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Kojima Didn’t Expect Metal Gear Solid “To Sell At All”

It's one of the most esteemed and popular video game franchises of all time, but at the beginning, its creator certainly didn't expect it.

In fact, during a recent Twitch Q&A (as cited by GameSpot ), Hideo Kojima admitted that he had very low expectations for the original Metal Gear Solid . Yes, the same game that became one of the most lauded titles of all time, and is arguably the greatest PS1 title in history (I say it's Final Fantasy VII , but whatever).

Interestingly, the 1998 smash hit came as a pleasant surprise to Kojima:

"Neither me nor anyone else expected Metal Gear Solid to sell at all. So I was fortunate, because I didn't have to think, 'I have to sell this game this much,' so pretty much all I did was put in that game all the things I really like."

Since that fateful time, over 33 million Metal Gear Solid titles have been sold, and we're all anxiously anticipating MGSV, which will launch in two parts: A prologue, dubbed Ground Zeroes , and the full adventure, called The Phantom Pain . The former is due out next week, but the latter may not launch until later in 2015.

As for MGS, it's weird to think Kojima had no confidence in its success. Then again, if you really think about it, there wasn't anything else like that game when it launched. Syphon Filter didn't release until 1999 and really, MGS was in a class all by itself. New things are always tricky, and I'm sure that's why Kojima and Co. didn't expect much.

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10 years ago

I bought MGS used and played I think twice to see if I missded something then got rid of it. It was boring and the stealth aspect a touch a go for me. So I was not a fan at the go. Didn't care much for the characters either. I rather play Syphon Filter.. which I ended up doing. Mind you that series went no where in the end. Balls!

BUT not everyone can be a fan of every game. It has a loyal following and will continue to do so.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

I call balogna. After the success of Metal Gear on NES, he diddn't expect a 3D versoin of it to do well? Gimme a break. Kojima gets on my last nerve…

10 years ago

Was it really a success? I remember the games but they weren't among my friends or my favorites in NES days.

10 years ago

The nes games were horrible because he wasn't behind them. His original games came out for the msx which didn't come out here. The nes versions were done by ultra or whatever Konami put up to make them. Kojima was disappointed in their renditions.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I just can't imagine what his motivation to lie would be.

10 years ago

To seem humble maybe? Lol. He must have had some expectation that MGS would succeed. If MG on NES wasn't as big of a success as I thought it was, (My friends loved the game and most people I knew back then) then why try to develop a newer version. If you go into a project expecting it to fail, then what is the point taking on the project? He had to have some level of confidence that it would sell. Otherwise he wouldn't have worked so hard on it and done such an amazing job.
Also, wasn't he supposed to leave MGS 3 times now? He says it after every MGS now. lol

10 years ago

He's just a drama queen. It's like when a vein woman get complemented on her dress, and she replies, "oh this old rag? It was just something I threw on this morning" when in fact she spent the entire morning deciding what to wear.

"Oh that old game? It's something I never expected to sell at all. I'm just so successful and I don't even understand why."

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/15/2014 9:39:53 AM

10 years ago

It's a shame that now he has to force lame stuff into it like open world and day/night cycles to sell.

10 years ago

Why is day/night cycles lame by default? I think it could add interesting extra depth, especially to a stealth game…

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

Based off of other interviews the open world mechanic was ALWAYS something Hideo wanted to do. It only a lack of hardware that has held back the open world up to now.

10 years ago

It ruins story driven games, I'm glad Second Son doesn't have them.

10 years ago

10 years ago

Metal Gear Solid on Playstation was one of the biggest game changers in video game history

He finally achieved his dream of Stealth Infiltration in 3D which he achieved in 2D in the original Metal Gear 1 and 2.

Last edited by Kiryu on 3/15/2014 12:04:12 AM

10 years ago

MGS was the best PS1 game period imo… At it's time it had the best graphics, most interesting story, characters to get attached too. The pacing was great. It was just hands down amazing for it's time.

10 years ago

Kojima World Order.

I give him crap but he's a great developer and writer. As much as I'd like to understand why he was a big xbox one guy last year and now he's changed his tone, Its probably better never knowing and just continuing to enjoy his games. I don't like holding grudges, hence why I retry any game I think is horrible. MGSV will be great, but I'll be holding off on mgsgz just because I'd rather go in blind in phantom pain instead of getting some big tutorial. If theres anything major in the story I'd miss, Bens review should give me reason to buy it

10 years ago

at the time there was practically nothing on the market like it, so of course it was a huge risk and no one was expecting it to sell well.
exactly why you cant say nah were not going to make that it wont sell, because the truth is no one knows what will be the next fad.
minecraft a perfect example, no one expected that to be half as popular as it is.
hell who would of thought angry birds and god forbid even flappy bird would of been such overnight hits?
as the saying goes, without risk there is no reward.

10 years ago

i just think it wasn't gunna catch on but it was like something new and exciting and people were like this is a fanastic game and it's like nothing we've ever had before and it just went there is guess u wud say

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

I'm starting to dislike Kojima.

10 years ago

Why? Because he has an opinion and has passion for his craft.

10 years ago

Ridiculous, I remember playing this on wal mart when I was a kid, I was impressed because of the graphs on those days that was enough to draw you, Kojima thinks his games are extremely niche or to smart for us at times, that thing about worried MGSV being to big for gamers cracked me up when at the other hand hes being very positive at selling a 2 hours MGS game.

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/15/2014 1:50:50 PM

10 years ago

The early Metal Gears are not really best sellers until Metal Gear Solid. 6 million sales is really a surprise.

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