play and let play. Why not?

Such as life, there are many types of relationships and to me, as long as it's between two consenting people of age then why not represent that in games too. I guess it could suggest one being quite open minded and comfortable with their own sexuality to explore such a thing in a game or at least being okay with it being there and okay with other people participating in such interactions, whereas some are totally uncomfortable with any depiction even if it's not graphic. I mean some people enjoy playing the opposite sex and partaking in a romantic/sexual relationship with the same-sex. I imagine some hetero/bi men like role-playing some girl on girl interaction, and some hetero/bi women enjoy the man on man interaction. There are also actual LGBT members of the community whom rarely have the chance to express that part of their identity in interactive media, especially in a medium that is supported by some in said communities.

I personally think it's usually more positive to be inclusive, especially when the player can create a very customized representation of their intended character. I also find it interesting that depictions of graphic violence are seemingly more accepted than depictions of love and/or lust with people whom are unrelated and legally consenting age. 🙂

Last edited by H8WL3R on 4/15/2014 8:11:54 PM

10 years ago

I just want to point out how incredibly hilarious it is to see so many ultra conservative types so heavily against something like same-sex relationships in a video game, but so immensely OK with shooting the crap out of each other in CoD or GTA.

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