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EA CFO: Battlefield 4 Problems Didn’t “Damage” The Brand

Battlefield 4 did not get off to a good start. The major problems gamers encountered when trying to play online are well-documented.

However, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen said the ordeal didn't damage the popular franchise. In speaking at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference in San Francisco (as summarized by GameSpot ), Jorgensen said the company is "very focused on protecting that brand."

He reminded everyone that BF4 sold well and "continues to sell well," and the fans have appreciated the many updates and patches that developer DICE has delivered. It also helps to release new content on a regular basis. Said Jorgensen:

"We've also tried to provide extra content to the consumers to make sure they keep coming back and playing the game and we're finding that it's working very well. I don't see that there's a damage issue. I think for us it's making sure that we're providing great gameplay for the consumer and we'll continue to do that."

As a reason for BF4's technical problems, the executive said this was due to the "complexity" of the game, which featured 64-player online action and tablet support, along with the challenges that come along with new hardware. Are you buying Jorgensen's explanation and his belief that the Battlefield brand wasn't damaged?

A lot of fans aren't agreeing…

Related Game(s): Battlefield 4

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10 years ago

EA can take any great developer and deplete them of their integrity. BF4 was a huge mess and while it may have sold well it doesn't mean the same people that were "tricked" will be lining up for BF5.

Valve please come save us.

10 years ago

Aye, I grabbed BF4 at launch, and it wouldn't last half an hour without crashing for the first couple of weeks. There's _no way_ I'll play BF5 at launch if I could do it for free, let alone pay for it. If its stable, then I might look into it, but I reckon there'll be plenty of people that steer clear early after the trouble with BF4.

10 years ago

Valve can't be the savors of anything until they release or at least officially announce Half Life 3.

10 years ago

I didn't buy it, so…

10 years ago

Did you buy BF2 or BF3?

10 years ago

Yessir. And the Bad Company games, and 1942/3.
And now I stopped.

10 years ago

I would tend to agree with EA on this one. While BF4 wasn't up to a great standard when released, it was more than playable on the PS4 and had less issues than CoD typically does. But the BF fans are still playing it. The numbers don't lie. People can claim they are upset over it or what not but they are still playing it.

Personally for me I like BF4 far better than BF3 but I've never been a fan of vehicles in mp and this game just solidified why I can't stand those vehicles.

10 years ago

Battlefield offers the best multiplayer experience for a FPS. But there's no denying the quality has dipped. At least in regards to quality checks.

10 years ago

Agreed. Definitely. I was really surprised they let those issues exist at all. They must have thought because CoD gets away with it they would to regardless of how big the issues were.

10 years ago

I blame QA issues on EA. EA wanted DICE to finish on a certain date so they could launch when they did. Had DICE not delivered on EA's wishes, I'm sure some jobs would have lost at DICE.

10 years ago

Actually bigrailer19 I disagree.

The game was only playable to those who could overlook it's many bugs and glitches.

I bought the game at PS4 launch, and played it for over 80 hours so far. At first I played it because I wanted to believe that the game would get better, and after a few updates, it did, but there are still many bugs and glitches which directly impact the gameplay.

The server lag is the most annoying part of it for me. EVERY server I go into lags.

Also, half of the audio cuts out when I start every new match. For example, the lock-on warning sound for vehicle's doesn't sound. So I basically have to sit in a chopper and wait till the audio works, because the warning sign that appears around the crosshair doesn't appear 100% of the time either.

There are so many basic features which were present in BF3 that are not in BF4. What about rental servers?!?!?!?! seriously, we NEED that. Custom servers were great in BF3.

BUT my biggest concern, is BF4's longevity. We have all heard the rumors of another BF game releasing this year. I haven't purchased Premium yet, because I am worried it will be wasted.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 3/6/2014 8:13:11 PM

10 years ago

I agree with LV that BF does offer the best Mutliplayer FPS experience in the industry. I just wish they got BF4 better. Delay it and do more QA checks at least.

Why you no like vehicles? They add a great dynamic into the gameplay, and you don't really need to worry about balancing, honestly the vehicles in BF4 are much more balanced then BF3. You no longer need to worry about 100 Colonel's PWNING everything in a Chopper or Jet because they are easily taken down with a Stinger or IGLA. Tanks are actually quite underpowered right now. AAA's are a bit overpowered though, thanks to their Active Radar missles.

You need to be careful too, if you find a squad of 5 players, at least 3 of them will have anti-vehicle weapons and will be actively trying to kill you. You need to be good to stay alive.

10 years ago

So, a game that's broken at launch and takes months to be patched into a playable state doesn't damage the brand? I'm calling nonsense on that one! There's no way that it couldn't damage the brand.

10 years ago

Well in terms of sales I don't think it damaged the brand at all.

People will still buy BF5, simply because of the promise of an awesome game.

BF4 was a pretty big step up though, the maps were SOOOOO much bigger on consoles then BF3. So many more vehicles too. I suspect BF5 will be similar in size, which should allow them to polish the finer details a bit more.

I could say that I won't buy it, but when they release a trailer, and it looks awesome, I probably will.

10 years ago

BF 4 had so many bugs you could not play it offline or online. It sat in my home for 2 weeks before I could play it, and even now, it has tons of bugs.

This game was boring. It is so boring. I will never play another BF game again.

10 years ago

yup, only EA would say that.
in hot running for worst company for 3 years in a row now!
shame because their bringing down some really good studios with them.
DICE use to be such a amazing studio and always amazed and impressed with what they put out, every time they released something it pushed the industry forward and introduced something new.
now not only has the amazement and innovation stopped, were seeing the same old same old, but the polish and QA has gone down the sh*tter too!
EA one of those publishers which should be shut down and all their developers given free license to run themselves!

10 years ago

yeah i played the game and maxed out the nades and 3 gun classes and 3 play type classes but it got bored with this game alot quicker than BF3 i just haven't enjoyed it nearly as much but yeah i'm not jumping at the next battlefield unless i see it's worth it and if starwars battle front which will be probs a starwars battlefield if thats not up to sratch and playable i'm don't i don't trust them and it's gunnna take a lot for EA to get me bk apart older games that are still awsome. rant done watever

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

well i have enjoyed bf4 and do think the mp is very very fun and much better than cod. Although i have noticed a few issues with it. But when its good, it is very good.

10 years ago

If the brand wasn't damaged why is he doing damage control?

10 years ago

Ok, so I got BF4 and COD on day 1. I still play BF4 to this day. It's still a really fun game, despite its many glitches and online problems.

However, to say that these issues are caused by "complexities" from having 64-player mp, that's just ridonkulous! MAG had something like 256-player mp, and it ran smooth as butter! (still stands as the best multiplayer FPS I've ever played)
What about Resistance 2 multiplayer and coop? I'd say the 8-player coop was pretty complex. It also ran smooth like silk.

EA needs to get their developers on it to fix Battlefied before we lose interest in playing altogether.

10 years ago

Granted, but you are comparing a title that had to be delivered on 5 platforms (two of which were new) versus just one. Plus an over zealous publisher that pressured the developer to get it done by a certain date.

10 years ago

Last edited by big6 on 3/6/2014 12:29:34 PM

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