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Ubisoft Promises Support For PS3/360 For Several More Years

If you haven't yet leaped aboard the next-gen bandwagon, don't worry. Publishers aren't planning to leave the last generation behind any time soon.

Take Ubisoft, for example. Executive Lionel Raynaud told Edge that his company will continue to support the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 for several years to come:

"We will have games for PS3 and 360 for this year and probably the years after. We want to be able to provide games to people who are playing on these consoles. [Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag] was the first Assassin's Creed game of this new generation but it was designed with that in mind, but I wouldn't say it was a cross-generation game, as it has features that could only be for this generation."

As for the upcoming Assassin's Creed: Unity , that may only be available for the PS4 and Xbox One, but there are rumors that a completely different entry, subtitled "Coment," will land on last-gen systems. This continued support shouldn't surprise anyone; publishers of this size require as many consumers as possible. The combined userbase for the PS3/360 is probably at around 160 million, while the combined userbase of the PS4/Xbox One is only around 10 or 11 million right now.

So, I mean…duh.

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10 years ago

I have a feeling that support 4 ps3 will be far longer that 360 but mainly as Microsoft will kill off online 4 360 as soon as they feel enough XBONES r out there

10 years ago


10 years ago

"We gotta milk everyone Y'know?"

Too much FFX. I've been saying Y'know way more than I want to.

10 years ago

Lets consider that Ubi is seeing that only the PS4 is picking up steam and moving consoles (where available). While MS is having trouble doing the same this gen.

Fearful as they are, they're obviously going to keep a foot in the last gen market. Just to make sure they stay financially relevant.

10 years ago

This is fine granted that comet actually exists and in future that is the norm so the games running on current gen hardware aren't held back.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

As long as the games they're delivering on the PS3/360 are quality, I see no issue. If they're just turning out Just Dance and Rabbids and saying "we support ye olde consoles", then, that's kinda disingenuous.

Also, "Comet".
Which leads me to a point only tangentially related: Does anyone else think that it's going to be another year of worst-kept secrets for E3?

10 years ago

I think producing 2 Assassins Creed games every year is just too much now. Even IF they are quality titles.

And my biggest concern, and I hope everyone can agree with this, is that there is a chance that the last-gen game will get a setting/time period that over shadows the current-gen game, and is a waste of potential.

For example, if Comet was based in Feudal Japan it would be SO crap, like the setting that basically everyone has wanted for years, and they blow it's potential on a last gen entry.

The rumors about Comet say that this is going to be set after AC3, but in the same region. If they keep going with that then I would be happy, maybe the last-gen game could be based in the setting that the previous last gen game was based in. For example, Unity is in France, then maybe next years last-gen title could be in France, and build on that setting a little. That way they get Ezio like sequels without milking the setting and/or characters too much.

They should NEVER waste the potential of a brand new setting on the last-gen game.

10 years ago

yeah especially 3rd party they have to do it cos business and investors and money costs etc.
but yeah i cud get with cos i have my ps4 and still have my ps3 so i'm gud

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

wait, so ubisoft does not want to give the finger to 150M+ console owners?
STOP THE PRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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