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PSXE Poll Update: Gamers Split On Final Fantasy XII HD

With the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remasters right around the corner, we've heard rumblings about the possibility of a Final Fantasy XII HD .

So, we decided to ask the community if they want such a project. Would you like to see a high-def overhaul of another role-playing classic?

Well, yes and no. The participants were split on the idea, with the slight majority saying they're "absolutely" behind the idea. The second-largest group (by only 17 votes, by the way) say they're not interested in the slightest. Even the middle group is split almost directly down the middle; almost exactly as many people voted for "I'd get it, but I'm not really drooling" as "Maybe…I'm sort of on the fence."

With that behind us, let's focus on the possibility of a Final Fantasy VII remake. We all thought this rumor had dried up and withered away, but it's back and stronger than ever . Director Yoshinori Kitase's comments have given long-time franchise followers new hope! …or has he?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XII

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10 years ago

With the hype X/X-2 HD is getting, there is no doubt a remake of VII would sell. I'd be willing to bet that, as far as remakes go, it'd probably have one of the most massive midnight releases to date. There is no way Kitase could be ignorant of these things. Alas… perhaps it is going to take S-E's main projects taking respective nosedives before they'll finally give in. They're doing great with stuff like Tomb Raider, Just Cause, and whatever else… but those aren't the titles true S-E fans are hungering for. (I will go on record to say that Tomb Raider is absolutely fantastic.)

10 years ago

Every time I hear about a FF 7 remake I want to hit something. heh.

10 years ago

In all honesty they need to focus on the new fresh games with emphasis on what made them great but with the new power of the new generation. It's all obvious to us but they're focus on something else.

10 years ago

It will never happen. They'd never get the things together that they THINK they need. They will never admit that what people want from SE is the greatness of the past. They don't like money or sales. They don't give a crap about fans. They have no respect for Squaresoft's legacy. They would sooner run their company into the ground with bad action games than create a real JRPG again.

That all tells me it won't happen.

10 years ago

Hope is painful…

10 years ago

I'd settle for SE making it mandatory for their employees to at least play through FF VII a couple of times, before working on anything else. They might get some inspiration from it and hopefully renew their passion for making JRPG's.

10 years ago

Even the moogles look wrong…. As I said before, Final Fantasy XII's graphics and detail looks fantastic and would really benefit from a HD release… but I simply do not like the game as it was my major FF disappointment.

As for Final Fantasy VII… I'll never say it is not possible… but I will always say I do not want it. If the representation of the characters in Advent Children are evidence of how plain they will appear I don't want it. I imagine it would be like the Gamecube remake of Metal Gear Solid – Looks pretty and has nice gaemplay elements but the soul of the game will not be present, i'd play the PS1 version of the GC version of MGS1 anyday.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 2/24/2014 4:25:30 AM

10 years ago

I disagree. On literally everything you said. :p

10 years ago

…. Fine by me.

10 years ago

Here is an idea Square. How about a new turn-based Final Fantasy! How about giving the people what they want. Not this FF meets gay porn meets Devil May Cry bs that we have been getting. A brand new FF with mixtures of gameplay between FF IV through X.

10 years ago

Happy to have a FFVII update but please give me the ability to save anytime and put in some decent checkpoints. It may not be hardcore but I don't like repeating chunks of game just because my train reached its stop and I want to shut down my Vita properly. Also please don't make it too "grindy" either. I've got a life to lead and don't want to have to put in 100 hours to get through the main story. That's what made me stop Persona 4 Golden half way through. The grind!
Apart from that, bring it on…

10 years ago

I want a ff xiii remake with upgraded likeability

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