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Black Flag Writer: Assassin’s Creed Story Similar To Dr. Who

Originally, the overarching storyline in Assassin's Creed was supposed to end.

But it's not gonna. Not now, anyway.

Last year, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag director Ashraf Ismail said that his team had an outline for the franchise, and that outline did include a final climax. But as Black Flag lead writer Darby McDevitt told Edge , in fact, that's "not exactly true." Rather, this ongoing plot is akin to "Dr. Who."

"There's been a bit of confusion in that [Ismail] once said that Assassin's Creed has an ending–that's not exactly true."

McDevitt said there will be individual endings for each installment, "because all of history is open to us." With so many possibilities, the writers don't intend to "definitely end the universe." Initially, the writers encountered a problem: Back in 2007 when the original title came out, they had a plot where Abstergo would launch a satellite that controlled people's minds. But when the series took off, this idea hit a snag:

"That unfortunately took a back seat in ACII when they swapped the plot point for the end of the world, which was conveniently going to happen in the same month in 2012. This was a hard date we were going to hit–we realised very quickly that Assassin’s Creed is a popular franchise and we’d like to keep it going."

Well, we don't want an ending. Just keep the franchise going and bring us to all sorts of memorable, enchanting settings!

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10 years ago

Can't let a little thing like the plot get in the way of profts, better to just stretch it out for another decade.

10 years ago

Dat epic Ubisoft logic.

Last edited by Masszt3r on 1/29/2014 3:35:26 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Uh-huh. I remember the days when it was going to be a trilogy. Now it's The Neverending Story.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 1/29/2014 2:21:19 PM

10 years ago

The plot was a bit "chariots of the gods" so the less focus on that the better. The eternal struggle between templar and assassin is a better one that gives more scope for scenarios in different eras and environments.

The annualisation is a bit much mindyou for an "open world (lite)" game style. I put 40 hours into AC2 and that has done me for the last few years. Liberation was ok on the Vita.

10 years ago

So because the world didn't end like it was supposed to they are going to continue the series

10 years ago

Oh yeah! I totally forgot about the story they started with AC1. Nice magic trick Ubisoft!

They should revisit that story line. It would fit in pretty good since Abstergo now has the location of the Observatory.

10 years ago

Dr. Who?
Another couple installments it'll be Dr. Seuss…

10 years ago

one thing i F*CKING HATE about AC now!
the first 2 had such a sense of mystery and intrigue, since though theres almost nothing!
you get a sense of oooo i wonder what that is, than it ends up being nothing.
so many times in AC 4 id be dragged back to the present and say ooooo somethings going to happen!
ah sigh its just another go visit that tool CEO again.
it was funny listening to that guy a few days ago saying the studio knew that the desmond missions in 3 were sh*t.
if i was interviewing him i would of said, well if those were sh*t than what does that make 4s?
seriously, whats worse than sh*t?
every time you get excited and think were finally going to see something interesting, than nothing happens.
hell you finish the game and your visited by shawn and that other girl, ooooooo here we go!
please hack all the employee computers.
you bet your f*cking a$$ im going to hack all the computers!
then you FINALLY do, expecting some big reveal, and you get jack f*cking sh*t!
you start the game and one of the first things your rewarded with for your hacking is a video of desmond, oh goody were FINALLY going to get a proper understanding on the events of the last game.
ubisoft REALLY needs to go back to the excitement, intrigue, mystery, that the first two games had, because thats what made them such amazing games.
yea the parkour was fun, yea it was something fresh and new, and the freedom the missions gave you was icing on the cake, but what took a great game, and turned it into one of the best new IPs weve seen in years, was the massive incredible attention to detail, the history, the religion, how they tied the story into the story of adam and eve, and now all thats down the sh*tter!
ive always said a amazing story will pull even the biggest pieces of sh*t!
and AC is the perfect example of that, the original was frustrating and boring as f*ck!
but everyone plowed through it because the story hooked them, gain a persons interest, and you will have them for life!
only wish more developers understood that………..

Last edited by ___________ on 1/30/2014 8:09:02 AM

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