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The Last Of Us Tops 6 Million

It's a well-deserved sales total.

Three weeks after the game launched in 2013, Sony revealed that Naughty Dog's latest masterpiece, The Last Of Us , had sold 3.4 million copies. How many copies has it sold since then?

Well, we don't know if the new number represents sold-in (copies sold to retailers) or sold-through (sold to consumers), but a new sales update at the PlayStation Bog says TLoU has now moved over 6 million units. The game earned our Game of the Year Award for 2013, and we're hardly the only source to give Naughty Dog such recognition. For instance, just this week, TLoU won five BAFTA awards , including their illustrious Game of the Year honor.

6 million? Awesome. But it should be 10 million in our estimation.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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10 years ago

Not bad for a new IP that wasn't a shooter. I hope other devs took notes.

10 years ago

Unfortunately … I know a number of people who played it as a survival shooter. 🙁

10 years ago

I can understand that, the stealth wasn't for me but there's no denying this kind of success.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

This might be one of the best all time examples for the exclusive cause. It wasn't an fps and it wasn't spread thin across all platforms. They committed to what the PS3 had and weren't completely hell bent on sales.
And low and behold it churned what I assume is a respectable profit.

Activi$ion! EA! Take note!

10 years ago

Let's not forget that it won at arguably the most prestigious award show in gaming, the DICE awards.

10 years ago

6 million?

^^^ What the hell are the other 75 million PS3 users playing on their console?

C'mon guys. TLoU is only the best GOTY of last gen.

10 years ago

I would assume that number is the number of PSN accounts? If so, there's plenty of people having several accounts, created new accounts over the years etc.

Also, there are actually quite a few out there who mainly use their PS3 as a media station, especially for blu-ray playback. I personally got three friends who use it like that. They do own some games, but they are definitely what Ben would call "casual".

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/15/2014 4:25:48 AM

10 years ago

Free games from PS Plus!

10 years ago

I agree it wouldn't -really- be 75 other million, but I'm pretty sure he meant other 75 as in the other 75 million consoles sold.

I believe the PSN account number is well over the number of systems out there. I remember a while back Sony was bragging about surpassing 100 million PSN accounts.

10 years ago

@Beamboom – The number is based on the fact that there are over 80 million PS3 owners. From which only 6 million bought the game.

Now, I don't really mean to say that the game should've been bought by every single PS3 owner. But it is kinda sad that a very small percentage of the user base purchased the game. Considering that if you even own a PS3, its the game you gotta have in your game library.

But I guess there is some truth to what Beamboom says. There are a lot of people who bought a PS3 to watch Blu-Rays. But I have a hard time believing that that crowd makes up a good chunk of the 80 million user base.

10 years ago

i think that TLOU lifetime sales will be even higher but it deserves everything in terms of critical and commercial success it's such a fantastic game.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

This game is probably the best game I ever played, congratulations Naughty Dog!

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