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Convince A Friend Why Your Favorite Genre Is Worth Trying

You've got this friend who just can't understand why you love your favorite genre of video games.

Well, now's your chance to write it out: Convince him to try it!

Perhaps it's not even a friend; perhaps you've come across many people who just don't understand your gaming preferences. You've wanted to explain in great detail why you feel the way you do, but there was never enough time. It's also difficult – and a little awkward – to try and provide this explanation while at a cocktail party. It's a very personal thing, after all, and you want to say exactly what you mean to say. What is it about your favorite genre that you can't get anywhere else?

The flip side to this coin should be obvious. Did you ever know someone who convinced you to try a game genre you'd always ignored? And if so, what was the result? Did you at least understand your friend's fascination with it, even if you weren't enamored? Or, did you totally come around? As time goes on, there are more and more video game genres from which to choose, and we all have our opinions and styles. It can be frustrating to come across other gamers who dismiss your preferred genre, just 'cuz they've never tried it…

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10 years ago

lol I wish I could but all of my favorite genres have been killed and pretty much suck now.

10 years ago

This. 99% of the games I've suggested to people were made before 2005.

10 years ago

FPS – because nothing else matters

10 years ago

Wouldn't that reasoning just reinforce to people that don't like FPS why they should avoid FPS?

10 years ago

I would just have them play Metal Gear Solid. Also have them play Phantasy Star II. I can talk up a game but nothing beats first hand experience. The two above games and genres just grab ahold of you and don't let go. I am going through MGS on my Vita and it holds up very good. It's just such a treasure.

10 years ago

Look, I know you don't want a bunch of plastic crap in your house, but you gotta try the music genre. Not dancing either. I'm talking Rock Band, Guitar Hero, DJ Hero, etc. I didn't have a favorite band until I played Rock Band. I didn't want an iPod until I played it. Heck, I didn't even really like music until I picked up a plastic guitar.

10 years ago

Let that flimsy whammy bar take you to another world!

10 years ago

Rock on brother! Rock Band 3 is may favorite and still play to this day. I am holding out hope for a Rock Band 4 on PS4!

10 years ago

One of the most common reasons friends in my circles aren't into my favorite genre is simply because they don't want to read. RPGs typically contain a fair amount of reading in the least (though that is now becoming debatable what with the ease of incorporating voice acting). However, that was the biggest hang-up: "Who wants to play a video game to read? Isn't that what a book is for?"

Anymore, it has become less a matter of genre and more a matter of technology. My wife, before meeting me, had literally hours on a PS2 and was really only familiar with the PSone – and a very, VERY select number of titles even then. I, on the other hand, (mostly) enjoy the challenges of the new and exciting. As such, my ability to play a variety of games continues to improve. Even now, after having owned a PS3 for going on three years, my wife adamantly refuses to learn how to effectively utilize the dual analog sticks. As we know, the technology is by no means new – but my wife (in the PSone era) simply refused to touch the sticks, instead playing games that only used the D-pad. For me… Platformers and fighting games are the only genres that really justify the D-pad anymore. Everything else is analog. For her… if a brand new, current gen game allows use of the D-pad, that is what she uses.

Now, on to my frustration… in refusing to learn the joy of dual analog control, she is passing up some truly amazing games (Skyrim, Fallout, Bioshock, Mass Effect). Now, her aversion isn't even limited to first-/third-person shooter games either. If a game's camera depends on you for most of its functionality, she hates it. One of her favorite games is Tomb Raider. Well, at least the old ones that ignored the dual analog control. Her opinion is, "If I push left, I should turn left – not just move sideways."

… … … Basically, what it boils down to is the lack of being able to completely share something I so thoroughly enjoy with my own wife. Mind you, I don't get angry with her or allow this frustration to cause friction. It is just something… saddening. For example, I'd love to be able to dive into Borderlands with her (as my friends are lame and either don't play it or own 360s), but… it just isn't gonna happen.

So there ya go. Rather than genre per se, it is a matter of technology. I simply cannot convince my wife to hunker down and learn dual analog control. As for my being persuaded… sorry, I just can't do racing games. I loved Burnout and the ATV Offroad Fury/MX vs. ATV games, but those have always been less about racing and more about just having fun.

10 years ago

i actually have convinced about 8 people to play RPGS and though it may not be their favorite genre they did enjoy the games
yea like you said the problem with RPGSnormally is the reading but the way that worked for me was seeing what types of stories they liked then recommending the closest RPG story to what they liked

cause for instance Wild arms has the wild west feel
while FF has the fantasy feel
suikoden has the fantasy war feel
Persona has the highschool drama + love feel

10 years ago

Yakuza Series a mix of 20000 games/genre's in one,
It's not a game it's an experience

10 years ago

Seeing how pretty much every new game today has at least *some* RPG elements in them I don't really feel the need nor the opportunity to convince other gamers that (w)RPGs are the best thing since sliced bread. Both the gamers and the industry seem to agree with that already. 🙂

But there is one genre that others have tried to convince me about (with no success): The MOBA genre. Most of the guys at work love games like League Of Legends and of course DOTA2 and have tried to pull me in multiple times. But man, I can't get into them.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Yes I like MOBAs, they're fun but too stressful.
I don't like making the commitment to have to sit down for ~40 mins of rigorous strategy gameplay in order to be a good gamer and not let down the team. For myself it changed from fun to being a chore.

I do love to watch LOL videos and tournies though.

10 years ago

You are of course absolutely right, Banky. It's the combo of the uncomfortable feeling of having the whole team depending on you and not having enough time to invest in it. I hate to suck and don't have the time to not suck.

Then I'd much rather chill in a single player game at my own pace, or coop along a storyline with friends. That's how casual I've become.

10 years ago

What's a moba?

10 years ago

multiplayer online battle arena games… didn't know what they were either so googled it.

10 years ago

Yes, what Broady said. It's one of the major genres on PC, and is one of the major genres within the e-sport tournaments.

It's typically a top-down view of very rpg'ish characters with spells and attacks and specials and items and XP and so forth, all set on a map with two teams fighting over certain goals.

It's very deep and complex and requires a huge amount of time. The sheer amount of "heroes" (characters) to choose from are usually overwhelming. DOTA2 has 107 different characters. Yeah, one-hundred-and-seven.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/11/2014 1:33:42 PM

10 years ago

Talking my best friend into giving up cod to play demons souls was easy enough. Just played it in front of him enough to get him to try it, and after finally making it past to the first boss he was hooked

10 years ago

I've convinced a friend to try Civilization 5. He liked it so much he got his wife to play it too.

The biggest "convincing" I've probably ever done though is convince my -360 friends to go ps3 once they played Heavy Rain and Demons Souls.

To anyone else its really just a matter of taste or patience.

10 years ago

I'd say the one game that I dismissed for the longest time because I never really had any interest in it was Diablo. I've always heard great things but it never really appealed to me, probably mostly because i'm not a pc gamer. But man oh man, Diablo III was a freaking blast to play!!! I absolutely loved it!!! I can't wait until it comes out for ps4. I may just have to get back on it.

10 years ago

The one game I was convinced into playing was Assassins Creed. Needless to say i tried it and loved it, have been playing since.

Most genres i like others like as well. However the one genre I've never been able to get into is rpgs. They look interesting but had never been my thing. Last one I tried I only played for 10mins before turning it off

10 years ago

yeah um i'd say i have 3 fav genres cos there are some wat intertwinded so platformers(cos i all them action/adventure/RPG i hope u can understand y i say that) and action/adventure(and i guess other genres mixed in like stealth and third person and survival) which was y i like the look of the order, infamous, shadow of modor, theif i also like some racing like motor storm and like NFS shift and the new GT gams (GT5) and then a bit of shooters but not always pure shooters like boderlands and destiny and then L4D(2) buti guessmy fav or top 3 wud be platformers, action/adventure(mixed with others) and then either racing or shooters(not pure shooters so much) or maybe RPG in there some where but like u say RPG elements are in my other genres so doesn't really need to be said but i do the RPG genre by itself don't get me wrong (love the elder scrolls. but the thing is most of my friends that game have similar taste there are that many exceptions honestly so not too much convincing.

happy gaming =)

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