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Activision COO Gets Big Raise, Bonus, And Lots Of Stock

Being a lead executive in a company the size of Activision equates to big dollars.

According to GameSpot , Activision Blizzard Chief Operating Officer Thomas Tippl has received a raise. SEC documents filed last week reveal that as part of a contract extension, his base salary has gone from $885,000 to $1.25 million. Said the publisher:

"Mr. Tippl has demonstrated excellence in his role as Chief Operating Officer, successfully overseeing Activision Publishing’s and Blizzard Entertainment’s operational activities, as well as the Company’s Strategic Planning, Global Sales and Supply Chain, Legal, and Human Resources departments."

He's also eligible for an annual bonus with a target amount of 150 percent of that base salary, which translates to $1.875 million. But that's not all. Tipple will also get a full payment of the remaining $2 million portion of the discretionary bonus awarded to him in March 2013 on or before January 30, 2014. Tippl will receive $6 million worth of Activision Blizzard shares on February 10, along with three separate performance-vesting share units. Each unit, valued at millions each, is contingent upon the publisher meeting or exceeding non-GAAP earnings per share objectives.

Activision can't terminate Tippl based on "performance deficiency," either, though they do retain the right to fire him for "cause." All of this sounds like a pretty sweet deal, wouldn't you say? I'm willing to bet Activision may not hit all their goals in the coming year, but that doesn't necessarily mean Tippl is going begging, now does it?

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10 years ago

Wow… nearly 2 million with benefits and possible bonus and another 6 million in stock… That one guy gets 8 times what they donate to their own CoD charity fund for veterans… much of which is paid in honorariums to the charity's board members… one of which is Tippl.


10 years ago

The new aristocrats ladies and gentlemen. Untouchable and with golden parachutes, the work they do far exceeds the importance of say… a teacher.

10 years ago

Aristocrats should at least understand the responsibilities of their status. Calling modern businessmen aristocrats is laughable.

10 years ago

This is why big publishers keep telling us game development is expensive, because people like this are getting paid way too much.

I bet he gets paid more than everyone who works on the actual games that are making the company so successful.

His job can't be worth that much, thats way more than a Doctor for crap sakes.

Imagine how much cheaper games and game making would be if a massive chunk of our money wasn't going to him. Give him 100 000 a year, and thats me being extremely generous, and then give the rest to the devs who actually deserve that money.

10 years ago

I agree it would be better to allocate that to other projects. I kind of doubt most game companies have anyone making that kind of dough, though.


10 years ago

I wish i was that successful

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago

"Meanwhile, the code monkeys who actually make the game will be rewarded with a new soda machine in the break room now containing Coke products for sale at inflated prices instead of the former assortment of Royal Crown colas."

Last edited by Norrin Radd on 1/21/2014 3:21:04 PM

10 years ago

Aw corporate America. Pay the guy at the top an insane amount of money and when the company doesn't profit, lay off the people who make the least amount of money and keep the guy in charge no matter how bad the business is doing.

Seems logical right?

10 years ago

meanwhile the people who bust their a$$ and do the REAL work are getting pittens.
as the saying goes, the more you do, the less its noticed.

10 years ago


10 years ago

yes dear

10 years ago

yay learning! Thumbs up for you!

Last edited by Underdog15 on 1/23/2014 9:54:15 AM

10 years ago

Lol this is y call of duty games almost never go below $60 unless an individual store has a sale activision has 2 pay that dude lmfao

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