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The Last Guardian “Absolutely In The Mix”

As encouraging as this may sound, it really doesn't tell us anything new.

However, at this point, we appreciate any mention of The Last Guardian . The game has officially been in development for about eight years and yet, we still don't know when it's coming.

So, what's the deal? That's what IGN asked PlayStation boss Scott Rohde. And while he admitted that he was giving a "frustrating answer," he said they simply want to make great games. Hence, they won't ship a game if they don't think it's great. When asked if Guardian had become a PlayStation 4 title, Rohde wouldn't confirm a specific platform, but the project is "absolutely in the mix at Worldwide Studios."

Rohde Added:

" [I]…actually like[s] talking about The Last Guardian. I love that people are still interested in it. That’s an honor to us. That’s not just me spinning… It’s really cool that people are still interested in it, and we’re trying to make the best thing we can out of The Last Guardian. "

That's nice and all, but we kinda wanted more of a detailed update. Our patience has worn thin!

Related Game(s): The Last Guardian

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10 years ago

How many times can they keep saying that, without giving us as much as a new screenshot, or any new info whatsoever?!

10 years ago

I expect big things from Sony at E3 this year, this being one of them.

10 years ago

Duke Nukem would like a word with you, Scott!

10 years ago

They don't want to release a subpar product but are obviously trapped in perpetual obsolescence. I don't see this ending well.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

I'll still be waiting baby.

10 years ago

well i suppose it's something aye even if its not alot.

happy gaming =)

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago


Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

He likes talking about it? So do I, but I'm 100% certain that I'd like playing it more than talking about it.

Why do the most interesting projects have the longest dev cycles?

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

I'm 10% certain I'd like to be coding it more than playing it.

10 years ago

correction, more like TEN years!
a BBC reporter was shown this back in 2005, and you dont go and show people things the day there created, plus games are in pre production for months without any demos, so i wouldnt be surprised to hear its been in development since 04, maybe even earlier!

anyway, so the we wont ship a game if we dont think its great, does that mean the game was not working hence the delays as they tried to retrofit the game?
and does that mean we dont think it will sell so were not going to release it?
i swear to god if its canned but there just stringing us along there going to piss off allot of people!

my favorite response regarding this game though has to come from shu, when IGN asked him about it he said i was actually at the studio last week and i got to play it.
so then they asked what controller were you using?
so he just said, i forget.
i love shu hes got such a great sense of humor!
but come on if thats not confirmation its coming to ps4 than nothing is!
if it wasnt coming to ps4, than why wouldnt they just say so?
especially when they have had to retrofit the game already its not like they dont want to have to start all over again.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

it was 2009 at a GDC expo when the bbc reporter saw a CGI proof of concept trailer.
The same trailer was shown at e3 2009 with nicer graphics along side the announcement of AGENT_
This all happened when the was still few games coming on PS3….resistance 2 was the latest good sony game released.
i could just as easily say its still on PS3 being that sony would of used this game to promote the release of the PS4.
90million consoles or 10million consoles which would you release it on?
Most likely the same console as GT6.

10 years ago

It's utterly bizarre that Sony would lay off people at Santa Monica yet continue to employ these "developers" who haven't produced anything in almost a decade.

Last edited by JackC8 on 3/13/2014 7:43:54 AM

10 years ago

Depends on the studio. What they have made game wise plus profit from those games. One would think.

They also know if they screw up on this a lot people will be mad. Would not end well for them. It's a flag ship series people loved.

Last edited by KingRed on 3/13/2014 9:53:55 AM

10 years ago

Team ICO is no longer with Sony. They left the company two years ago and are doing this game on a contract basis. They're also a pretty small team consisting of roughly fifty people. Funding their project likely costs Sony less money than maintaining a big studio like Santa Monica. So if they're making cutbacks it makes more sense to trim some fat from the latter.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Team ico was about 5 people in a pre production office doing at 1st pre vis drawings then 2nd animations.
The bulk of the work is handled by sony japan studio…just like project siren.
Only polyphoney do 100% of their own work.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

Well, we've waited this long. If it means waiting longer for a quality product might as be happy with it. This better end up being an artistic masterpiece for the new gen Playstation.

10 years ago

DNF will be surpassed.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago


10 years ago

I would buy a PS4 on the spot if Sony announced a release date for this game.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

its coming to PS3 as the last 1st party exclusive in 2015 or 2016 along with AGENT.
2014 is the year of the PS4 and they don't want to ruin its BUZZ!

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