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Murdered: Soul Suspect Trailer Shows The Game’s Dark Side

When you're talking about a game where the detective is essentially undead, and he's trying to solve his own murder, it's probably gonna be creepy.

The latest video for Square Enix's intriguing Murdered: Soul Suspect is pretty darn creepy, in fact. This Buried Trailer has all the facets of a survival/horror adventure, which may intrigue followers of that genre.

Of course, Soul Suspect isn't survival/horror; it's a dark crime drama with a supernatural twist. The protagonist must follow up on a series of clues, which will ultimately lead to his killer. It really does remind me a lot of Shadow of Destiny , only I imagine the gameplay and mechanics will be much more complex. To learn more about this promising project, check out our preview .

Also, don't forget that Murdered: Soul Suspect has been confirmed for next-gen consoles. It'll be here on June 3.