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NFS Movie Is Now The 18th Best-Selling Game Film Ever

Uh…I guess this is good news.

Even though it got off to a slow start, the recently released "Need for Speed" movie has crossed the $100 million mark in total lifetime box office sales. This according to Hollywood reporting service Box Office Mojo .

The film earned over $30 million in the US and upwards of $96 million internationally. This means the total is now $126.6 million, and that's nearly double the cost of making the movie, which came in at $66 million. The movie covered that cost over the opening weekend so profitability was inevitable, thankfully.

But perhaps the most interesting stat is that according to the Video Game Adaption Chart , the NFS movie is now the 18th best-selling movie based on a video game in US history. #1 is 2001's smash hit "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" featuring Angelina Jolie.

However, a movie this bad – and I have to say, it's pretty bad – is the 18th best-selling game-to-film adaptation ever? …well, if that isn't some sort of negative commentary, nothing is.

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10 years ago

I haven't seen the film but had it been named something else I doubt anyone would not that it is related to Need For Speed.

I still believe Silent Hill is the greatest video game adaptation by a long shot. It took reference from the sort material to built a fantastic atmosphere and told a story of it's own rather than just being a direct adaptation, which made it interesting for someone familiar with the games to watch. Yet people say it is awful, I really do not understand the reaction as it seems people think it to be on the same level as 'Silent Hill: Revelation 3D' – Which it really isn't.

10 years ago

Ange Jolie was at the height of her beauty during Tomb Raider. I wish she could get that body back.

10 years ago

and her old face.

10 years ago

H…how? The movie is somehow WORSE than the Resident Evil movies after 2.

Than again some people just like watching crap. I know I enjoy a good B movie from time to time. This is like a C movie but whatevs.

10 years ago

Lets be honest, being the 18th best-selling move based on a game isn't something to brag about.

10 years ago

I've never understood the popularity of the Resident Evil movies. Even if you don't associate them with the games they're awful movies on their own.

10 years ago

This movie was way, way better than the Resident Evil movies.

10 years ago

I've seen all the RE movies. I was never sober during any of the viewings.

10 years ago

Action movies with undead do well, the Resident Evil name helps them too.

10 years ago

Well how many game to movie adaptions are there really? 20? 25? 30? Being "Top #18" doesn't really sound that impressive…

My favorite game to movie adaptions would have to be the original Mortal Kombat movie, along with Tomb Raider. It was just a little bit corny in a good way, had a decent story & it was clear that it was actually based on the game.

10 years ago

There are 33 if you only count the movies that made it to the box office. Not sure how many if you include straight to video movies.

EDIT: there are 49 if you count the movies in production! Neat!

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/25/2014 3:57:35 PM

10 years ago

ok.. so basically, it's number 18 from the top, or number 15 from the bottom… yey?

10 years ago

I guess. I'm not really rooting for it. Just looked up the information for you.

It's 12th if you look at just opening week totals and 7th if you count only theatre ticket sales.

The movies ranking ahead of it are the resident evils… tomb raiders… and the pokemon movies mostly.

interestingly, Spirits Within is ranked 17th for lifetime. I'm willing to be NFS will gain a little ground on the lifetime list.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/26/2014 9:44:27 AM

10 years ago

yeah I'm sure it will gain a bit in the rankings, I'm just a little curious about the newsworthiness of a new movie in a small niche genre that happens to be ranked in the middle of the pack…

I don't watch a lot of game-to-movie adaptions since they're typically terrible, and hardly any are actually good.

Guess we'll see if Uncharted & Last of Us ever make it to the big screen, and if so how they turn out… at least they have some kind of potential, but they'll probably screw it up :/

10 years ago

well i guess at least it did we don't want them to go outta business but i didn't really care towatch cos it's a movie that was made about the last 3 NFS games not inspiring cos those games are or wre all the same just like COD yup i went there

happy gaming =)

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