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Schafer Would “Love” To Go Back To The Brutal Legend World

Were you a fan of the head-banging open-world rush that was Brutal Legend ? Yeah? We've got good news.

Well, maybe not "good" news, but it's definitely encouraging. Double Fine Productions boss Tim Schafer said that he'd love to return to the bad-ass world of Brutal Legend at some point in the future.

As he told GameSpot :

"I love that world and I would love to go back there. And I think [actor Jack Black] might be up for it, too."

Black played the game's protagonist, Eddie Riggs, a roadie turned warrior who used a guitar as his weapon. The game was loaded with fantastic humor and awesome content, especially for heavy metal aficionados. However, as always, Schafer says he'd need money to do a sequel and as the original cost about $25 million, he'd probably need even more the next time around. And as he says, raising that kind of money "might be tricky."

On a more positive note, Schafer did say there may be an upcoming DLC pack that features the character Lionwhyte. He was the leader of the Hair Metal Militia and voiced by Judas Priest lead singer Rob Halford:

"I would love to go back to that world or even just do a DLC pack…we're always trying to get Lionwhyte in there; a playable Lionwhyte army. Maybe that would happen someday. I would definitely love to do that."

That'd be a very late release for DLC, as Brutal Legend launched back in 2009. But really, who's gonna complain?

Related Game(s): Brutal Legend

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10 years ago

Brutal Legend was one of the most brilliantly realized game worlds that I've ever seen. I'd love to see more Eddie and Ophelia as long as they hold the RTS.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

That was my problem with Brutal Legend. I HATE RTS and there was too much of that.

Loved the rest.

10 years ago

That was my problem with BL too; It became too much of a RTS.

I don't mind a good RTS, not at all, but it didn't suit this game at all, plus it wasn't particularly well implemented.
This game should have been a pure action hack'n'slash game.

10 years ago

Please make a sequel! That is all I want. Brutal Legend 2 on PS4 🙂

Unlike most people, I had no problems with the RTS part of the game. Easily one of my top 5 games ever!

Why don't they Kickstart it? If they did, I'd probably end up doing the largest donation I could afford.

10 years ago

Kickstarter!!! …If they made a Kickstarter for Brutal Legend 2, I would give them my money to make it happen. I'm not sure if it's possible to reach the amount they would need, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Brutal Legend was awesome. I'd be up for another game. I think it's a real shame that Double Fine has turned their attention to downloadable titles since. Would love to see them tackle another full retail release at some point but I don't see it happening unless they get bought out.

10 years ago

wish he would, its one of the most underrated games out there!
best use of music in a game too.

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