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Lightning Returns Demo Available Now

In case you're wondering, there's a pretty high-profile demo on the PlayStation Store that you might want to try.

It's available on both the PSN and Xbox Games Store: It's the playable sample of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII , the latest entry in the legendary role-playing saga.

Whether or not this installment actually qualifies as "role-playing" remains to be seen, but at least we get a chance to check it out. By the way, activating the game's Outerworld services and submitting a score for the demo will give you access to the Siegfried outfit. That can be donned in the full game, if you're so inclined. For the record, this demo is available now in North America and should be up in a matter of hours for our European friends. Are you gonna give it a whirl?

I have my reservations, as you well know. But I won't pass further judgment until I've played it; the demo has been downloaded and it's sitting there, waiting to be played. Impressions should be posted tomorrow.

…this better not make me cry.

Related Game(s): Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

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10 years ago

lol, I feel the same way. I'm not hoping for much, just that it's enjoyable in some way.

10 years ago

I played through the demo. I like it. FF games still have a vibe and style that you don't find anywhere else so for that I'm thankful.
It seems like it has tactical and detailed combat system and schemata configuration. I really like that the time clock only counts down while your actually exploring the levels. All other times it stops.

10 years ago

and word to the wise. don't do what I did and sat and watched through the very beginning intro video. It'll show you the same video but with the story dialogue once you start the demo from the menu =p

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/21/2014 11:02:07 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

It sucked.

10 years ago

what sucked?

EDIT: seeing that you're likely referring to the demo, I'm absolutely not surprised you feel that way. I expected as much.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/22/2014 12:27:51 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

The demo. Sucked.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

It's not even any good from an action/RPG standpoint. The camera sucks, the way it's set up sucks, the Schematas all feel pretty much the same (I know they can be customized, though), and the whole thing feels slipshod and rushed.

Now I understand this review better-

10 years ago

Best line from that article, Ben:
"Reports that Lightning was the only party member are false, as she’s followed by two constant companions named Jagged Edge and Graphical Pop-in."

I've thought that for a while that the screen shots look terrible. On their facebook page, I saw a picture and literally thought "Oh cool! They threw her in FF8 for fun!" Nope… just a grainy screenshot. >.<

10 years ago

that's just wonderful to know, Ben. I'm so happy I stated that I liked the demo and then have you jump in to tell me it sucked and then presume I even care now to know what your more detailed opinion is about it.

go ahead and keep thinking it sucks, but please, just don't tell me about it. i couldn't care less.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/22/2014 10:30:29 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

What the hell is wrong with you? You're allowed to say you liked it but I'm not allowed to say what I think? It wasn't a personal statement on your appraisal. I said it sucked, so what? You can like it all you want.

Stop being so fu***** sensitive.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/22/2014 11:04:09 AM

10 years ago

I played it too, and I get what you mean, I dug the art direction and style too. The combat is different to the other FFXIII though… Might take a while before I get used to it.

You can say all you want in the comments Ben, but you replied to him, no? He said he liked it, you replied saying, nop, you're wrong, it sucks, he tells you to think what you like, just don't tell him about it, and you reply again? Sooo who's being sensitive?

Last edited by darxed on 1/22/2014 11:39:04 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Where did I ever tell him he was wrong?

He liked it. I didn't. Problem?

10 years ago

thanks Darxed and exactly. I thought that much would be obvious as to who was responding to who. "Hello, oh, you liked it? Guess what? I thought it sucked. Here, now listen to me to tell you why"

true that, too, about the sensitive thing… now who mods the mod when they start using emotionally charged and foul language? =p
sorry, but we all know what fu***** is to be interpreted as……

10 years ago

Just add the words "I think" I suppose. One would hope that would be implicit but what can ya do?

10 years ago
Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

You acted like a hurt child when I said what I thought, and got mad that I gave a more detailed (and vastly more informed, obviously) opinion.

Yeah, I'm allowed to do that. Had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with you. YOU made it out like it did. Not my problem.

10 years ago

Ben you're exactly the reason my days here have come to an end as a reader.
I've really learned to dislike you as I've watched your behavior on these boards.
In my most objective implication, you're better off staying off the comments section. I've had former PSXe members who I befriended on PSN and they have then since left this community. I've been messaged that it's directly because of you that they don't come here any more.

I've just joined that list.

Good day everyone. It was fun, well mostly, while it lasted.

Perhaps, someday, if I see a new site administrator I'll return. But until then, adios.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/22/2014 3:59:29 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Good, get out.

If you think every single comment is directed at you (when of course, it's directed at the game in question), you're always going to act like a butt-hurt child. At no point did I even refer to you when I said the demo sucked. You flipped out because you thought it was personal…you were wrong, but hey, you obviously can't admit it.

Before you leave, make sure you bash every single other poster here who thought the demo sucked too. They're all against you! It's a conspiracy! AAAAHHHH! LMAO

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/22/2014 9:26:10 PM

10 years ago

C'mon dudes. It's an internet misunderstanding of intentions behind a limited form of communication.

10 years ago

I'm with World… I was just being a tease with my photo link… Life's better when you can get out of your computer chair and forget all about what people write on a forum. This particular thread is quite clearly only a misinterpretation, too.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/22/2014 4:39:30 PM

10 years ago

I'm with Temjin on this one but then again it's just my opinion 😉

10 years ago

You agree with Temjin about being thankful for the vibe? Or his misinterpretation of intent?

10 years ago

I downloaded it, but I download and play almost every demo they release. I'm not exactly excited to try it, but even if it's not classic FF, I can enjoy it for what it is, if it's good.

10 years ago

I'll admit the idea of only controlling one character (and only Lightning at that), has definitely clouded my view of this game.

I tried out the demo when it released on the JP store…but couldn't really make sense of what I supposed to be doing (for obvious reasons).

I'm not going to lie and say that I'm excited, but I'll reserve my judgement until I play the full game – whether I buy it once it gets a price-drop or used….well depend on a lot of things!

10 years ago

Well I have played this demo twice, once at Eurogamer Expo & on the Japanese PSN demo Neither times really left me feeling enthusiastic. The combat is not bad for the most part but having to pause the game to use healing items proves how limited the options are with just 1 party member.

For me what is worse is the action orientated outer battle sections, if this game is entering the action genre you have to compare it to games like Assassins Creed where you can climb up anything while in this game you have the same candy-cane poll you can slide down on even if it doesn't suit the environment.

Final Fantasy's stories never revolved around playing as a god like character… You're mostly a team of the underdogs trying to overcome the trials and peril the adventure puts you in. With this… I don't know, it's just hard to care due to how convoluted the story went in XIII-2… and this is coming for someone who really enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII, to the point in being in my top 5 this gen. But Final Fantasy and sequels don't mesh well which they have proved on numerous occasions now. It's a bargain pick up at best.

10 years ago

Actually, you're a staunch defender of XIII. So I trust what you say about your concerns. I'll probably download the demo tonight. I'm pensive as well, but I'll try to be open minded.

10 years ago

Well it's really low quality, which is sad. Like Ben said, very slapdash. The environments are PS1-PS2 era stuff. The story has managed to get even worse while further damaging its own characters. Hmmm, the battles aren't as bad as I'd thought if you think of them from the perspective of a niche gamer who typically enjoys NIS games.

I like Lightning's new boobs. I dunno what else to say?

10 years ago

Do you think the lower quality of the demo is representative of what we'll get in the game, or is it pre-finished product?

10 years ago

I think it's pretty clear that this is the way the game will be when you consider the context, that context being that they slapped this game together in about a year's time.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Yeah, well, be careful. Temjin apparently thinks all opinions to the contrary are somehow a declaration of war against him. 'rolls eyes'

10 years ago

It's an inflammatory piece of software to be sure lol. As an example just to prove I'm not mindlessly bashing, the environments are in trouble for the following reasons: big, otherwise complex structures are just textures pasted onto flat polygons. Those flat polygons that have been pasted onto are few in number. The textures pasted on said polygons are stretched and ruddy.

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
10 years ago

HA HA HA!!! What a joke.It sucked beyond all levels of measurement!!

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
10 years ago

I know I'm new here,so I thought I'd mention I've been playing Final Fantasy since 1 and every one since then. LRFFXII sucked even by XIII's low standards. There is one thing thats really pissing me about SE. Is that they have the Audacity to put Clouds, Seifer's Costumes, and others from past great FF's and call it fan service!!! HOW DARE THEY!!! Now their just spitting on FF while its down!!! Everyone knows how developers and publishers get death threats, and thats 99% completely immature and stupid,however someone or some group should go to more extreme measures for this sinning bastardization of this once great series. I think its justified this time.

10 years ago

You're in good company with the site's community; lots of FF faithful here that are saddened of late.

10 years ago

I agree fully, I cringed after playing the demo and seeing Lightning in that Cloud Attire with the fanfare music. This is not Final Fantasy VII, so none of the content of Final Fantasy VII should be in this game. The games content should be strong enough to stand alone without clinging on to the glory days.

I also never understand the phrase 'fan service' I am a huge Final Fantasy fan and I find this repulsive. It's certainly not for my benefit.

10 years ago

I dunno if you mean you don't understand it literally or not Ultima but I'll offer my interpretation. "Fan service" to me is blatant and even obtrusive pandering to the fan base. That's why it so often means partial nudity.

This is a strange case though, to put fan service about the glory days into a piece of software that every fan from the old days agrees is the lowest point in history for the franchise is an irony I could write a paper on.

10 years ago

You'll get along greatly here.

10 years ago

To be fair, many FF's make passing references to past FF's. In FFIX, for example, Zidane walks into a weapon shop. If you press X at a giant sword on the wall, he says, "I used to know a guy with spikey hair with a sword like that."

10 years ago

I've decided to look at this game with a clear head and question my bias. I still need to play the demo, so I'm guessing the movement will make the backgrounds blend in.

I thought maybe the screenshots I've been seeing might look bad because I'm looking at the first FFXIII with rose-tinted glasses. So I compared screen shots of similar environments between the 3 games.

I remember 2 got some flack for it's graphical drop, but really, it isn't THAT major of a difference, although it is definitely noticeable.

But comparing FFXIII to Lightning Returns… man. It's like they went back a whole generation. FFXIII was, at the very least, beautiful on the PS3. They were pretty stellar graphics. But Lightning Returns is like monkey poo in comparison. The backdrops really are garbage. Characters have a lot less detail, too. But the difference is truly insane. I don't anticipate many reviewers will look at this positively.

10 years ago

Yes this was very quickly patched up. As I said above it's the PS1 era style of pasting textures onto a few polygons. I play games with much less beauty all the time though. I'll still play this game because I've got to see how this train wreck ends and it could be fun in a few ways.

That said, it's clearly a decline everywhere on the technical side. I'm expecting critics to rip this thing to shreds.

10 years ago

I played Final Fantasy XIII the other day and was still stunned at the production value the graphics are still phenomenal and some of the best this generation. The 360 version always looked a bit weaker and when we got XIII-2 it looked equal to the 360 version of XIII but on the PS3. But that was jaggies and minor issues. LR:FF13 the textures of the cities and enviroments much like you said look like monkey poo, how it can go from XIII to this is appalling.

I just played through the demo and again and still not sold. The combat feels less structured, all I found myself doing was button mashing until I round out of points on that class and changed to the next one. People whine about auto battle in XIII but you can go in the options to highlight abilities first and I never used it. I genuinely don't think you can get through the whole game using it. But the focus on XIII was having the right paradigms for the right moment combine that with the stagger bar and it was just such a fun combat system, one that became a little to complex in XIII-2 – If you don't believe me try jumping back to your old save file and see if you still understand your set up 😉

Then there is the costumes… don't care for it. I enjoyed putting a Black Mages hat on a Tonberry in XIII-2 but that was the monsters, I don't care for playing dress-ups with Lightning. If anything custom costumes ruins the presence of a character. When you think of Lightning you think of her original attire in XIII-1 or her armor in XIII-2. In LR there is no iconic art direction to her attire due to the customization aspects… its just not for me.

But the main problem is this does not feel like Final Fantasy XIII-3, it feels like a cheap spin off but tries to fill the boots of a FFXIII-3 but not quite reaching it. I hope to god Final Fantasy XV does not have sequels… well it just cant after this 8 year wait…

10 years ago

Ultima, I'm sorry dude, I don't have time to dig up the article for you but Square Enix already confirmed they are very likely going to do sequels to XV.

10 years ago

Wow. pretty much all the critism I expected. Downloading it now. lets see how this goes.

10 years ago

Let us know your thoughts!

10 years ago

I just ordered the collector's edition for it =)

10 years ago

Nothin' wrong with that bro

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