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Pre-Order Lords Of Shadow 2 On PSN, Get Mirror Of Fate HD

Here's a great incentive to nab the digital version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 .

Those who pre-order the anticipated sequel on the PlayStation Network will receive a copy of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD , totally free of charge. The game normally sells for $14.99, and this promotion will continue through the launch of LoS2 on February 25.

Thus far, Konami has only announced this deal for the PSN, although a similar promotion may follow on Xbox Live and Steam. Mirror of Fate originally released as a Nintendo 3DS exclusive in March 2013, and the updated version came to PS3 and Xbox 360 in October. A blend of action and platforming, the game featured a healthy dose of old-school Castlevania action. It should be the perfect complement to the more modern LoS2, which, by the way, marks the conclusion of the series.

What's next for developer MercurySteam? Well, a new project is in the works that is reportedly "completely different" from these CV titles, so we're definitely intrigued.

Related Game(s): Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 , Castlevania: Mirror of Fate

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10 years ago

No thank you. I prefer to have the disc.

10 years ago

Hmm, between this and the $10 difference between the physical and digital versions of Ground Zeroes, Konami seems quite keen on incentives for digital versions. No surprise, as I have to think the profit margins are WAY bigger on digital. A sign of things to come this gen? I think so — the moment games are consistently offered for less digitally compared to their physical counterparts — or when they start throwing in entire free games with the digital versions! — the writing will be on the wall for Gamestop and their ilk.

Whether you love it or not (I have mixed feelings about it myself), I just think it's undeniable — when people can get the exact same thing for less money, and they don't even have to leave their house to get it, and there's less clutter, etc., they go digital. It happened with music, it happened with movies (though I for one strongly prefer blu rays for my true favorites that I watch every once in while!), and it'll happen to games.

10 years ago

mirror reviewed badly. I liked the demo of LoS2 but I don't think it's gonna be worth a day 1 unless you're a huge fan.

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