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PlayStation Now Powered By Custom PS3s

The recently announced PlayStation Now streaming service is coming to the PS3, PS4 and other devices. But did you know the PS3 is technically already part of the service…?

According to a Eurogamer/Digital Foundry report , Sony built custom PlayStation 3 hardware to power Now. It boasts "custom console units" built into a single rack server, so essentially, Now's servers are PS3s. As Richard Leadbetter writes:

"Gaikai was primarily a software team, but once it was bought up by Sony it was suddenly faced with a problem that could only be tackled by bespoke hardware. In creating new PS3 servers for the PlayStation Now, the team worked closely with their new colleagues in engineering, creating a new PS3 adapted to the cloud streaming challenge."

Obviously, most won't see this custom-made PS3 system and we don't have any images. Still, it's cool to know that when we utilize PlayStation Now in the future, we're actually interacting with specially crafted PS3 units. If you don't remember, Now should enter a beta period at the end of this month, and then Sony will begin the rollout this summer. The streaming service will let you rent most any game at any time, and play it on any supporting device. Are you interested in giving it a try?

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10 years ago

Not surprising since there was all that talk of banking them together to make supercomputers.

On an unrelated note, I used Vita to play Shadow Fall on remote play and was astonished to see how well it worked.

10 years ago

I know, it's amazing! I some times don't feel like being down stairs. I played AC4 for 4 hours the other night on my Vita upstairs and it was awesome. Not one hiccup or problem and the graphics are still amazing. I use remote play all the time!

10 years ago

That's another reason I hope PSNow isn't the only way to get PS1 games onto PS4. Since the Vita memory cards are so small it'd be cool to remote play them off PS4 too.

10 years ago

yah man, I enjoyed Ico doing the remote play thing (SotC also supports it). It's a slick feature I very much look forward to when I get a PS4.

EDIT: and if you have the PS+ versions of Ico and SotC you can be extra lazy and just boot your PS3 from the Vita and load the games without even busting out a game disc.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/17/2014 3:09:32 PM

10 years ago

Those two do support remote play huh? I wish more PS3 games did.

10 years ago

Man you guys are really making me want to try out remote play, still haven't used it. Sounds perfect for those times I am feeling to lazy to sit up and stare at my TV I just really hope my wifi can handle it.

10 years ago

Makes sense if they are going to stream PS3 games to PS4.

I will try this service, i hope it evolves to be Netflix for games.

10 years ago

Which anime is that Blink?

10 years ago

This is very smart of Sony. They must be using this PS3 hardware because they are streaming PS3 games to the all Sony devices. I am still waiting for my beta invite! I am so looking forward to this service. My only caveat is the speed at which Sony will release games on the service and choice of games that will be available. If you ask me Nintendo has dropped the ball with the WiiU Virtual Console. They are dribbling games out. I hope Sony does a better job of getting games on this awesome service.

I want to stream the following games at some point during PSNow's first year:

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning
Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
Ni No Kuni
Bioshock Infinite

To name just a few. Of course all of Sony's exclusives as well. That goes without saying I guess.

10 years ago

Wonderful how Sony has such confidence in the PS3 and letting it power NOW….just wait til you have a bank of hardware flashing a yellow light and millions of pissed of subscribers.

…okay, given I just lost another PS3 to YLOD I'm entitled to be a bit snarky…

Actually, it's kind of a cool thought that they could utilize the PS3 in this manner, not the first time I've heard PS3s being used as a power house…I think our military did something similar for a project.

10 years ago

I've never had a single Sony device fail on me in the 20+ years I've been using them.

Sorry to hear you've had such bad luck with your PS3s.

10 years ago

Would love to see these come to retail for personal household disc-based streaming. It would be a day one purchase for me. It will never happen but we can always dream.

10 years ago

My number one Q is whether we can play a PS2 online game (like Madden, for instance) on our PS4 and then stream it. It'd basically be like being able to stream the entire PS1/PS2/PS3 library with PS2 and PS3 games being online also. That would be cool.

10 years ago

I was wondering about this. I watched a streaming video from CES where a guy was using the PS Now service. From a cold TLoU game boot he waited only a mere few seconds for what is normally a ridiculously long game loading time. Something TLoU makes you sit through every time you start it. But on PS Now it was far far faster.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/17/2014 3:03:42 PM

10 years ago

Hmm so is the original PS3 with PS2 compatibility?
The only way this will work is if they get the hard to find games from back from the PS1 PS2 days. I think this will work well with old games not much bandwidth will be needed for them. Could even cache some of the game on the PS4 like they are doing with PSN games on PS4

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Considering the bespoke nature of the PS3's architecture this was kinda necessary, wasn't it? I mean, it's not like there are any emulators out there that can pull off playing PS3 games, unless I missed something. Unless I know nothing, this was bound to happen, yes?

10 years ago

games id like to see
Monster rancher 1 2 3 4
Wild arms 1 2 5
Suikoden 1 2 3 5
Star ocean til the end of time
Tales of the abyss
.hack series
shadow hearts 1 and 2
shin megami tensei series
and deception 3

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

I like your taste, especially Wild Arms 1 and SO:TTEOT

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